The Strongest Businessman

Chapter 68 68: Conditions for Partnership

After the auction, Sheldon presented Dylan's share of the profit gained from the Solarburst Chrysanthemum. Well, technically, it's not a share because the entire profit went to Dylan due to Sheldon's absentminded remarks which forced Azelmek to agree despite his unwillingness. But despite his unwillingness, Azelmek was not disheartened as he knew that this would also be a method to curry favor from Dylan.

Dylan, on the other hand, was in absolute joy as he received the profit of 750 spirit stones. 750 spirit stones is equal to 750,000 gold coins and if further converted to it would be equivalent to 75,000,000 silver coins! It was the first huge haul of Dylan ever since he came to this world. Therefore, he really was extremely happy about his gains today.

Although Dylan was bleaming with happiness, he could only keep it to himself because he needed to maintain his cold and haughty disposition when facing Sheldon or Azelmek. When he received the storage ring which contained the spirit stones, he merely flicked his fingers and with a thought it disappeared and went to one of his storage rings.

After giving Dylan's gains, Sheldon could not help but ask, "Elder Null, pardon me but if I may ask what were the other two conditions that you did not mentioned earlier?"

Sheldon was naturally curious about this matter since Dylan mentioned that he still has a few more conditions that he wishes the Premier Hall to do before formally agreeing into a business partnership.

Since Dylan was also an integral business partner for their Premier Hall and being one of Azelmek's most trusted aids, he felt that it was his responsibility to ask about the conditions of the partnership between the hall and Dylan.

"Oh, that's right. My other condition would be for the Premier Hall to make a business partnership with a new establishment called Soaring Garden Herbal Store." Dylan spoke in his "Null" voice.

"Why is that so, sir Null? Does this establishment have any connection to you?" Azelmek could not help but interject in this matter since it was the matter of their Premier Hall. He could not understand why sir Null would want the Premier Hall to help a newly established brand.

"Yes, it does. In fact, the owner of that store was my benefactor." Dylan calmly stated.

"What?!" Azelmek was shocked when he heard Dylan's words.

"Could it be that the owner of this store is also a peerless expert such as​ yourself, sir Null?" Sheldon forced himself to inquire despite his shock.

"No, he is actually very weak. Back then, he was only around 2nd level of Spirit Core Realm." Dylan calmly answered.

"Ehh?!?" This statement made both Azelmek's​ and Sheldon's​ mouth open wide from shock. They could not comprehend how a weakling of the Spirit Core Realm help an expert who was at the very least beyond Mortal Severing and Mystical Lord?

"It seems like you're in shock." Dylan spoke in amused tone.

The two businessmen could only smile wryly and nod in an embarrassed manner.

"Well, it was five years ago. I was heavily injured by my foes after being ambushed and surrounded by them. I was forced to flee thousands of miles from the place of battle using a forbidden technique and hid in the forest of a Middle Proximity City called Soaring Cloud City. In the middle of the woods, I collapsed due to overfatigue, severe blood loss and heavy injuries. If any spirit beasts of the Awakened Spirit Realm were to find in that state, I would have long departed this world."

"However, when I woke up, I was met with wooden ceiling and I forced myself to scan my surroundings and then was shock to find out that I was lying in a bed of a small room. From there, I knew that I was saved. A young male adolescent then came in and tended my injuries. Although it was only first aid and application of basic medicine paste, if not for it, I would long have died. Accompanied by the ability of my body to recover, I was able to recover in a week."

"Afraid that I may cause unnecessary disaster to my benefactor, I quickly left after recovering. I wasn't able to leave anything behind because my foes might detect my aura from it and bring disaster to him. I felt so guilty of not being able to repay the favor that I have owed that young man and I thought I would never be able to see him again when I received the news of the destruction of the Soaring Cloud City." Slightly raising his head, despite his face being covered by his cloak, he seemed as though he was reminiscing his old memories. His unusually deep and hoarse voice contained a shade of melancholy and guilt. Such meticulousness in his delivery made Dylan's acting impeccable.

"So that's how it was." The two businessmen then understood why "Sir Null" insisted in making a business partnership with the owner of the Soaring Garden Herbal Store.

The both of them were unable to find the slightest fault during Dylan's storytelling. They even felt that the gratitude and guilt that "Sir Null" had for this young boy was genuine. They would never have thought that Dylan only made up this story in order for the two to discard any future suspicions that he and Sir Null are one person.

"Today, I visited this city in search for materials needed for my breakthrough. As I was scanning, I discovered a familiar aura that I have not encountered for several years now. He may look completely different now as he is already an adult but his soul's aura would never change. When I detected him, I knew that this was the chance that the heavens have me to repay my debt. Seeing that he and his employees were still foreign to this place, I decided to offer him help by giving him some of my herbs and negotiating here with you to assist the growth of his business. Doing this little effort is nothing compared to what he has done for me by saving my life. That is why to repay him I must ensure a bright future for him to have!" Dylan continued with his story as he emphasized his "determination" to repay his debt.

