Chapter 874: Round black sphere

While Xiaya and Olysia exerted their strength, the power of the Supreme Kai of Time was also activated. Time Scrolls, each a different color, flipped through wildly, creating waves of vibrant colors. Countless tiny ice crystals drifted like snowflakes, scattered in disorder but also seemed to follow a specific rule as they condensed into complex and intricate patterns.


The vast and calm space churned as the Supreme Kai of Time and the God of Time worked together. One by one, the small fragmented worlds were steadily pulled back to their original positions and secured within the laws of time and space.

After completing all of this, Chronoa wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at the remaining fragmented worlds.

“There are still five of the biggest ones left.”

“Those are the most troublesome ones, as such large fragmented worlds are really rare.” Olysia carefully scanned ahead, her tone filled with surprise.

The remaining fragmented worlds looked as small as stars, but due to the bizarre nature of time and space, their external size could not represent the internal dimensions. Each of these fragments contained a space as vast as a galaxy and held an immense amount of energy within it.

“Everyone, let’s work harder!”

With a command, dozens of people exerted their strength, and silvery-gray energy poured out ceaselessly. As Xiaya began to move those star-sized fragments, he furrowed his brow, realizing the true meaning of “as heavy as a thousand pounds”. Each of those droplet-sized fragments carried a weight similar to that of a large planet.

“It’s really heavy,” Xiaya grinned, revealing his teeth. He shouted loudly and increased the output of his space-time energy.


The space-time ability of the fourth level of the Divine Realm began to operate crazily. Inside Xiaya’s body, the source of dark golden energy trembled as large amounts of energy gushed out. With the addition of this energy, the pressure on other Gods of Time was suddenly reduced.

As the energy continued to pour in, the massive fragmented worlds slowly moved and beads of glistening sweat began to form on Xiaya’s forehead.

“Wait, what’s that over there?”

Suddenly, a voice interrupted Xiaya’s thoughts, causing a momentary pause in the output of his space-time ability. He followed the direction indicated by the voice and saw that a smooth spherical object with a diameter of five hundred meters had appeared at the location where they had just cleared out the fragments.

The sphere was round and shiny all over, like an invisible black hole floating in the vast and boundless space. If it weren’t for the slight abnormality revealed when the light was distorted, no one would have discovered it.

“That black sphere… looks so eerie.” Chronoa narrowed her eyes and whispered.

“Yeah, it looks somewhat like a black hole, but it’s completely different from a black hole. We’ve never seen anything like it before,” the other Supreme Kai of Time shook their heads. Black holes are products of the universe, but this thing is clearly not a black hole as it is located outside of the universe.

Xiaya observed the sphere for a moment before carefully extending his space-time ability to probe it. However, the moment the energy came into contact with the smooth, black surface of the sphere, it dissipated into sparse turbulence without any effect, and the sphere continued its descent towards Universe 5 at a constant speed.

“Something’s not right!” Xiaya’s heart trembled.

At this time, an experienced God of Time attempted to use divine power to probe the object at close range, but the result was that their body was thrown far away by an inexplicable counterforce.

“Whoa, there’s such a powerful gravitational force on this black sphere!” The God of Time returned with a shocked look on the face.

“It seems that the reason why so many fragmented worlds are gathering on the periphery of Universe 5 is due to this mysterious sphere,” All the Supreme Kai of Time concluded after careful analysis. They deduced that the appearance of these clustered fragmented worlds was all due to the influence of this mysterious sphere before them.

“What is this thing exactly?” The Supreme Kai of Time were puzzled. In their long years, they had never seen such a strange thing.

“There seems to be something hidden inside.” Xiaya narrowed his eyes and guessed.

Olysia nodded in agreement, “Its surface is covered with a powerful protective layer. It can’t be opened without several fourth level Divine Realm experts working together.”

“Yes, the protective layer is too powerful!” Other Gods of Time also agreed.

