Chapter 11: Big Goblins?

Somewhere within the Great Wildlands Forest, a certain handsome boy named Azmond was walking aimlessly, looking for something fun to entertain him.

"Where am I anyway?" Azmond asked himself with a perplexed expression.

He looked around him and saw nothing but the lush forest that surrounded him on every side.

"It's not like I was given a map when I was abandoned out in the middle of who knows where! Those stupid ass parents of mine didn't leave me with shit!"

Azmond was a little pissed off over the fact that he was left in the center of a vast forest with no clue where to go to find something 'fun' to entertain himself with.

That's right, he wasn't particularly angry over being abandoned; he didn't care one bit for his parents in this life anyway.

In his mind, they were no better than a sperm donor and an incubator.

What he did, however, care about was that they left him in the middle of nowhere with no clue as to which direction he should be heading in to get a good fight!


"Oh well, no use whining over spilled milk. I guess I should just keep walking in a random direction like I have been." He put on a determined look as he stuck his index finger in his mouth and lifted it into the air to let destiny decide which direction he should take.

However, destiny can often be cruel, especially in this case. Or at least, it would be for a normal, sane person...

But Azmond was neither of those things, so what was about to occur would be just what he wished for.


"How did that song go again? I never was much of a singer in my past life, but I'm pretty sure it went something like, Mhm~Hmmmm~MMMHhhm~," He sang a tune from his past world before he paused for a second and said, "Thinking about songs brings up another unfortunate thing about this New World of Cultivation, that 'thing' being that there are no headphones to listen to music... Or maybe there are, and I just haven't found them yet."

The topic of songs got him thinking about the existence of artifacts or something like them that could have a chance of mimicking and reproducing sounds.

But he didn't dwell on the matter for long before he said, "Hmm... I guess I'll just have to wait and see."


Meanwhile, as Azmond continued singing a tune of his past world while walking around without a destination, a few green figures with sketchy-looking cloaks were lurking in the shadows, not even a thousand meters away from him.

They were talking amongst themselves without Azmond being able to hear a thing, most likely due to some sort of noise-jamming magic tool the green figures were carrying around with them.

"Is that little human child the owner of the Aura signature your shadows detected earlier?" One of the green-cloaked figures asked the largest hooded figure of the group.

The largest figure was standing in at around 7 feet tall, whom we knew as GrandMeister Argas.


It didn't take long before he looked in the direction of the green-cloaked figure and mumbled, "I can't believe it myself; I have seen humans before, and this one looks to be an 11–12-year-old child..."

Grandmeister Argas's expression turned to one of astonishment as he murmured, "A 12-year-old Core Formation Realm Cultivator is simply impossible!"

His words of disbelief elicited reactions from the rest of the green-cloaked figures as well.

"All of us Asuras have seen humans and even human 'geniuses' before, but what we are seeing before us now is utterly unbelievable." One of the 3 slightly shorter Green-cloaked figures said with a shocked look on its normally impartial face.

"Even the most talented of humans in the neighboring kingdoms reached the Core Formation Realm at the age of 19!" Another one of the 3 Asuras said with a surprised look on its hideous face.

"We have all come to the consensus that this is impossible, right?" Argas asked with a questioning tone before he said, "So what the hell is going on here!?"

Stupefaction overtook his expression as his eyes stayed on the figure of the human child leisurely walking through the Great Wildlands Forest.

Both The GrandMeister and every Goblin Asura gathered here have heard of Old Monsters capable of changing their faces and bodies with certain techniques to look younger, but... every single one of those Old Monsters was at least a Nascent Soul Realm Master.

So they really had no clue what in the hell was going on with the human child!

Either a Nascent Soul Realm Monster was luring them in for a reason that doesn't even make sense, or the human before them was only a 12-year-old boy...

12 years old, an age that most usually started their cultivation journeys, and yet they were expected to believe that the boy before them had already reached the Core Formation Realm!


'So it must be the former option, right?'

They all thought in unison with similar theories to this one, but they just couldn't understand for what reason a Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator would pretend to be a wolf in sheep's clothing.

A Nascent Soul Realm Cultivator could wipe out their whole kingdom with just one flick of a finger, so why would someone so powerful be bothered to come after them in such a way?

The GrandMeister and Goblin Asura's were thinking over all possible explanations for what was happening before them, but not a single explanation made any sense! So they just gave up on thinking about the matter altogether.

They were commanded by their king to exterminate the human before them, so that's what they were going to do.

Whether the human was a wolf in sheep's clothing or a Heavenly never-before-seen genius was of no concern to them, they just had to follow their orders.

However, oftentimes in life, nothing ever goes the way you expected it to...

