Edo Pentagate, he was a man who knew no fear since he was a child, growing as a normal human, he had to battle hundreds of battles to be able to fight for the title of patriarch of the Pentagate family as a no will and no soul power user. Having passed more than fifty years since he began the path of the blade, the number of times that he has been ambushed is uncountable.

But… the number of times that his enemies were able to touch his back… were zero

Until today…

"E.D.O~ Let's play a game" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

Edo's heart was beating like never before while he felt his flesh being penetrated by the fingers of Alfonso.

He had countless of questions on his mind, however, facing the smiling face of Alfonso, he only managed to ask one thing.


Alfonso/Chrono looked at the terrified face of the elder who everyone in Leitol feared and couldn't help but laugh.

"Now, that is a boring question, come on~, try to ask something more interesting!" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

Alfonso/Chrono suddenly touched the bone.

Edo felt his heart on his mouth and he didn't dare to talk.

"I am obviously stronger than him, how did he get so close!?" Edo couldn't stop thinking about this notion.

True to be told, Alfonso was in really bad shape, it was thanks to [Nostradamus's record] that he somehow managed to survive the sneak attack of Edo and maintain his life., but he knew that now wasn't the time to sit and recover, he had things to do, so he didn't have any choice but to call for Chronos's help.

"Tsk, tsk, you are so boring~" Said Alfonso/Chrono.


"Ah!" Edo felt a stingy feeling and he quickly disappears from Alfonso's side.

However, when he tried to stand up, he realized that something was wrong!

"You… what did you do to me!?" Shouted Edo.

Alfonso/Chrono smiled and showed the little white powder that he had in his hand.

"Nothing much, I just fractured one of your bones, haha, good luck trying to stand like you usually do" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

"You!" Said Edo.

"Alfonso, stood this nonsense" A majestic voice resounded in the venue.

Alfonso/Chrono looked at the direction of the voice and made a sarcastic smile.

"Well, well ,well , who do we have here~ it's your highness, the temporal emperor of Leitol, my dearest brother, Fernando Loockheart" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

Alfonso made a bow in respect to Fernando; however, he couldn't help but laugh while he was bowing.

"Alfonso, you dare to make fun of the royal family!?" Said Fernando.

 "No, no, dearest brother, you are mistaken, you must oh! forgive this foolish one for not given enough face to the ro- pffft… hahahahahaha, sorry, sorry I can't, I can't, hahahahaha" Said Alfonso/Chrono while grabbing his stomach.

Fernando's clenched his fist so hard that he started to bleed.


Fernando rushed to Alfonso/Chrono who stood there like he didn't see him coming.

"[Heanven's path]" Said Fernando.

His whole body became gold while his speed increased several times.

"As expected of my dearest brother, you are indeed formidable, however…" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

Alfonso's eyes become green while his white hair returned.

"Not enough" A mocking voice entered Fernando's ears.

He suddenly felt that his fist couldn't move, when he looked up, he saw the unbelievable.


Not just his fist, his whole body was suspended in the air!

Alfonso/Chrono smiled while blood began to flood from his eyes and mouth. However, he didn't see to notice it as he looked at Fernando.

"Alfonso is indeed a nerd, he studied so much the power of time that he barely managed to grasp the true essence of [stagnation], but he forgot that his own body doesn't qualify to support all the pressure of the concept of stagnation" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

��Dearest brother on mine!" Shouted Alfonso while looking at the stunned Fernando.

"As you can see, I can't move when I used this power and I only have around 10 seconds until I can't sustain it, so, you will have a chance to kill me there! Don't say that I play unfair, I am really giving you a huge advantage!" Said Alfonso/Chrono with a sarcastic smile.

Just like Alfonso/Chrono said, Fernando felt that the power that was holding him up was becoming weaker.


With a surge of his power, he finally let go of the power of Alfonso.

"Alfonso… you dare…." Said Fernando.

"Haha, that's it, let's have more fun, DEARLY BROTHER!" Shouted Alfonso.

"Brothers, stop this"

Alfonso/Chrono and Fernando turned and saw Susana, who was walking towards then.

"Susana stay out of this" Said Fernando.

"That's right little girl~ go play with your toys while I have some fun" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

Susana sighed at the sight of these brothers of her.

Her eyes turned purple and she lifted her hand.

"[Zero Zone]"

A shockwave passed through all the coliseum and everyone felt it.

"What was that?" Though Everyone.

Edo, who was still trying to walk, suddenly felt a warm sensation on his back. He touched the part that Alfonso/Chrono had fractured.

"It's… its healed!?" Though Edo.

But it was not only him, everyone else was recuperating from their injuries.

Even Alfonso/Chrono was surprising by this.

The injury on his back healed while he felt that his previous injuries also began to heal.

"What the…" He murmured.

But there was more.

"Hmm?" Alfonso/Chrono tried to use his powers once more but he discovered that....

"I can't use my powers? Isn't that interesting~?" Though Alfonso.

"In my [Zero zone] Nobody can use will nor soul powers" Susana. Knowing what Alfonso was thinking, answered.

"Little girl~ you are more interested than your brother" Said Alfonso/Chrono.

"Brother, let's stop this, in the first place the reason that we came here was to stop a possible war" Said Susana.

"Stop war?"

"Why?" Asked Alfonso/Chrono.

"What do you mean why?" Asked Susana.

"Because war is fun!" Said Alfonso/Chrono with a smile.

"…" Susana and Fernando were speechless.

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