Chapter 418: Chapter 412: Peony Felix Family

Translator: 549690339 | freё

“Make your move. Otherwise, a Dragoon with the intent to wreak havoc could easily spoil our plans.”

David had no choice but to shrug, and mount the broad back of his elder brother, Grau.

Hearing that, Grau spurted two columns of fire from his nostrils, taking David into the high sky.

The dragon’s emerald claw, carrying a horrifying venom, landed heavily on the neck of the Vein Dominating Elephant in an attempt to strike.

Anticipating this, the Vein Dominating Elephant did not turn its head. Instead, it lifted its trunk, becoming a streak of light tearing through space, aiming not for the dragon claw, but for David on Grau’s back.

Seeing this, Grau narrowed his brows, shifted his target, and used his dragon’s claw to fend off the powerful, heavy elephant trunk.

At the same time, Guy Hume, who was commanding the Ocean-Reflect Heart Dragon, glanced at the Trainer who had been hiding in the shadows.

“So young!”

Looking at David’s slightly immature, handsome face, even knowing he should not be distracted at this moment, Guy Hume was taken aback.

Since when did the Flowery Kingdom produce such a young Dragoon!!!

No, what is wrong, this guy’s Arcane Star energy is probably around Class IV. Detecting a faint aura that was hardly noticeable amidst the majestic Dragon Domination of Grau the Mysterious Dragon, Guy Hume gave David a surprised look.

Overlord Dragons are naturally rebellious and untamed. It’s somewhat unbelievable for a low-level trainer to ride on the head of a Giant Dragon, let alone seemingly in control.

Especially considering this Overlord Dragon physically resembles a notorious evil dragon from Rosewood College.

“Peony Guy Hume, I ask that you help tame this Vein Dominating Elephant. Felix will be grateful afterwards.”

To avoid any misunderstandings, Guy Hume’s tone was neither humble nor arrogant.

Hearing those words, David grinned slightly.

“We desire the Ten Thousand Years Evergreen Stalactites too. Let’s compete fairly.”

In the corner of his eyes, Guy’s face flashed with darkness, but then, as though he didn’t mind, he laughed and said, “Of course.”

David studied Guy Hume deeply but did not intend to reveal his own name.

Although the darkness in Guy Hume’s eyes was deeply concealed, David could still sense a prickling dread and greedy anticipation through his Illusion- Piercing Eye.

“Stop arguing, you’re all going to die!”

The Vein Dominating Elephant brought its head up, and an intimidating murderous intent filled the earth and sky.

It appeared the Vein Dominating Elephant, enraged to the extreme, didn’t care about its offspring anymore. It was hellbent on obliterating everything in front of it.

Seeing this, David and Grau exchanged glances.

“Let’s put on a show!”

Upon understanding David’s meaning, Grau’s body stiffened a bit. He was hesitant.

It wasn’t just the Vein Dominating Elephant. He could face the Ocean-Reflect Heart Dragon and the Rock Turtle with adequate sacrifices. He had the ability to slay all three Overlord Exotic Beasts alone.

However, if the three Overlord Exotic Beasts chose to flee together, he could at most capture only one.

“Better pay up!”

Seeing Grau’s thought process, David gave a wry smile and nodded, “Two for you, one for me.”

Quickly processing the situation in his mind, Grau sported a sly grin, feeling like he had struck a great deal.


The next second, the intense battle exploded once again.

Under Grau’s various tactics, the battle lasted only half a day before Guy Hume’s pet Rock Turtle had to retire due to severe injuries.

After another day, Guy Hume looked at the still energetic Vein Dominating Elephant in front of him, and then looked at the broken dragon horn on the head of the Ocean-Reflect Heart Dragon and the continuous bleeding wounds on its body. His brow furrowed.

“It shouldn’t be! The strength of this peculiar dragon is not as powerful as the rumor says!”

Seeing that the energy of the Ocean-Reflect Heart Dragon was almost exhausted, and that it could only dodge the heavy strikes of the Vein Dominating Elephant hurriedly, Guy Hume already had the intention of retreating.

The Vein Dominating Elephant probably held a grudge; all its powerful attacks were directed towards the Ocean-Reflect Heart Dragon.

If it continues like this, defeat is a small problem compared to the risk of someone taking away the Ten Thousand Years Evergreen Stone Milk, it’s better to take a strategic retreat.

After making this decision, Guy Hume patted the Ocean-Reflect Heart Dragon on the head, and took advantage of the moment the Vein Dominating Elephant was restrained by Grau, to swiftly flee towards the distance.

With a Dominant Elephant at hand, the Ten Thousand Years Evergreen Stone Milk is definitely going to be his.

A momentary flare was gone in the blink of an eye, and David chuckled.

“We should go too. We’re not sure if there is a Level VIII legendary resource in Evan Davis’ treasure trove, but among the legendary resources, the extremely rare Ten Thousand Years Evergreen Stone Milk absolutely cannot be missed.” Anyway, the body of the Vein Dominating Elephant already has the deadly poison injected by Grau; if it wants to find it, it can find it at any time.

Watching two rays of light that failed to overtake it, the enraged Vein Dominating Elephant suddenly blasted the ground beneath its feet into fragments.

Unlike in battle, the slow Vein Dominating Elephant can’t even catch up by using the power of the Earth Vein to narrow the distance, let alone catch up with the Overlord of the same class that can fly in the sky.

“They’ve left too! Seems I thought too much, they’re not deliberately appearing weak and planning to swallow everything for themselves, they are simply weaker.”

Guy Hume’s eyes flashed, as he took out a large Overlord Elephant heart from his Star Ring.

“It’s a pity that it was killed early!” he said softly.

The Vein Dominating Elephant probably guessed that its child had died. Otherwise, the Overlord Elephant clan, which has great difficulty reproducing, wouldn’t risk their offspring’s lives for a few drops of Evergreen Stalactites.

“I’m still not strong enough to defeat the Vein Dominating Elephant. I guess I’ll have to ask the old ancestor to make a move!” A hint of regret appeared on Guy Hume’s face.

While Guy Hume was healing and sending out information, David and Grau had already secretly arrived at the entrance of the Vein Dominating Elephant’s resting cave.

“Why are you sure it will go back to the Evergreen Stalactites?” Grau slowly followed behind the Vein Dominating Elephant, mid-air.

The Vein Dominating Elephant had an extremely strong sensing ability towards the earth. Any existence standing on the ground wouldn’t be able to evade the senses of few Overlord Exotic Beasts.

To be cautious, Grau could only quietly fly half-up in the air to follow.

“The Ten Thousand Years Evergreen Stone Milk is related to the Vein Dominating Elephant’s life. Whether it’s for revenge, exchange, or to recover from the injury and increase its strength, it has to have the Evergreen Stalactites in its hands to have the initiative.” David said softly.

“I see.” Grau nodded as if understanding.

He was skilled in fighting, but he hadn’t done much thinking.

“When it has the advantage in strength, it would be wary, but it wouldn’t be too scared of us to dare to take the Evergreen Stalactites. We only need to know its approximate range of action to determine the location of the stalactites.” David continued.

“I’m glad you’re here, David, otherwise Grau would’ve missed out. Or should we split fifty-fifty!” Grau blinked his dragon eyes, a little distressed.

“No need, just stick to the original agreement, you won’t make a mistake by listening to me.” David said confidently.

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