"What a lovely day for a stroll, isn't it, my lovely little- or should I say, big green cloaked stalkers?" Azmond suddenly appeared behind the GrandMeister and 3 Asura Goblins without making a single sound as a wide creepy grin appeared on his overly handsome features.

"!?" "!?" "!?" "!?"

This sudden and silent movement of the little human boy before them left the 4 goblins backing up hundreds of meters out of pure shock and instinct.

Nonetheless, it didn't take long before the largest and strongest of them snapped out of it.

"What the hell?! That human boy is so fast!" GrandMeister Argas shouted with a dumbfounded look.

"How did he know we were there? Our cloaks are capable of hiding us from even an early Golden Core Realm master's divine sense!" One of the Goblin Asura's announced with a look of bewilderment.

"Who knows and who cares?! We have to retreat and reorganize our plans since the boy found us first!" Another Goblin Asura said with a more focused look than the last two.

But in the end, it didn't matter what thoughts they had on the subject, as the main player had something different in mind...

"Why are you running away, green piggies? The fun is just getting started!" Azmond's creepy smile reached his ears; even his eyes started to follow in the same direction as his lips.


Azmond lunged forward as he left supersonic booms in his wake, aiming directly at the largest little piggie in the middle.


Following such a leap, a loud explosion was heard as Azmond directly grabbed the face of the unsuspecting GrandMeister Argas and launched him face-first into a nearby mountain!

"!!!" Argas was still trying to process what was happening.

But he didn't even get that chance, as his figure was flung straight into a mountain!

The backside of the mountain imploded outwards on impact as rock and debris flew up thousands of meters into the air and fell back down towards the earth like miniature meteorites that blasted holes in the forest surrounding the mountain.

The front side of the mountain, where the now-bloodied and bruised GrandMeister lay unconscious and subsequently became imprinted into, was on the verge of crumbling from the previous destruction.

"You survived that, right, big green piggie?! I wouldn't want my first strong enemy in this world to die in one hit; that wouldn't be very good now, would it?" Azmond asked with obvious 'concern' on his still-grinning face.

Nonetheless, Azmond saw that Argas was clearly out of commission...

So like the kind saint he was, let the first big green piggie recover on the mountain while he played with the other 3 piggies.

"What the hell was that?!" One of the 3 Goblin Asura's thundered out with a look of disbelief.

"A Peak Core Formation Master knocked out cold with one move?!'" Another Goblin Asura asked with astonishment written all over his face.

A boy who looked no older than 12 years old, one-shotting a Peak Core Formation Realm Cultivator, would be a surprise to any sane person out there!

Not that the Goblin Asuras had any leisure time to understand what just happened as the Little Monster himself came flying toward them at breakneck speeds.


"Let's have some fun fighting to our heart's content; why don't we little green piggies?" The insane-sounding voice of Azmond resounded across this entire section of the forest as even the nearby birds and insects started evacuating the area.

The Goblin Asura's were in a disorganized daze for a few split seconds, but it didn't take long before they gathered their scattered thoughts back together.

"Biggro, Sigfried, get in formation! Let's teach this crazy little monster some manners!" One of the Goblin Asuras whose name was Egen shouted to the other 2 Goblin Asuras called Biggro and Sigfried.


Both Biggro and Siegfried shouted in unison.

All 3 Goblin Asuras then got into a triangle-shaped formation around Azmond, hundreds of meters apart from each other, as metal Qi elements started gathering in their hands and quickly expanded over 60 meters in height!

Following the congregation of energies coming together, they formed the shapes of long, huge swords!


"Oh?" The once-speeding Azmond slowed to a standstill as an amused look appeared on his handsome features.

"Finally, something interesting!" He shouted out. "Come on! Show me more! I want everything you have; no holding back!"

Azmond shouted to the 3 Asura's surrounding him on all sides with a look of glee on his usually stoic face.

"This human boy is mocking us! An inferior human is actually mocking us!? The Goblin Asura's of the Great and Mighty Goblin Kingdom!?"

"Unacceptable!!!" One of the Goblin Asuras shouted out loud what all of them were thinking, with obvious hatred apparent in its raspy voice.

"TAKE THIS, INFERIOR HUMAN!" The same Goblin Asura who just shouted a second ago once again ran its throat dry as it and the other Goblin Asura's threw everything they had at Azmond.

Three 100-meter-long swords made of metal elements that seemed to touch the heavens came crashing down from three different directions toward Azmond!


Azmond, now faced with this apocalyptic event, should definitely consider dodging out of the way...

But he didn't.

He just stood there, staring up at the 3 heavenly swords heading right towards him with a happy smile on his face. "Oh~ What a wonderful World I found myself reincarnated into~" Azmond thought to himself with a pleased and crazed look adorning his divine features.

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