The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 261 - Alfonso Arrives To Arcadia

Alister recovered from his physical injuries just one day after the incident, of course, that was because he actually didn't had any physical injury, just the punch that Alfonso throw at him, giving the fact that he was a champion and his overall physical constitution was greater than normal humans, it wasn't a surprise that he recovered in a day…

His physical injuries, that's it…

After a week of staying in Wasteland Valley, Sebastian notice that something was wrong with Alister, the character of Alister was the typical pampered young master that thought that everyone and everything was at his hand, that the world spin because of him, of course, his identity as a champion who like ring to the finger with that attitude.

However, Alister, who usually bragged a lot and was a pain in the ass for everyone, was unusually quiet on his bedroom, if Sebastian didn't hear the breaths of Alister, he would almost though that Alister run away due to the figh- no, the one side massacre.

Sebastian had tried tot talk to him, however, all the answer he got was

"I want to be alone"

All the way until now, the only way he got for Alister to abandon his room was when was lunch time.

"Alister, we are about to arrive to Arcadia, you better fix your attitude" Said Sebastian.

"Okay" Answered Alister.

Sebastian couldn't digest the new attitude of Alister and wanted to say something else, however, he couldn't find the words so he ultimately didn't say anything.

"I know what are you trying to say, don't worry, I am fine" Said Alister.

"The fact that you tell me that is precisely the reason why I think that you are not okay, look, if my lord see you like this, you will get in trouble and, if you get in trouble, I will get in trouble as well!" Said Sebastian.

"I get it, there is nothing wrong with me, it just that I am recovering from my fight" Said Alister.

"Until now?" Asked Sebastian.

"Don't you get it, you are just a normal human, for us, champions and will users, soul power is everything for us, when the soul power is damaged, we take some time to recover, usually, I doesn't take this long, however, that kid's power is too dangerous! I only though that his power was some kind of illusion, however, after I exanimated mi condition, I discover that kid stold me a portion of my soul power!" Said Alister with anger and fear.

"What!?" Asked Sebastian.

Alister looked at Sebastian and nodded.

"The soul power is like a small lake inside of us, with enough time, even if we used it, if recovers by itself, however, since that kid defeated me, a portion of the lake hasn't recovered until now!" Said Alister.

"All this time I have been tried to our 'water' on that part, but… it's like it had dried… not matter how much water I pour in it, it just dries out!" Said Alister.

"This…" Sebastian was astonished.

Although Sebastian didn't know the exact details, just hearing and seeing the face of Alister, he could see the severity of this discovery.

"Listen to me, for now, don't reveal this to anyone, we must not alert them" Said Alister.

"We will inform my lord about this, that kid, that power… is a treat for all of us!" Added Alister.

"Yeah" Said Sebastian.


"Welcome to my manor, lord Alfonso and company, my name is Enrique, I am the current lord of Arcadia"

A middle aged black haired man greeted Alfonso and Artemis, a few hours ago, he and everyone arrived at Arcadia, the lord sent his men to received them, a funny fact was that, neither of them was a bit disrespectful towards Alfonso and company, in fact, they treated them with great respect, of course, this was all orchestic by Felio, who told Enrique that Alfonso was as he was going to him himself, Enrique was, after all, just the lord in name, the real lord was Felio.

"Lord Alfonso, as you already know, in a couple of days, we will have a big dance hall event for the students of Dragon's academy, it will be might honor if you and your friends could be my guesses of honor, of course, you will accompany me in the main seat" Said Enrique.

"It will be my pleasure, lord Enrique" Said Alfonso.

"Please just call Enrique, there is no need to add the lord" Said Enrique with a smile.

"Sure Enrique" Said Alfonso.

After some flatteries, Alfonso and Artemis left the manor and went to their inn; Enrique surely was a good host, he arranged for Alfonso and everyone else to stay in the most famous, and the most expensive, inn in Arcadia. Alfonso, even with the protests of Demeter, decided to sleep alone for the first time in a really good time, well, almost alone…



"I know you are there, I said I wanted to sleep alone…"

"My lord, my duty is to protect you every time! "

"Io, nothing is gonna happen…"

"My lord, I won't abandon my duty"

"Io, get out"

"Okay, if my lord insists" Said Io with a sad tone.

The door opened and closed once more.

Alfonso looked at the door after some seconds, he sighed.

"Io, I know that you are still there!" Said Alfonso.

"…I am not"

Alfonso facepalmed.

Anyway, after struggling for some more, Alfonso let Io stay on the door, he had to admit that he was quite weak against her and Demeter.

"Because they are quite cute" Though Alfonso.

The next day, everyone went shopping and walked from here to there, only Alfonso stayed behind, of course, Io wanted to stay as well, but was stopped by Artemis who literally dragged her out.


Of course, Alfonso wasn't really alone, three pe- I mean, three beasts.

"Master~ lets play~" Said Little blue.

"S-S-Sir, we should train, let's go train!" Said Drakini.

"Alfonso, let's sleep, the trip was exhausting, come on!" Said Cerberus.

The tree of them were in their beast form and were biting at Alfonso's clothes while they were dragging him to one side and the other.

"…" Alfonso was speechless.

"Since when did I become a father?" Though Alfonso.




Alfonso looked at the three beast and their begging faces and sighed one again.

"I wanted to rest today, but…" Thought Alfonso.

"Sure, let's go something that three of you want to do" Said Alfonso with a wry smile.

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