Chapter 59: The Storm (1)

Su Tian’s voice was very special. It was a bit silvery, and with her well-paced and gentle way of speaking, it made people feel that she was a good and well-educated girl.

Unfortunately, Lin Xiuping didn’t think this way at all.

This woman with delicate makeup glanced over Su Tian, eyes sweeping across Su Tian’s face, eyes full of loathing. Looking like this, it was no wonder that she dared to seduce her son and take advantage of him.

She was even more uneasy when she saw Su Tian facing her so calmly. Su Tian was completely different than the last little bitch that tried to seduce her son. The fact that she didn’t have any uneasiness meeting her boyfriend’s parents made Lin Xiuping even more unhappy.

Lin Xiuping had always felt, as a cultured person from a large city, that she was on a completely different level from these small town folks. She didn’t put any of them in her eyes. In fact, she really did seem better than those around her in terms of fashion and mannerisms.

But today, when Su Tian just sat there and smiled at her, it gave her the illusion that she was below Su Tian.

That’s right, she thought it was just an illusion. Su Tian just relied on being young to be pretty.

Her mental state immediately became unstable.

Lin Xiuping lost her pretense. Raising her chin slightly, her voice became more nasal and she scolded: “When adults are speaking, how could you interrupt? How did your family raise you?”

Su Tian shot an apologetic look at Liu Kaiyan before retorting: “Sorry, Auntie, did you come today to meet me just to ask about how I was raised?”

Su Tian’s calm words gently deflected Lin Xiuping’s verbal attack.

This kind of disregard was much more effective than fighting her tit-for-tat, and really let the students watching see who was better educated.

Lin Xiuping’s eyebrows were furrowed together and her deliberately lofty posture was on the verge of collapse. Moreover, the students all around began to snicker. Although it wasn’t deliberate, some of their voices carried to her ears:

“I really can’t tell who’s the uneducated one.”

“True. She thought she was the superior one but next to Su Tian, she just looks like a shrew.”

The voices were followed by snickers.

Lin Xiuping was most proud of her origins, which made her completely different from all these small town people. The discussion of the students around her was just like water being thrown at her face.

But in the end, she was someone that had seen the wind and waves, and quickly calmed down. She pretended like her enemy was just a little bitch.

Lin Xiuping smiled, rationalizing her presence: “Of course not. You’re Su Tian, right? Let’s talk about your relationship with Kaiyan, okay?”

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Ever since Lin Xiuping had appeared, Lin Kaiyan had stood stiffly in front of Su Tian, his back towards her. As he blocked her, his hands were hanging by his side, fists clenched, and he was slightly trembling.

He didn’t dare to look at Su Tian, for fear of seeing even the slightest resentment in her eyes from all the shame he was bringing her.

If he hadn’t gotten close to her, if he wasn’t so greedy to be around her, if he had controlled himself, keeping his distance…

Then today’s matters, none of it would’ve happened.

He even thought to himself that this was a good chance for her to see who he really was. He was just a weed growing in dirty water. Even if he bloomed occasionally and his leaves were green, he still stunk of sewer water from head to toe.

He had already been abnormal for a long time.

From a long, long time ago, he was ready to use his whole life to take revenge on the two people who had given birth to him.

Such a disgusting self. It was better for Su Tian to see it clearly early on, so that she would stay far, far away, and never come closer.

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