The supreme sovereign system

Chapter 169 - Arrival-part Three

Alongside the caravan, one child was looking at all sides while walking with his mom

"Mom, what is this place?" Asked the child.

The mother was a not so young woman, she had about thirty years old, she wasn't that much of stunning beauty, however, she had a mature aura, she had a black short hair and a pair of green eyes, she was slightly slim and a worn-out dress. However, what actually stands out on this woman was the sad look on her eyes.

"Mommy?" Asked the little child.

"Oh, ah, sorry dear, I was lost in my thoughts, this will be our new home, it's quite pretty, right?" Said the woman with a smile.

"Is Papa here?" Asked the child.

This wasn't the first time that this child asked this question, however, every time he asked, the woman would feel a sting on her heart. His husband was one of the casualties in the fight against Arcadia.

History always tells us the general explanation of war and how this affects in the big picture to the culture, the people and so on; however, the small histories always remains in the dark, after all…

Who would tell the history of a small soldier that die without grief or glory.

The name of Felio and Titio will live in history forever.

As for this soldier?

Only a memory in the head of few.

"What is worth fighting for people that won't ever know about you, dear?" Though the woman.

"No, my little boy" Said the woman while caressing the head of the boy.

"Your dad is always with you, here" the woman pointed her finger towards the chest of the small boy.

"?" The boy didn't understand what this means, nevertheless, he made an innocent smile and continue walking.

Listening to the conversation between this woman and his child, the nearby people could empathy.

Some of them lowered their heads.

Some of them were lost in thoughts.

Some of them even cried a little.

All of them had their own history as to why they came here after all.


After walking for around twenty minutes, the soldiers, as well as the rest, finally arrived at the main plaza.

However, it was totally different as to what it was five months ago.

For instances, there were at least two times the number of houses, and every chain of houses formed a semi-circle and the center of that circle was the main plaza.

When the caravan got there, the first thing they notice was that two huge women were at the main plaza, these women were tan skinned and had a beautiful face, however, they also had this kind of wild aura.

""Miss Demeter, welcome back"" Said both women with a salute.

"Don't be so stiff~ Where is Antiope?" Asked Demeter.

"She is currently with everyone in the main plaza for the welcome banquet" Said of the Amazons.

"Good" Said Demeter.

For the first time, Demeter turned around and looked at everyone with her characteristic sweet smile.

This made men and women be hypnotize by her beauty once again, she didn't do it on purpose though.

"Attention everyone, we are about to enter the commoner's main plaza, there, his highness will welcome you with a huge banquet, so, look forward to it" Said Demeter.

"WOOOAH!" A small clamor could be heard.

They have traveled more than a week to get here, they haven't had a decent meal all this time, so the notice of a banquet lifted the mood of everyone.

"However, before that, let's make some introductions first, these two women are part of the Amazon tribe, they are allies of Wasteland Valley as well as honored guesses of his highness, don't be scared of her appearance, they are actually very nice people, they are all woman and use this kind of outfit so you will recognize them immediately… a piece of advice for married woman, be careful, the Amazons are quite the sex predators, so, they will go after every man that meets their conditions, you have been warned~" Said Demeter.

Everyone, including Serio and the soldiers, were so shocked by Demeter's declarations that for some time, everything was in complete silence.


"Those women are huge! However, now that I looked a little bit closer, they are really pretty!"

"My moment has come…"


"I was born for this moment"

"This part of my life, this small part of my life, I call happiness!"

Suddenly, a lot of voices (male voices) could be heard from the group, those men who shouted were the ones who were single, however, even those who came with someone, couldn't help but stare at the Amazons, they all made calculations while trying to not be discovered.

"What a bunch of whores"

"If you touch them, *sap*, I will castrate you!"

"Actually, they are quite pretty, maybe if we ask one of her to join us…"

"I wonder if they would also go for boyish woman?"

The females also voiced their opinion.

The Amazons listened to what Demeter said and didn't deny it, however, one of them said

"We won't go for married man, unless the woman in question agreed to, however, for single ones, hell we would, that's why, miss Demeter, you should guard your man with more caution, after all, there are a lot of people who want to 'eat' your prey, hehe" Said one of the Amazons.

After that, she quickly disappeared using Oversoul.

"Hey! Tebe you little- ah"


The other Amazon didn't have the time for complaining when she received a huge smack on the rear.

"OWWWWW, MY BUTT!" Cried the Amazon while grabbing her rear.

"Hmph! See what happens if you touch little Al" Said Demeter.

"But I wasn't the one who said it! In fact, his highness isn't even my type, guuhh! Tebe you bitch, wait until I catch you" Said the Amazon in tears.

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