"So, kid, tell me, how the hell did you get yourself in an asylum?" Asked Chrono.

"Not that I am complaining though, this feels like home" He added.

 "…" Alfonso was speechless.

Before long, Alfonso told everything that happened to Chrono, who listened to Alfonso's tale while laughing.

"Haha, well aren't you such a nice guy~" Said Chrono with sarcasm.

"Oh fuck you" Answered Alfonso.

"Haha, you are such an idiot, why didn't you kill that dude?"

"He had Dionisius"


"Is there a need for more reasons?"

"Ha! If you think that gods would give a fuck about your so-called sacrifice, then you are more stupid than what I though" Said Chrono.

"I don't do things expecting something in return"

"I don't get it"

"Because you are not human"

"Then I guess humans are stupid and irrational creatures as what I originally though" Said Chrono with a smile.


"However, you are just as hypocrite as some gods, that gives me hope, hehe" Said Chrono.

"What are you talking about?"

"You are as ill as I am" Said Chrono with confidence.

"I am not like you" Said Alfonso with anger.

"Whatever you said~" Said Chrono.

"Anyway, let get rid of this first" Said Chrono.

Alfonso/Chrono's eyes turned green, however, in an instant, the greenness disappeared.

"This is a bit annoying" Said Chrono.

"What now?" Asked Alfonso.

"What do you think?"

Chrono greenness once again resurged and the shackles of the straitjacket become loose.

"H… how?" Asked Alfonso.

"It's impossible for a place to not have soul particles, after all, life wouldn't be possible if a place didn't have life soul particles, however, the concentration here is as minimum as it could be, but~" Said Chrono.

Chrono massaged his shoulders and then stood up.

"They think that this is enough to stop me~?"

He walked towards the door and knock it.

"It will take me some time~ but, I will let us out" Said Chrono.

"So, what's the plan?" Asked Chrono.

"Personally, I don't want to go, but~ if you want to, I can get us out of here" Added Chrono.

"No, wait, there is something that we must do first" Said Alfonso.

"And that is?"

"We must find a patient here" Said Alfonso.

"A patient?"

"Yeah, I got my reasons, but, we must find him" Said Alfonso.

"Sure~ I was bored anyway"

 After a couple of minutes, Chrono finally managed to open the door. Alfonso and Chrono looked outside of the room, it was a dark long hall, Chrono took the shirt off.

"Kid, I haven't taken a good look at your body for some time and you are still as lame as ever, wow, even your sight is worse, your muscles are almost zero and your ladylike face is really maddening" Commented Chrono.

"Shut up"

"But~ I quite like your hair now, it resembles mine when I was young, haha" Said Chrono.

"I knew it, I was wondering why my hair was changing faster… is your doing right!?"

"Hey, you are shooting your darts at the wrong guy, of course, you knew that, still, you used my powers like that, so~ the only one who is at fault here is none other than you~" Said Chrono.

"…" Couldn't say anything back.

"Not that I have anything against it, I am used to hypocrite people" Said Chrono.

Chrono didn't receive an answer and smiled.

They advanced for some time before finding a guard standing in place.

Chrono smirked and disappear from sight before reappearing behind the guard.

"Good night~" Murmured Chrono.

His hand was surrounded by a green aura and with a swift move.



The man didn't have even time to felt pain when he saw a hand coming out from his chest.

"What do you think you are doing!?" Shouted Alfonso.

Chrono wiped the blood from his hand.


"Just knocking him out wouldn't be enough?"

"Why are you whipping like a bitch? It's not like you haven't killed before, right?"

"It was a war, it was a do or die situation, I went with the conviction that I could be killed, they as well, however, this man is just doing his job, if we can avoid killing then we must avoid it" Said Alfonso.

"Ho? So, you are now the voice of reason?"

"If you want to put that way, yes, I am your conscience"

"Haha, you are quite funny when you want kid" Said Chrono.

"Stop calling me kid, I have a name"

"And I care because…?"

"Fuck you"

They left the corpse of the guard and advanced for some minutes before finding a brawl that divided into seven.

"Seven paths?" Though Alfonso.

"Seven paths?" Asked Chrono.

"Let's choose this one" Said Chrono while signaling the furthest to the left.

"Wait, why do you choose this path?"

"I feel six different soul powers coming from these paths, they are equally powerful but~ this one looks a little bit… special" Said Chrono.

"What it means special?"

"Haha, you will know in time~" Said Chrono.

 Chrono chose the path and went on his way, the hall became wider when he entered, there were some empty rooms on the sides, however, all of them were clearly destroyed.

"It looks like a tornado entered here" Though Alfonso.

"Interesting" Said Chrono.

"What is it?" Asked Alfonso.

"No, nothing~" Said Chrono.

After advancing for some time, they finally saw some guards standing near a door with had the number '2' there.

"Whose the-"

"Stop~"Said Chrono.

Before the guard could complete what he was saying, Chrono used the power of time to stop him from moving.

"I will do this quickly because I can even use 0,01% of my powers here, ok~?" Said Chrono.

"Chrono's wait-"'


Before Alfonso could finish the head of the man float in the air while blood erupted like a small volcano from his neck.

"Hiii!" The other guard looked at this and he pissed his pants on the spot.

"You son a bitch!" Said Alfonso.

"Thank you~" Said Chrono.

He walked towards the guard with a smile on his face.

"Hey friend~"

"!" The man wanted to talk but his words were stuck on his mouth.

"Who is in this door~?" Asked Chrono.


"I will give you 5 seconds before you talk or you will end meeting with your friend, okay~?"



"Wait! Wait, please! I will talk! The one here is that crazy woman!"

"Crazy woman?"

"She comes from the south! I- I don't know who left here, however! I do know that she killed every single member of his family and had to be seized by two champions!"


"Her door is a special-made door infused with soul power so she doesn't escape! Whatever you do, you must not let her go!" Said the guard.

"Sure~" Said Chrono.

He knocked the guard and stood in front of the door.

"This would be interesting" Said Chrono.

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