“Let’s not worry about it for now. We’ll deal with the falling fragmented world’s first. There are already several Angels gathered in Universe 5, they should have a method to deal with this mysterious thing,” Chronoa shouted loudly. No one could stop that mysterious black sphere at the moment, so they decided to put it aside for now. The most important thing now was to push away the remaining fragmented worlds.

“Right, let the Angels handle it after it enters the universe.”

After reaching a consensus, everyone’s gaze shifted away from the sphere in the void and they turned to deal with the other large fragmented worlds.


While Xiaya and Chronoa were dealing with the fragmented worlds, numerous spatial passages appeared throughout Universe 5.

Some of these passages had a diameter of only one meter, allowing only one person to pass through, while others were as wide as 10,000 meters, large enough for a large spaceship to pass through. As a result, the space around these spatial passages seemed to be on the verge of shattering like glass, with fine cracks appearing everywhere, and countless monsters suddenly appeared in various parts of Universe 5.

“Poof! Poof! Poof!”

Whis and Vados flew towards different parts of the universe with Beerus and Champa. Suddenly, the crystal balls in their hands lit up, and with a glance, they marked the location of the wormholes and handed it over to Beerus and Champa.

“Beerus-sama, this is the next location.”

“Hmph, those damn bugs, they’re all going towards Universe 5.” Beerus’s face was as dark, his eyes flickering with cold light.

“Beerus-sama, many aliens have already been wiped out by Planet Hongshan’s side.”

“I know. Instant Transmission is really convenient. Whis, quickly notify the Yardratians to send us over!” The starry sky of Universe 5 was vast and boundless. If they relied on Whis’ Warp, it would take too long to get there and the efficiency would be low. Only by using the Yardratians’ Instant Transmission could they shorten the journey.


“Have the Angels from other universes arrived yet?”

“Beerus-sama, they are on their way and will arrive soon.” Vados smiled, her face cold and lofty.



In another location, the center of the Milky Way System.

The headquarters of the Galactic Patrol Organization.

Inside a gyro-shaped giant structure, the beeping alarm startled the great Galactic King, who hastily passed through the hive-like rooms and found several aliens in Galactic Patrol uniforms.

“What’s going on?”

“Galactic King, a spaceship has invaded the starry sky near the Galactic Patrol headquarters. The energy detector has detected a very powerful energy.” A member of the Galactic Patrol organization reported while gasping for breath.

After listening to the report from the patrolman, Galactic King was stunned for a moment, and his many tentacles swayed in the air like jellyfish. This is the center of the Milky Way System. Who dares to be so bold as to act recklessly here?

“Have you found out where the spaceship came from?”

“Galactic King, it has been determined. It’s…King Cold’s spaceship!” The patrolman said in surprise, unable to believe it himself.

“Frost Demon, King Cold, weren’t they already wiped out decades ago? Could it be the surviving members?” Galactic King was slightly surprised and thought for a moment before quickly notifying his subordinates, “Immediately contact Jaco and ask him to notify Miss Lissi who is nearby. We need her help…”

“Yes, I will contact her right away.”

Upon hearing Galactic King’s instructions, the patrolman ran towards the communication department.

Watching the backs of his subordinates gradually disappear, Galactic King wondered, “King Cold’s Forces should have been wiped out by Xiaya-sama long ago. How could there still be surviving members? Forget it, Miss Lissi will come soon and everything will be resolved.”

Thinking of Miss Lissi, who was stationed near the center of the Milky Way System, Galactic King’s slight worries disappeared completely.

Meanwhile, not far from the Galactic Patrol Organization’s headquarters, on an artificial base, a golden-haired and green-eyed woman was quietly sitting cross-legged in a training room. She is Lissi, the daughter of Xiaya’s former teammates, Anastasia and Bailey!

Lissi, who is 27 years old, has a tall and slender figure just like her mother, with delicate and beautiful features that are bright and charming. Her slightly curled golden hair extends all the way down to her waist, and her Full Power Super Saiyan strength comes naturally, embodying the pinnacle of her power.

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