Chapter 81: Calling the Police (2)

The matter of dealing with Xi Yun’s other relatives was put on hold for now. Finding evidence was the current priority. Su Tian looked at the injuries on Xi Yun’s body, asking: “We’re in the capital right now, about to go to the police station. If the police here find enough evidence, will it still work in Luo City?”

According to regulations, Xi Yun’s affairs should be managed by Luo City’s law enforcement.

Officer Liu: “Of course that’s alright. You try to get as much evidence as possible. Ah wait, never mind. I have a friend in the capital, I’ll call and tell him, he can take care of it. Just as well, I’m planning to go to the capital in a few days. When I go, I’ll bring back the evidence.”

Su Tian thanked Officer Liu.

Officer Liu: “Ai, what’s there to thank me for? I still need to thank you. Why do you think I’m going to the capital? Do you remember the conman you caught?”

Of course Su Tian remembered.

Officer Liu: “Didn’t I let him go? Listening to your advice, I really found and caught a criminal gang that prints and sells counterfeit money. They’ve already been reported to the city government and it’s about to come out in the newspapers. I’m getting a reward. I, your Uncle Liu, is about to be promoted.”

Officer Liu’s voice was full of enthusiasm.

Su Tian quickly congratulated him.

The two people talked a while about business. It was only when Su Tian told him that they had reached the police station that he finally hung up.

Everyone got out of the car at the entrance to the police station. Just then, they happened to encounter two people in uniform coming from inside, surrounded by the crowd. The first one was about thirty years old, handsome, righteous, and awe-inspiring.

Su Tian glanced at the badge on his shoulder. The officer position wasn’t low. He had two stars. A second-level police commissioner, deputy official.

Such a young police commissioner. Back in the Su family, Su Tian had only heard of one person like that, but she didn’t know if it was the same one.

When the police commissioner passed by Su Tian’s group, they paused. The people next to them quickly asked: “Official Ji?”

Su Tian’s raised an eyebrow. Surnamed Ji, seems like it was the person she guessed.

Ji Shaoheng’s eyes fell onto Xi Yun, before looking at Su Tian, who was holding his hand, and asked, “Why did you come to the police station?”

Su Tian: “To report a case.”

Ji Shaoheng frowned, his forehead wrinkling, “Domestic violence?”

Su Tian nodded.

Ji Shaoheng turned back to the people by his side: “Take care of it.”

The people next to him quickly nodded: “Right, right, right. Don’t worry Official Ji, we’ll take care of it very quickly.”

Xi Yun was a little nervous under Ji Shaoheng’s eyes. He raised his head and whispered to Su Tian: “Jie Jie, how did the police uncle know that we came to report domestic violence?”

Su Tian whispered back: “Because of his police intuition.”

Xi Yun: “Oh…”

At this time, a black car pulled up in front of Ji Shaoheng. The secretary next to him immediately went to open the rear door and Ji Shaoheng lowered his head and got into the car.

He had just left when Su Tian’s group was enthusiastically welcomed into the police station. They didn’t even need the help of Officer Liu’s friend. They reported the case and smoothly obtained the certificate.

The police also guaranteed that when the time came, they would contact the public prosecution and law department of Luo City and ensure that Xi Zhiqiang was dealt with strictly.

In the car, Ji Shaoheng was reading a file when his secretary asked curiously: “Official, how did you know they were coming to report domestic violence?”

Although the little boy had a bruise on his forehead, boys of that age were notoriously naughty. It was pretty normal for them to have a few injuries. Moreover, the group of people he was with didn’t look like they would commit domestic violence.

Was it actually like what the pretty girl had said, just police intuition?

Ji Shaoheng raised the corner of his mouth, pretending to be profound: “My police intuition not only told me that they came to report domestic violence, it also told me the name of that girl.”

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