The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 385 - Fifty-one Hunters

A couple of days passed and Alfonso was sleeping on the ground.

He felt a sounded noise coming from outside.

"Yo, prey! It's time!" A man's voice came from the door.

"I see" Said Alfonso.

He grabbed his cane and walked towards the door.

The guard looked at Alfonso and grabbed him by the arm.

"You are lucky that Carmine is still in the zone, if not…" 

Alfonso looked at the guard and smiled.

"I am lucky indeed" He said.


The guard walked with Alfonso for a few kilometers until they were in front of a huge metal door.

The guard kneeled, he grabbed Alfonso's head and force him to kneel as well.

Alfonso looked up, and, at the top of the ceiling, there was a figure with two black wings looking at him.

"So he is the monarch" 

"A demon indeed" Thought Alfonso.

The monarch looked at Alfonso and descended until he was in front of Alfonso and the guard.

"Go" Said the monarch.

"Yes, my lord" Said the guard with fear.

And, without standing he rolled out of the place.

The monarch looked at Alfonso, and without moving a single finger, Alfonso floated towards him until they were looking at each other at sight level.

"Should I call you your highness?" Asked Alfonso.

"You? You don't even have the right to do that" Said the monarch.

"You humans are the peak of arrogance, thinking that the world spins around you, until they come here, were they finally see the true face of fear" 

"Should I assume that fear is you?" Asked Alfonso.

"You doubt it?" Asked the monarch.

"No, it just that it surprises me a lot" 


Alfonso smiled.

"That you call yourself the face of fear when you are just a monarch of the lower circles" 

"I wonder, who is more arrogant, me… or you" 

The monarch didn't flinch.

He grabbed the neck of Alfonso.

"How easy would it be… just a minimum amount of strange and I can crush your small neck"

"Believe me, I am used to be treated, so, can you spare me the long conversation and just tell me, what do you want from me?" Asked Alfonso.


After a few seconds, the monarch tossed Alfonso.

"I wanted to show some mercy, however… I changed my mind" 

The monarch turned and disappeared in the air.

"Let the hunt begin" His voice resounded in all the place.

Alfonso looked at the door and heard thousands of footsteps behind it.

"I gotta go" Thought Alfonso.

He turned around and walked towards the jungle behind him.


Behind the door, the demons from the audience were sitting on a luxury room looking at a big screen.

The butler, who was standing in the middle of the room, looked at the screen with a smile.

"Everyone already chose their hunter and make their bets!" Shouted the butler.

Everyone lifted their cups with vine and cheered to the butler.

"We have today fifty hunters! And we are honored to say that they are the best of the best among the demons in the lower circles!"


The public cheered.

"Remember everyone, although all of you want the huge prize! We can't forget the most important thing!"


"And that is~?"


Everyone cheered and the butler turned to the screen.

"Everyone, to make things more interesting, we will give the prey twenty minutes to hide himself"

"What's the point!? Anyway, he is dead!"

"Yeah! Hurry up!"

"We don't have your time!"

The audience wasn't too pleased with the decision of the butler.

"My dear audience, if it was for me, I would comply with you, however, this was an order of the monarch himself" Said the butler.

Everyone wanted to say something, however, hearing that the monarch himself was giving the orders…

What else could they say…

"You still have time to make your bets! For now, we will introduce the hunters!"

The screen changed to blue and the image of fifty demons of all races appeared.

"We have each represent and information of all hunters who are participating in the hunting game, please select who you think it will come back with the head of the human!"

Behind the face of each hunter, the stats of the hunter in question appeared.

Dante, who was sitting at a round table, looked at the screen with a bitter smile.

"I can't believe that they left Cerberus and Drakini participated" Said Dante.

"The monarch made it for entertainment nya, he doesn't put them in his eyes nya" Said Lei, who was standing behind him.

"Yeah… however, Lei, do you have to stand there?" Asked Dante.

"It's the order of the monarch nya" Said Lei.

"Haaa… that monarch is surely a tyrant" Said Dante.

"It is nya" Said Lei with a sigh.

"Nevertheless, all monarchs are like that" Said Dante.

"Dante, your friend is as good as dead, you understand that nya?" Said Lei.

"I wouldn't be so sure" Said Dante.

"What? Do you think those little ones will be able to save him nya? You are not that naïve are you?" Asked Lei.

"Them? Although they aren't common creatures, they are still children after all" Said Dante.

"Oh? They aren't demons nya?" Asked Lei.

"Not exactly, however, the little guy has some connections with the underworld" Said Dante.

"Now I am curious nya, who is this guy related to?" Asked Lei.

"Well, If I had to make a guess, I will say that this little fellow came for… her" Said Dante.

"Her? Who nya?" Asked Lei.

"You know… her" Said Dante.

"You… you don't mean… oh my demon… really nya?" 

"Yeah, I am one hundred percent sure…" 

"I can't believe it… she? But… but… if that child knows her and something happens to him… then…" 

"Yeah… I don't think that even the monarch of the sixth circle will be able to survive for long" Said Dante.

"However, I don't think that… her will interfere in something so trivial… right?" 

"I don't think… well, I pray that she won't interfere" Said Dante with a bitter smile.

"Anyway, talking about scary girls, where is that girl that was with Alfonso… Carmine?" Asked Dante.

"Now that is a good question nya, she was supposed to be here…" Said Lei.


"Huh? What do you by that?" Asked the butler.

"My lord, is I say, it seems that fifty-one hunters entered the hunting ground" Said the guard.

"Strange, did we miss someone?" Though the butler.

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