Alfonso looked at the description of the system.


Description: This gun it's broken, however, it can be repaired by the hands of a good blacksmith

Hint: This object is a clue to the answers you are looking for, the question is… what is a gun doing in the fifth circle of hell?]

"…" Alfonso thought deeply when he read the hint of the system.

"It is possible that someone with the same conditions as I… came here?" Though Alfonso.

"Another person from earth…" Though Alfonso.


[Dear host! It's so rare for you to ask for me, your system is very happy!]

"Cut the crap, I want to ask you… Am I the only host of the system?" Asked Alfonso.

[You are my only host, yes] 

"Are you capable of lying?"

[Of course not]


Alfonso has been suspicious of this voice in his head since he first came here, in fact, he was very sure that, whoever put his soul in Alfonso's body, was the same person that put the system in him, if not it's the system itself.

"However, for what purpose? Why me in the first place? Was it random?"

"Too many questions to ask and nobody to answer them" Lamented Alfonso.

"Hey, Alfonso" 

Alfonso, who was in deep thought, suddenly turned and saw that everyone was looking at him.

"What is it?" Asked Alfonso.

"No… you suddenly fell silent and didn't even blink so…" Said Cerberus.

"Haha, sorry, I was in deep though" Said Alfonso.

"S-S-Sir, what is that thing?" Asked Drakini.

"This? This is weapon" Said Alfonso.

"Ho? It's powerful?" Asked Deko.

"Yes and no, it depends on who you are using on it, however, this thing is broken" Said Alfonso.

"You asked me for it, I don't accept refunds" Said Deko.

"No, it's still a valuable treasure" Said Alfonso while putting the gun away.

Like this, the auction continued.

Indeed, there were good articles on display, and even some barrels with the red gas were sold, however, the majority of the artifacts had death soul properties, which weren't useful for Alfonso, so he didn't buy anything else.

"Finally! Ladies and Gentlemen! We are about to display the last article!" Shouted the butler.

"It's finally here" Said Deko.

"What is the final article?" Asked Alfonso.

"Hehe, it's what are you looking for" Said Deko with a smile.

"?" Alfonso was confused.

"Just wait and see" Said Deko.

"Our final artifact is not actually an artifact!" Said the butler.

"The hell?"

"What is he talking about?"

The crowd was confused.

The butler smiled.

"Actually, the final artifact is a… service" Said the butler.

"A service?" Alfonso was confused as well.

The butler extended his hand and a chain appeared on his palm.

A chain appeared in the neck of Carmine as well.

"The service we are offering is a protection service!"

"And the one who will be giving the protection will be this lady here!" Said the butler.

"Is this some kind of joke!?"

"Who the hell is that woman anyway!?"

"Stop the bullshit!"

The crowd complained.

The butler waited for some seconds until the crowd finally stopped the complaints.

"I know that everyone is confused, this lady here has an unusual identity"

"First of all, you have to know that this lady comes from the fifth circle!" Said the butler.


"The fifth circle!"


"Why would a lord of the fifth circle come here!?"

The butler was expecting this reaction.

"I know that is hard to believe, however, this woman is indeed from the fifth circle, the monarch can testify the veracity of this" Said the butler.

"It… is this true?" Asked someone from the audience.

"100% sure" Said the butler.

"A protection from someone of the fifth circle…"

"It would make me invincible in the lower circles!"

"I won't be afraid even if I offend a monarch!" Almost all the presents though this.

"The protection service is only a one-time protection, any time, whatever you need, you can come to us and this woman will be your protector" Said the butler.

"Unbelievable" Said one in the crowd.

"Now everyone, all of you might be wondering what is the price for this!" Said the butler.

"It isn't something that money can buy… is like having a second life!" Everyone though.

"As all of you might have guessed, this kind of service can't be bought by money"

"However… let me tell you something, everyone, the price of this service is actually pretty low!" Said the butler.

"What is it!" Shouted someone from the audience.

The butler's mile became wider.

He looked in the direction of Alfonso.

"I have a bad feeling" Thought Alfonso.

"As many of you know, there is a human here" Said the butler.

"Why don't you stand up so everyone can look at you" He added.

A light fell on Alfonso, making everyone turn to him.

Alfonso looked at the butler, and, stood up.

"What is the meaning of this?" Asked Alfonso.

"The name of this little human here is Alfonso Lockheart, he came here looking for… something in the third circle" Said the butler with a mocking smile.

"HAHAHA! A human in the third circle!"

"This human sure is arrogant!"

"Humans! Doesn't knowing how puny and tiny they are!"

 The butler walked towards Alfonso with Carmine behind him.

"Indeed, this human is arrogant" 

"Not knowing the limits on his own capabilities, human indeed!" 

The demons mocked at Alfonso.

"The monarch as well consider this behavior a huge mock to him and to us, demons!"

The butler walked and stood in from of Alfonso.

"So, we will do a small game"

He signaled at Alfonso.

"Whoever might be"

"That kills this man and present his head to the lord"

"Will be gaining the service of Carmine" Said the butler.

""WOOOOOW!"" The crowd exploded.

"You…" Said Alfonso with fury.

The butler smiled wider.

He walked towards Alfonso and whispered in Alfonso's ear.

"I will bath in your blood"

"Punny human" Said the butler.

The butler opened his arms and shouted.


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