"Sir Null, is truly a virtuous man. He never forgets a debt and takes it as his responsibility to repay the favor that he received. What a great character you possess, sir!" Azelmek sincerely praised "Sir Null's" character.

"An amazing man, indeed." Sheldon nodded to express his approval.

"Don't worry. I will pay you handsomely for doing so. Here." Dylan threw storage ring to Azelmek.

"What is this, sir Null?" Azelmek asked.

"This is the payment that I promised." Dylan answered.

"This-this..." Azelmek was totally dumbfounded as he checked the contents of the storage ring because it had 7 different High Earth Ranked Herbs!!

"What is inside the storage ring, Hallmaster?" Sheldon immediately came over to check the insides of the storage ring and he was shocked to see the 7 different High Earth Ranked Herbs. "Mama mia~", he strangely uttered as he froze on the spot.

"I entrust the future of my benefactor to you as I will be leaving this city after two weeks or so. I am expecting that you are competent enough to do this condition of mine. If not, don't blame me for being ruthless." Dylan spoke in an extremely cold tone accompanied with a cold and piercing gaze aimed at the two persons in front of him.

"Y-yes, sir!" Both of them subconsciously answered from fright. They were thinking that it was good thing that he didn't use killing intent otherwise they wouldn't have been able to breathe after that. The pressure from the Heavenly Eyes alone made their breathing heavy.

The​ current Dylan is still unable to muster killing intent that may threaten these hundred year-old monsters because he was only able to kill around 100 men as of now. This number wouldn't even come close to the number of people these two killed for the sake of protecting the Premier Hall or for the sake of becoming stronger. Releasing such a measly killing intent would only result his identity being discovered as a fake.

The density of killing intent of a person is mostly dependent on the number of people killed by a cultivator. The denser killing intent that a person​ has, the more effective a deterrent it becomes. In battle, when the enemy falters due to the intimidation effect brought by one's killing intent, it becomes an opening or a chance to attack the enemy with deadly moves.

"Good." Dylan was seemingly satisfied with their answer.

"What would be the last condition you have, Sir Null?" Sheldon asked.

"That would be for you to gather all the ingredients that are listed in this paper within one week." Dylan showed a piece of paper that was as long as a short band paper.

When Sheldon and Azelmek checked the ingredients needed, their faces suddenly turned deathly white.

"Sir, we need to get all that are listed here?" Sheldon's​ voice suddenly turned weak as beads of sweat were starting to appear on his forehead.

"Yes. Is there any problem with that?" Dylan asked.

"I mean all the materials are only Low Earth Ranked ingredients and we would be able to find all of them within the city but the quantity is a bit..." Sheldon's voice faltered as he remembered the amount needed for each item.

"A bit too much?" Dylan tried to continue Sheldon's sentence.

"Yes.. It's just that we don't have the confidence of gathering it within a week or so.." Sheldon spoke hesitatingly.

"But if we were given two weeks, we assure you that we would be able to gather all of them." Azelmek joined in as he tried to negotiate with the time that Dylan set for them.

"Fine, two weeks. But not a day more that that. Are we clear? I don't want to take the Noble Test just to stay for a bit longer." Dylan said demandingly.

"Yes, sir. If you like, we can talk to the Chief of the Noble Test Center to get you a VIP access to the city since our Hall has pretty good relations with them." Azelmek hurriedly said.

"Is that so? Then, I would have to trouble you then." Dylan said plainly but he was smiling because of how convenient Azelmek did things for him.

"It's no trouble, sir. As long as you agree to guide our Premier Hall to greatness, we'll do what will please you." Azelmek said earnestly.

"Of course. Just keep in mind the agreement and I will surely guide your Hall to success." Dylan confidently said.

"Thank you, sir Null." Azelmek felt gratified with Dylan's​ reply.

"I shall take my leave now. I will come back about the same time tomorrow." Dylan nodded and turned around and left the Premier Hall. As he left, he was greeted with the bows of the maids and butlers lined up until the giant door of the Premier Hall.

After Dylan's departure, Sheldon asked Azelmek something, "Sir, are you sure about gathering the materials in two weeks time?"

"Yes but the price is... Ugh!" Azelmek gritted his teeth as he answered. He looked at the list of the Low Earth Rank Herbs enlisted. Each one could be found with the city but the number of herbs per variety were ridiculous. There were only 20 varieties enlisted but each one of them required more than 30 each! That would mean they needed to gather 600 herbs! Each herb was only worth about 1 spirit stones but the amount would make a total of 600 spirit stones!

Azelmek could not help but wonder what type of pill he is going to make but if not for a pill what would it be for?

They did not know that these herbs was for the creation of the strongest spirit core in history!!!

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