"…" Alfonso was looking coldly at the ten people kneeling in front of him.

He wasn't someone who get angry easily, since he came here, he had more than one reason to be pissed off, however, experience told him that he should be more open minded with certain things.

But, this time, Alfonso was extremely pissed, just a few minutes ago, a soldier inform him what was happening outside this soldier also inform him that one wolf and one soldier were injured. Alfonso looked at the big scare on the wolf and the crying soldier and his fury emerged. What was more infuriating was that, the people in question said that they came to negotiate.

"You come to my land, injured my people and then told that you came here to negotiate" Said Alfonso.

"RIDICULOUS! " Shouted Alfonso.

His soul power exploded and everyone trembled, even Artemis and Demeter trembled a little. Alfonso grabbed his cane and walked towards the ten men, Alister hasn't recover the ability to walk just yet, and however, he regained his conscious thanks to the help of the elixir from Hygeia. Nevertheless, he was still weak.

"Get up" Said Alfonso.

"…" Alister lifted his head and saw the coldness of Alfonso's eyes and clenched his teeth, he tried his best to stand up, however, after lifting his body a little, he fall down.

"M-m-my lord, Alister is currently too weak to stand up, if- if you could let us-"


The cane of Alfonso impacted in the face of the man talking and blood began to drip from his mouth.

"I talk, you obey" Said Alfonso.

"…" The man nodded and tried his best to not make a sound despite the pain.

"This the last time"

"GET UP" Said Alfonso.

Alister once again saw Alfonso's gaze, this time, he knew that, if he didn't obey, Alfonso will kill him in the spot. Alister used every bit of his will and, while enduring the terrible pain, manage to stand up barely.

"I will give you one minute to convince me why I shouldn't kill you" Said Alfonso.

Demeter and Artemis looked at Alfonso with surprise on his eyes.

"It seems that, even if Alfonso has the will of Chrono under control for the moment, his own will has been corrupted a little" Murmured Artemis.

"Yeah, usually, he wouldn't be this savage" Said Demeter.

"However, it's kinda hot, isn't it?" Added Demeter.

"…" Artemis didn't deny it.

"I-I-I came under the orders of the L-L-Lord Leopold, to invite you to the conf-conf-conference of Lords in one month, however, as-as-as-as the envoy, I need to be there, if not, you can't-can't-can't enter" Said Alister.

"…" Alfonso looked at Alister.


Alfonso turned to the direction of the voice, it was Sebastian.

"My lord! My name is Sebastian, first, I want to express my apologies in behave of Lord Leopold for the conduct of Alister, please forgive us" Said Sebastian while bowing to Alfonso.

"…" Alfonso didn't talk.

"My lord, The conference of lords was announced by the Boltor's a week ago, the conference take place every ten years and the host this year is Inferno City, the current lord in Paradise City is Leopold Porter, from the Porter family; He send us with the order to personally invite you and extend a hands of friendship from her highness Susana" Said Sebastian.

"My sister?" Asked Alfonso.

"Yes, The porter family is a five starts family that servers her highness Susana, as for more details, we weren't informed" Said Sebastian.

"…" Alfonso looked at Sebastian.


Sebastian Gulped while being seeing by the sharp gaze of Alfonso, however, he didn't look to the sides, his gaze state firm.

After some seconds…

"I believe you" Said Alfonso.

Not only Sebastian, the eight men behind him made a sight of relieved, even Alister made a sight of relive.

"You, Sebastian right? You will represent your lord while you are in Wasteland Valley, tell me, who is this idiot" Said Alfonso.

"Hi-his name is Alister, he is one of the champions that follows her highness Susana" Said Susana.

"You are very close to my sister?" Asked Alfonso to Alister.

"Y-y-y-yes, I have fought in battle with her as one of her generals" Said Alister.

"That explains the savage character" Though Alfonso.

"I understand, for now, I won't kill you" Said Alfonso.

"However, remember that my patience with you is limited"

"If you push my bottom line once more…"

"I will send your head as a present to my sister!" Shouted Alfonso.

Alister and Sebastian looked horrified at the murderous intent of Alfonso.

"Sebastian, you will in charge of your people, if any of them make any mistakes…"

"You will be the one to pay the broken dishes" Said Alfonso.

"As-as my lord orders" Said Sebastian.

"Good, so, when shall we depart to Inferno city?" Asked Alfonso.

"The ideal would be in two weeks" Said Sebastian.

"You will be residing in a house nearby, if nothing else, be gone!" Shouted Alfonso.

The ten men nodded and they all felt that a mountain was lifted from their shoulders. The ten men turned around and were prepare to leave.


The ten men felt their heart stop went the heart the voice of Alfonso.

"Is-is there anything else, my lord?" Asked Sebastian.

"Alister" Said Alfonso.

Alister turned around.


"I will let your bad behavior against my soldiers and Wasteland Valley be bygones" Said Alfonso.

"I- I appreciate the kindness of my lord" Said Alister.


Alfonso lifted his arm and, with one swing…


Alfonso punched Alister's face making some of his teeth flow. Alister fell to the ground once more.

"This is the punishment for insulting my woman!" Said Alfonso.

*Thump* *Thump*

Demeter's face blushed while her heart skipped a bit.

"Drag him out of here!" Shouted Alfonso.

""Yes!"" Shouted the nine men.

They grabbed the body of Alister and drag him out of the hall. Alfonso massaged his hand and returned to his throne.



"Go to Ribeiro and tell him to arrange a house to those ten, tell him that he have to discus with Sebastian the details of the conference, after that, he must come here to inform me"

"As my lord wishes" Said Io.

Io disappeared once more, leaving Alfonso with the three gods.

"Dionysius, you did well at managing the situation as you did, you have my thanks" Said Alfonso.

"Don't worry uncle, however, I must say that you looked pretty cool just now" Said Dionysius while imitating the punch of Alfonso.

Alfonso smiled bitterly.

"You can go now" Said Alfonso.

"Then I will go to drink some of my babies as a reward" Smiled Dionysius.

He also went on his way.

"Then I will also be on my way, I will go visit Zeti" Said Artemis.

Alfonso nodded and Artemis also disappeared, leaving Alfonso and Demeter alone.

Alfonso looked at Demeter and smiled, Demeter blushed once more and didn't know what to say.

"Now, that's strange, for you to be this shy" Laughed Alfonso.

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