The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 391 - A Change In The Mission

Alfonso was about to ask something Drakini but he felt something outside.

"What…is… this…" Said Alfonso.

Drakini and Cerberus both felt their skin shiver.

"So much bloodlust… how many thousands of lives do you need to kill to have this kind of aura…" Said Cerberus.

"Alfonso!" Shouted Cerberus.

Alfonso, who had never felt something like this, was still trembling, however, he managed to stand up.

The trio ran towards the entrance.


"Damn, we were a bit too late" Said Cerberus while looking at the figure in front.

Its was a woman, because it had breast and the silhouette of a woman, but, there were some strange… things on her.

For example, she had two ears that were long enough to hit the ground. 

She had three long tails.

And finally, her eyes, or to be more specific, her iris… what's not one colored.

She had 7 colored in her iris, making it look like she had a rainboish like iris in both eyes.

"Wha..." Alfonso was stunned

The woman smiled at Alfonso.

"So, you are the prey this time, a shame, really a shame~" Said the woman.

"What do you mean?" Asked Alfonso.

"I like pretty girls, It's pain my heart to kill such a cute girl~" Said the woman.



Drakini and Cerberus tapped their mouth to not laugh.

"You are doing it on purpose right?" Said Alfonso.

"Sorry, a bad habit, anyway little boy, would you be a good boy and let me kill you?" Said the woman.

She smiled at Alfonso and her rainbowish color eyes brighted in the darkness.

"Or is going to be the bad way"

Alfonso laughed.

"I am not planning to die anytime soon" Said Alfonso.

"Good, it wont be fun otherwise" Said the woman.

The woman took out two swords from her back.

"ALFONSO CARE!" Shouted Cerberus.

Alfonso's eye activated and he bend just in time when the sword of the woman passed leaving a trace of blood on its way.

"What!?" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso felt something hot on his cheek.

"How?" Though Alfonso while touching the clean cut on his cheek.

Alfonso looked and the woman was once more in front of him.

"Maybe this answer your questions" Said the woman.

From her back, two black wings extended!

"Two black wings!? What is a demon of the upper circles doing here?" Though Alfonso.

"Alfonso! Run! We will stop her!" Shouted Cerberus.



Alfonso looked at the kids, he hesitated for some seconds before deciding.

"Don't die" 

He activated [oversoul] and ran at full speed.

Cerberus and Drakini looked at the woman with long ears.

"I am sorry, but I don't like pets" Said the woman.

Drakini and Cerberus looked nervously at the woman.


"Damn! Damn it! If only I could use my power of time!" Though Alfonso.

It's been almost five minutes since Alfonso left at full speed.

He was fast, however, his heartfelt heavy.

"If something happens to them…" 

"No, I have to go back!" Said Alfonso.

"That won't be necessary"

Alfonso heard a voice calling from behind.

He turned around and saw the woman.

"There you go"

She threw Cerberus and Drakini who had gone back to their animal forms.

Alfonso grabbed both and saw that they weren't badly injured.

"I put them to sleep" Said the woman.

"I don't like pets, however, I don't kill kids" She added.

Alfonso sighed in relief.

However, before he could felt too relaxed, he felt something grabbing his neck.


The woman had, in an instant, grabbed Alfonso's neck and lifted him, like he was a chicken.

"However, I can kill everything else without blinking" Said the woman.

"Goodbye kid"

The woman put strength on her hand and Alfonso's sigh become blurry.

"It… wont… end like this…" Muttered Alfonso.


Alfonso heard something on his head.

[Due to extreme circumstances, the system had allowed the host to use the power of time as the mission given has changed]

[New mission!

Escape from the underworld 2.0!

The restriction of the power of time shall vanish! However, the time limit has been shortened

Time before failing the mission:  4 hours!

Description: find the artifact of time, the pendulum of time, before the time limit, or you will be stuck in hell forever!

Hint: Due to miscalculation of the system, host will be given a new item to afford the mission!]

Alfonso heard the words of the system and he couldn't help but feel confused.

"Since when did the system become so generous?" Though Alfonso.

"However, that doesn't matter now!" Though Alfonso.

Alfonso felt a current of power coming from the inside.


The woman looked at her hand and feel something wrong.


She let go of Alfonso and quickly backed up.

She looked at her hand and saw something… strange.

Her hand looked… older?

Looking closely, she saw that red gas was leaving her body and going to Alfonso's!

"What did you do?" Asked the woman.

"I see… so that's the… [concept] of the pendulum…" Said Alfonso.

The woman didn't hesitate and went for the kill.

She took out her blade and moved towards Alfonso at full speed.

However, just as she was about a few centimeters away from Alfonso…


She backed up and looked at her other hand.

Once more, her hand had aged!

"What…" Said the woman.

"No wonder the red gas was so beneficial to you, demons, it turns out that this particular concept is so close to the very definition of death" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso absorbed the red gas like a starving person craving for food.


Alfonso's voice distorted while his eyes shined with an intense green.

"More… give me more…"

He walked towards the woman.

"Fuck off…" Said the woman.

She soared to the skies trying to put some distance between her and Alfonso…

Or at least, she tried to…

"What!?" Shouted the woman.

She saw that her wings were covered with a green layer, stopping her in place.

She turned towards Alfonso.

To her surprise, he now was just in front of her!

"More…" The voice of Alfonso was overlapping with another voice.

A child's voice.

"What are you!?" Asked the woman.

Alfonso's hair grew longer while the green on his eyes become deeper.

Then, Alfonso opened his mouth and…


The woman felt an intense pain coming from her shoulder!

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