The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 248 - Aphrodite And Vitri

"Hmm~ Hm~ Hmm~"

"Why are you so happy?"

"It's nothing~"

Demeter and Artemis were walking side by side on the garden of the manor. However, something was different, Demeter had this huge smile on her face and Artemis didn't know why.

"Anyway, Demeter, I have something to ask you"

"What is it?"

"You know what Aphrodite is up to these days?"


"Yeah, I haven't seen her since we arrived from Peringrer" Said Artemis.

"Now that you mention it… I haven't seen her either, however, she is Aphrodite you know?" Said Demeter.

"I know what you mean, however, it stills worries me" Said Artemis.

"Let's look for her then" Said Demeter.

"Let's go to Dionisius, he might now something" Said Artemis.


"Aphrodite? No, I haven't seen her around here" Said Dionisius.

"Where did she go?" Though Artemis.

"Auntie, seems that something good happen to you yesterday?"

"Oh? What make you said that, little boy?"

Dionisius signaled his nose.

"As a brew master, I happen to have a lot of confidence in my nose, since you enter, the smell of tea is in the air" Said Dionisius.

"I just drank some tea yesterday" Said Demeter.

"However, the smell is different, seems to be mixed with other thing… I don't what is though" Said Dionisius.

"It's saliva, what's more, it not her saliva"

Suddenly, Artemis talked, leaving Demeter frozen.


"What? You think I wouldn't notice, I just pretended to since I didn't want to make the situation awkward, however, since Dionisius already mention it, there is no need to hide it" Said Artemis with coldness.

Demeter blushed a little.

"Well, since we were in the Olympus, the god with the best nose was without a doubt Artemis, since I could detect something, she could as well" Said Dionisius.

"W-w-well, there is no need to hide it, since I love him and he loves me, it's something that was bound to happen! Yes! I don't have anything to be ashamed off" Said Demeter.

Artemis looked at her and made a small smirk.

"W-what is that smirk for!?"

"Nothing, I didn't say anything, did I?" Said Artemis.

"Hey, you two, you came here searching for someone right?" Said Dionysus

"Oh yeah, where is that bitch anyway?" Said Artemis.

"Let's look for her together, I am bored anyway" Said Dionisius.

The three of them left the bar and began their search.


"So, like I was saying, I am the most beautiful woman ever, however, they don't respect me you know!"


"Previously, I used to be the gem of the world you know? However, since I came here, everyone avoids me like I am some sort of plague, don't you think that's cruel!?"

"Hmm… so big sister, you were a big shot before you came here!? That's awesome~"

"I know, right!? Hehe, for you to recognize my greatness, you have a bright future!"

"You think so, big sister!?"

"Hehe, I am the great Aphrodite, of course I can't be wrong" Said Aphrodite smoothly.

"Anyway, big sis, let's play again today!"

"Of course! Let's go!" Said Aphrodite while grabbing the child's hand.


A small sound interrupted the conversation between the two, Aphrodite shivered a little and turned around, she immediately recognized the person who made the sound.


Demeter broke in laughter, she grabbed her stomach and rolled in the ground.


"…" Even if her face couldn't be seen, Aphrodite's face was as red as a tomato.

"…" At her side, Dionisius was trying tremendously hard to not laugh.

She turned her head a little to the left and her worst nightmare come true, Artemis was also there.

"…" Artemis was with her usual cold gaze.

However, after some seconds…

"!!!" Aphrodite's face become even more redder.

Why? Because Aphrodite made a small smile and quickly returned to her usual face.


"Woah! Is Miss Demeter and Mister Artemis, the right and left hand of my lord! Amazing, however, you are even more amazing, right!? Big sister!" Said the kid.


Demeter was still rolling in the floor with tears on her eyes while Aphrodite wanted to dig a hole to the center of the earth and hide there for the rest of her life.


"Well, letting this funny, FUNNY, episode of your life, who is this child, Aphrodite?" Asked Demeter.

"You were the one who laughed for twenty minutes!" Shouted Aphrodite.

"Kid, what is your name?" Asked Dionisius.

"My name is Vitri! Nice to meet you!" Said the child with a smile.

