The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 201 - In Your Own Mind

"I-" The man was a little scared.

Alfonso's gaze had… something on it, however, the man couldn't back up now, not in front of all this people.

"Dear…" A woman at his side looked at him in worry, she was the man's wife, a woman of fifty something years old.

"Don't worry dear, I know what I am doing " Murmured the man.

He looked back at Alfonso and said

"Did I touch a sensitive spot? Sorry, your 'highness', but I am only saying what my eyes see, you have a cane and a eyepatch, if you aren't a crippled then what are you?" Said the man.

Once more, all the vicinity was in silence.

Waiting for Alfonso's answer.

Alfonso only smiled at the guy and stood up.

*Clanp* *Clanp*

The sound of his cane hitting the ground could be heard.

He walked towards the man.

Artemis and Demeter wanted to follow but Alfonso stopped them.

"Alfonso, despite his rudeness, he is one of my men, don't forget about it" Said Fernando.

His meaning was as clear as water.

However, after saying that, Fernando felt strange.

"Why should I worry that Alfonso do something to the man? I mean, look at him, he can barely walk with that cane, what's wrong with me?" Though Fernando.

All of it sounded logical, however, he did see Alfonso's sight when the man called him crippled, even he felt the chills; his instincts told him that something wasn't right, however, he couldn't figure what was it.

"Oh? Don't worry, brother of mine, I am a civilized man, I promise on my life that I wont touch a single hair of his" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso walked until finally, he stood just a couple centimeters in front of the man.

He smiled at the man and said

"In fact, I think he recognized his mistakes and would punish himself accordingly"

The man looked at Alfonso, he saw a weird green light coming from his patch, however, he didn't pay much attention to it.

"I? Punish myself? Ha! Your highness, come on, you want to spill out for you? Nobody cares if I tried to kill you, far less would someone care if I insult you" Said the man.

Alfonso looked at him.

"True, however, I still think that you would apologize eventually" Said Alfonso.

"In your dreams!" Replied the man.

"Oh! Don't worry, you WILL apologize to me, after all, you called me 'crippled', I hate that name" Said Alfonso.

"Are you going to force me to apologize to you?" Said the man.

Alfonso shook his head

"No, you, with your own will, would do it" Said Alfonso.

"How can you be so sure?" Said the man with a smirk.

"Fascinating" Said Alfonso.

The man was confused at this reply.

"What are you-"

"I think it's fascinating, the human mind" Interrupted Alfonso.

"I mean, you can be so engrossed in a simple chat"

Alfonso looked at him and made a joyful smile.

"That you can not see that something is wrong"

The man looked back at Alfonso and felt his heart accelerated, he thought about Alfonso's words and then, he suddenly realized something.

"How- how are you talking without moving your lips!?" Asked the man.

Alfonso looked at him.

"That isn't the question that you should be asking" Said Alfonso.

"The question you should be asking is…"

"How I am talking without moving my lips"

The man's heart accelerated faster and faster, he suddenly wanted to move, however…

"I- I can't move my body!" Shouted the man.

"Took you long enough to realize" Said Alfonso.

"WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!?" Shouted the man.

Alfonso once again looked at him with a mocking expression.

"It's like I was saying, the human mind is fascinating, because they are the sanctuary of humanity, when everything is wrong, you can always close yourself in your mind and go to your… 'happy place', however, humans also need another human contact, they can not stay alone for much time, I learned that watching you all for a long time, it was so… contradictory to me, and I grow curious, so!"

Alfonso looked at the man with a happy expression.

"I came with this theory, that the human mind truly is the heaven of a human!"


Alfonso's smile changed.

"Is also their own hell"

The man grow more and more anxious, he couldn't process what Alfonso was saying.

"You gave me the opportunity to finally probe my theory; I have to thank you for that" Said Alfonso.

"What… what are you planning to do!?" Asked the man.


"I won't do anything" Answered Alfonso.

Alfonso suddenly closed his eyes.

"I only want to see how much can you endure with your own mind" Said Alfonso.

Alfonso opened his eyes once again and with a creepy smile, said.

"This is my ability… one that I develop in my long… long boring hours"

His eye emitted a vivid green color.

"CAGE OF SANITY" Said Alfonso.

"Enjoy the next hundreds of years with yourself"

And that was the last words that Alfonso said, after that he closed his eyes and didn't say anything more.

"What the-" The man couldn't understand Alfonso, however, his intuition told him something.

"Live will be hell form now on"

And like that, Alfonso and the man passed the next one thousand years in silence, each of them on their own mind.


Despite everything, all of this happened in one second.

Alfonso looked at the man for one second and people saw the man suddenly becoming stiff.

Alfonso closed his eyes and the man suddenly looked at the ground without saying anything.

Alfonso stretched his arms and looked at the man in disappointment.

"He only lasted ten years before losing his mind, a shame , a shame~ , I did bad the math" Murmured Alfonso.

"Dear?" The wife of the man looked at the man with a concern expression.

However, the man didn't answer.

The wife looked back at Alfonso and said.

"What did you do to him!?" Shouted the woman.

However, before Alfonso could answer.

"He he he" The man laughted a little.

He suddenly took a dagger that was hiding on his clothes.

"I… apologize" Said the man to Alfonso with a strange smile.

Alfonso nodded, all the people on the funeral were impressed.

However, before, they could procced what was happening.

The man walked towards his wife and smiled candidly.

"Dear" The woman was happy to see him talking and smiled in relieve.


The man stabbed at her mind on her head!

"De… Dear?" The man woman couldn't even be surprised because she died on the spot.

However, the man wasn't finished.

After stabbing his wife, he opened up his skull and let everyone on the vicinity see her brain.

"You are finally free" Murmured the man.

Some young men and women puked out and everyone walked away from the man who walked slowly towards Alfonso, he moved forwards until he was in front of Alfonso.

The man suddenly murmured something that only Alfonso could hear it.

"How… how did you managed to keep your sanity" Asked the man in a gloomy tone.

Alfonso chuckled towards the man question and moved forwards until he was at the man's ear side.

Then he murmured.

"My sanity?" Alfonso made a smirk.

"I lost that a long time ago"

With that answer, the man only smiled with insanity and grabbed the knife and stabbed his forehead.

With pure will, he opened his own skull and, with his last words, he murmured.

"I am finally free"

And he died on the spot.

Alfonso looked at the man and made a small 'tsk' sound.

"Lucky guy" He murmured.

Everyone was stupefied with what was happened, nobody could understand.

It was just a second!

Alfonso looked at the man for a second and suddenly the men become a mad man!

"What… the… hell?" Raul, who was looking at the man, was speechless.

Diana and Susana were the same.

Even Fernando didn't know what was happened.

Alfonso cleaned out the blood that has caught his face and walked back to his sit.

"Brother, I feel that this funeral was a huge success, however, the only thing that lacked was a corpse, however, although I am the start, I went on my way and find you not one, but two, you should thank me right?" Asked Alfonso to Fernando.

Fernando couldn't answer, he was still shocked.

"*Sigh* such a disappointment, it seems that the fun is already over? Well, since that's the case, I shall not prolong my presence here, brothers , sisters and all guesses, thank you for coming and taking a bit of your time to come to my party, I shall take my leave, please take care~"

Alfonso stood up and made a gesture towards Artemis and Demeter who were also shocked, they nodded and followed Alfonso who, no one knows if he did it on purpose, stepped on the body of the man.

He kicked the body to one side, like it was some garbage under his foot, and walked towards the exit.

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