The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 267 - The Party-part Four-

"So, miss Rebecca, you say that you come from the Meliades family?" Asked Dionisius.

"That's right, we are one of the oldest families in Arcadia, as well as one of the closest one to his highness, of course, in front of lady Anastasia, we aren't worth mention" Said Rebeca.

 "Well, you are right about that" Said flatly Anastasia.

 "…" A woman was looking at those two by a side nervously.

 "Don't worry, you are not any least than them" A comforting voice came by her side.

 She turned around to look at Artemis, who just brought some food to the table.


 "Don't mention it" Said Artemis.

 "By the way, where is uncle?" Said Dionisius while bringing some wine.

 "My lord, can you drink?" Said Rebecca.

 "Of course!" Said Dionisius.

 "By the way Hans, shouldn't you… stop a little bit?" Said Dionisius.

 At one side, three plates full of food were being rapidly devoured by Hans who had his mouth full of food.

 "This pig!" Said Anastasia with a helpless expression.

 "Back to the topic, I haven't seen my lord in a while, did he come with you?" Asked Anastasia.

 "He did come with us but the butler took him to other way, he will appear, eventually" Said Artemis.

 "Maybe he is with that goddess?" Asked Rebecca.

 "Goddess?" Asked Dionisius.

 "Yeah, when I came early, I saw a goddess like person with Mr. Enrique, I was stunned, I never saw such a beautiful person in my life" Said Rebecca.

 "Oh, he is with master them" Said Anastasia.

 "That explained it" Said Artemis.

 "Master?" Asked Rebecca.

 "When my lord comes back, you will meet her, her name is Demeter by the way" A voice interrupted the group.

 They turned around and saw two women looking at them, one had cold face and a black outfit, the other one had a red dress and a shiny smile.

 "You are… Miss Susana?" Asked Rebecca.

 "Nice to meet you" Said Susana.

 Rebecca was stunned, not only because she had heard about Susana and the rumors about her.

 "Indeed, the rumors were true, she is really a beauty among beauties, but that doesn't surprise me that much compare to… it" Though Rebecca while looking down.

 Not only her, all the people around were surprised by seeing the wolf that was mounted by Susana.

 "Does he… bite?" Rebecca couldn't help but ask.

 "Pff!" Susana laughed when she heard Rebecca.

 "Hahaha, he isn't a dog you know?" Said Susana.

 "Ye-yeah, I wasn't trying to be rude, but you know…" Said Rebecca.

 Seeing a 2 meter something wolf would make anyone scare.

 "…" White fang turned around and looked at Susana.

 "She is asking if you bite" Said Susana with a smile.

 "*Ao*" White fang turned around and looked at Rebecca.

 Susana heard White fang and cover her mouth to not laugh aloud.

 Rebecca looked at White fang with lost and then turned around.

 "He said, are you an idiot?" Said Artemis.

 Rebecca was speechless.

 "Stupid disciple" Said Artemis.

 "Master" Said Io.

 "How is Alfonso?"

 "He got what he deserved" Murmured Io.

 "What do you mean?" Asked Artemis.

 "She means that he won't be able to sit down for a while" Said Susana.

 "?" An interrogation sign floated in everyone's head.

 "LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!" A voice interrupted the conversations of everyone.

 In the platform, Vernia appeared, he was wearing his butler outfit.

 "Everyone, welcome to the Dragon's academy graduation party, On behalf of the town of Arcadia we are grateful to have you here" Said Vernia.

 Everyone applauded.

 "Without wasting anyone's time, we will start the party. To do the honors we have here the current lord Arcadia, Enrique Justin and the lord of our neighbor Wasteland Valley, Alfonso Lockheart!" Said Vernia.

 Enrique and his wife came first, he wore a sky-blue outfit and an elegant red cap, besides him was his fiancée who also smiled elegantly. Behind them, Alfonso appeared, supported by Demeter, they also smiled at the crow, however, contrary to when Enrique enter, this time, nobody clapped, they all just stood there stunned.

"Did I do something wrong?" Murmured Alfonso

"I don't think so" Murmured Demeter.

While both were murmuring to each other, in the audience, there was also a small conversation here and them.

"Hey, that's the mad crippled, Alfonso Lockheart!"

"I know, my father was also invited to the funeral, however, he couldn't go because he got sick, until today, he counts his blessing because he managed to avoid that mad man!"

"My old man wasn't so lucky, the guy that was killed by this mad man was one of my father's allies, after the incident, everyone avoids him like the plague!"

"Hey, it's that the murmured goddess that accompanies the mad man? She is like the rumors says, a truly goddess incarnated!"

"Tell me about it, if one could say that Alfonso Lockheart is famous for his infamy, then, the goddess by his side is twice or even thrice more famous for her looks, I thought that the rumors exaggerated, after all, everyone in Leitol knows that nobody is more beautiful than her highness Diana, however, this goddess is on her level or even more!"

Looking at the different reactions, the Group of Artemis and company couldn't help but smile a little.

"I knew that something like this will happen" Said Dionisius.

"Even we know about the… stories of Alfonso lockheart, is impossible for these young men, who are the future lords of Dragon city to not know about him" Said Rebecca.

"He is even more famous than I" Said Anastasia.

"It can't be helped, after what he did in Dragon City" Said Io.


"That hurt, master" Said Io.

"…" Artemis didn't say anything.

Enrique looked at the reactions of the public and he was helpless, to be honest, if it was his choice, he wouldn't dare to invite this mad man to the party, but, it was the others of Mr. Felio, what he could he do?


Not thanks, he hasn't lived enough to do something that suicidal.

"However, after interact with him for some time, it seems that the rumors exaggerated, I mean, in the descriptions, they say that Alfonso was an unreasonable person who killed without blinking, but" Enrique turned to Alfonso.

"How come I don't see any sign of that kind of behavior?" Pondered Enrique.

While Enrique was immersed in his thoughts, Alfonso was feeling a little bit strange.

"Why is everyone looking at me with those eyes?" Murmured Alfonso.

"You really can't think of a reason?" Asked Demeter.

"Sigh, for better or for worse, I can actually think of a reason, however, I thought that the rumors were already a thing of the past" Said Alfonso.

"Well, they aren't actually rumors" Said Demeter.

"What? You actually think that I am a mad man?"

"In a way yes" Said Demeter straightforwardly.

"…" Alfonso was speechless.

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