"How old are you?" Asked Dionisius.

"ten years old!"

"And what are you doing here?" Said Dionisius.

"I came to play with big sister! She is really amazing you know!?" Said Vitri with a smile.


"Who was it!? Who was the one who wanted to laugh!?" Shouted Aphrodite.

"…" The three of them turned around.

"You three!"

Vitri approached Demeter and looked at her with stunned eyes.

"Miss Demeter! You are really miss Demeter! The prettiest woman in Wasteland Valley!"

"Yes, that's me!" Said Demeter with a smiley face.

"You are really something else, to say that with a straight face" Said Aphrodite.

"There is no point in denying what is obvious" Said Demeter.

"I am the prettiest girl in Wasteland Valle- no, in all this land, no, in the entire universe!" Said Aphrodite.

"You are prettier than goddess Demeter!? That's awesome big sister!" Said Vitri.

"Aphrodite… you are that desperate for attention that you cheat a little boy…" Said Dionisius.

"Pathetic" Said Artemis with a cold voice.

"W-who are you calling pathetic and I am not lying to him, I am, in fact, the prettiest girl on earth, you can't deny that!"

"Yeah, sure, why not?" Said Demeter.

"Anyway, kid, shouldn't you at school?" Asked Artemis.

"Ah, well, I-"

"Leave him" Said Aphrodite with a rather serious tone.

"…" Artemis looked at her.

"Aphrodite, the kid needs to go to scho-"

 "I got it, I will let it pass"

Demeter wanted to say something to her, however, she was interrupted by Artemis.

"Artemis!" Said Demeter.

"Aphrodite, you will assume the responsibility, correct?" Asked Artemis.

"Of course" Said Aphrodite.

Demeter looked at Artemis and Aphrodite, she sighed and smiled.

"Okay, got it, this is between you two" Said Demeter.

"Ah! Its this late, big sister, Miss Aphrodite, Miss Demeter, I have to go" Said Vitri.

He run towards the south, however, before disappearing from sight, he turned around and waved at Aphrodite.

"Big sister, tomorrow I will be here as well!"

"I will be waiting!" Said Aphrodite.

When he heard Aphrodite, Vitri smiled and finally disappeared.

Aphrodite looked at the direction that Vitri disappeared for some time before saying anything.

"Are you sure that you aren't going to do anything?" Said Artemis.

"What do you mean?" Asked Aphrodite.

"Demeter, Dionisius, I need to speak to her, alone" Said Artemis.

"Yeah, we get it, we will be waiting for the news" Said Dionisius before disappearing.

"Sometimes you two are so childish" Said Demeter, after that, she also disappeared leaving both alone.

"What do you want?" Asked Aphrodite.

"I will ask once again, are you going to do something?" Asked Artemis.

"…I am doing it" Said Aphrodite.

Artemis looked at her before sighing, she also turned around and walked to the opposite direction.

"I don't know what are you afraid of, however, you will regret not following your heart"

With that words, Artemis also disappeared, leaving Aphrodite alone.

"…" Aphrodite didn't say anything.


"Vitri! Did you bring the food!?" Shouted a woman.

"… Yes, auntie" Said Vitri.

Contrary to her high spirit when he was with Aphrodite, he looked like a completely different person, his head was down and, on his back, he was carrying a deer. However, because he was a 10-year-old kid, his hands and feet were bleeding for all the effort that took bring the deer from the forest to his home.

"Finally!" Shouted the woman.

The woman was fat and wore a rather large coat, contrary to Vitri, that only had a shirt and pants.


The woman pushed Vitri and grabbed the meat.

"Go wash, you stink like shit" Said the woman.

"… Yes" Said Vitri.

"Oh! And, because you were so late in bringing me the food, you will not have food today!"



The fat hand of the woman smacked the mouth of the kid, making him bleed a little.


"I am sorry auntie" Vitri looked down and hold the tears.

"GET OUT OF MY SIGHT!" Shouted the fat woman.

Dimitri went to the other side while the woman looked greedily at the meat on her hands.

She smiled and went on her way to the kitchen.


The both of them didn't notice that a mummy was looking at them from afar.

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