Alfonso looked at the man and knew what was coming.

The other guard also looked at the carriage and saw Alfonso, his face also distorted and pointed his lance to Alfonso.

"Your hands are tainted with the sons of this city… Alfonso Lockheart, how dare you show yourself here" Said the guard.

Alfonso only looked at him. However, he didn't know what to say either.

Alfonso's previous owner, Alfonso Lockheart, had committed a grave sin, he sent more than 1000 men to his death, for this sin, he paid with his title and his honor.

However, what about the families of those who died?

Who will make justice for the families that lost everything?

And the worse part was… the only responsible for their lost…. Is living an as if nothing had happened.

"My brother only had eighteen… he was the only warrior in our family… he also had a wife… he had a long life… he was a good son, a good brother, and a good husband… and he died in vain" Said the guard with tears in his eyes.

Alfonso looked at the man with sorrow.

He didn't know the brother that this man was talking about…

He didn't meet him, in fact, he didn't remember the names of those who died for him…

However, the previous Alfonso and he were one now.

He vowed a lot of time ago that he will bear with all the grieves and responsibilities that the previous Alfonso couldn't.

"I took your body, however, my memories and your memories become one since the first day, I am not Alfonso Lockheart, the fifth prince of Leitol…

However, I am neither Alfonso, the Historian on earth"

"I am the best of both worlds…" Though Alfonso.

This is why Alfonso won't escape from his responsibilities and mistakes.

"I know that I can't apologies enough for your lost" Said Alfonso to the guard.

"I am probably not going to the same as your brother when I died"

"However, the only that I can do right is apologies…" Said Alfonso.

"You think that a simple apology will be enough!?" Said the guard.

"No, I don't... maybe only my death will easy your souls…" Said Alfonso with a bitter smile.

"But… I can't die… not now… I still have people that depend on me… people whose lives and mine are one… that's why…"

Alfonso kneeled in front of the guards and say with a sincere voice.

"Please give me more time…"

The guard was surprised by Alfonso's action, however, not only him but also the driver from the Veritia family and Alfonso's group.

Everyone could see that Alfonso mean every word that he said.

The guard only looked at Alfonso before turning to the other side.

Alfonso kneeled for some seconds before standing up.

He made a gesture to the driver who passed the entrance without anyone else stopping him. Alfonso entered the carriage, however, before, he completely entered, he asked without turning.

"Can I ask you the name of your brother?"

The guard also didn't turn.

"Ask the king of hell himself when you go there" Said the man.

After that, he returned to his previous position.

Alfonso didn't say anything else and entered the carriage.

Nobody talked after that, however, for security safe, Alfonso didn't go out of the carriage and wanted to sleep in the wagon.

However, the word expanded fast and, by the end of that day, everyone knew that Alfonso Lockheart was in Sky City…

The guard also spread the word, but he also recorded how Alfonso kneeled in from of him…

The first day passed without much incident…

Alfonso was sleeping soundly when he felt someone climbing into the carriage.

"Clara? No, it is still too dark for anyone to be awake" Though Alfonso.

Something curious about Alfonso is that he could sleep soundly in places that he knew he was safe, however, when he was alone, he didn't have a deep sleep, he, more or less, half slept half awake.


"This sound… the sound of a blade!" Though Alfonso.

He immediately rolled to one side,.


The floor of the carriage was immediately sliced.

Alfonso activated his will power and, immediately, his sight returned, in Alfonso's green world, he saw a black shadow at his right.

Alfonso used [Nostradamus's record] and calculated where the next attack would be.

The shadow jumped and aimed at his next once more, however, Alfonso was faster.

He put will power on his leg and evaded it.

Without wasting a second, Alfonso extended his arm and grabbed the neck of his attacker.

"Kuuu!" He heard a small sound coming from the shadow, which wasn't a shadow, just a small person in a black cloth.

The clothed person let go of the blade while he struggled to free himself from Alfonso's grasp.

Alfonso took out the cloth from the person and his eyes widened.

He saw a kid, with his eyes closed.

"A kid?" Murmured Alfonso.

"Let me go! Let me go! You murderer!" Shouted the kid.

Alfonso immediately understood the situation and let go of the kid, go quickly grabbed the sword and pointed it to Alfonso once more.

"Alfonso Lockheart! Today, you will pay for the death of my parents!" Shouted the kid.

Alfonso looked at the kid who looked not more than thirteen years old and felt a slight pain on his chest.

"Did your father… was also part of my ex legion?" Asked Alfonso.

"YES! My father the greatest warrior! He was invincible! However, you made him… you made him…!" Said the kid with tears in his eyes.

Alfonso put down the kid and looked at him.

"After that… after that… mother, try raised me alone… however, the money stopped from coming since I don't have a brother… my mother refused to marry that disgusting lord and… and… she finally died from exhaustion… uuuhh" Said the kid crying.

"All… of this… all my family fell apart… because of YOU!"

The kid shouted and punched Alfonso on his stomach with fury…

Over and over again…



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