The Story Never Ends

Chapter 185 - The Lupinus City

"It looks like we are currently in the northeast territory of the White Tiger Clan. As a Demon Beast, you should know more about this world, shouldn't you?" Davion asked Joanna while observing the map of the Demon Beast World. He had found it when checking through the spirit ring of Anders.

"No, I don't. After all, I was born in the Human World, and I have lived there all my life. So, like you, it is also my first time coming here." Joanna replied while flying in the sky.

"Is that so?" Davion became a bit disappointed as he didn't know anything about this world. He could only guess some things from the little bit of information he obtained from the map.

Different from the Human World, the Demon Beast World didn't seem to be divided into different Mainlands. There is only one piece of land surrounded by water from all sides. However, this land is thrice as big as any Mainlands in the Human World..

"According to this map, the White Tiger Clan owns at least two-thirds of this land and the remaining ones are owned by The Dragon Clan and the Black Tortoise Clan. But how can this be possible?"

"Although I don't know how strong the Black Tortoise Clan is, the Dragon Clan should be powerful enough to contest and fight for those lands against the White Tiger Clan." He was in deep thought.

"Maybe the Dragon Clan finds it troublesome and not worth their time to rule over lands? However, there can be another dangerous probability too. Who knows if the White Tiger Clan are actually the strongest Clan in the Demon Beast World and thus everyone is scared of them?" He couldn't think of any other possibilities than these.

"Master, where do we go?" Joanna abruptly asked. It had already been a while since they had been running away and she was getting tired as well. This was due to her using all her strength to fly as fast as possible.

"Let me see." Davion looked at the map carefully and ordered, "Just go straight to the east. There is a city named Lupinus a few miles away. We can find an inn and stay there for a week."

According to his estimation, it takes at least a week for his tattoo to get recharged. So, he made up his mind to stay there until then. During this time, he would also study and collect more information about this world.


Meanwhile, in the quarry where Davion had caused havoc, there were two young boys and a middle-aged man standing with a solemn look on their faces. They had golden hair and were wearing similar colored robes.

"We are late." One of the young boys shook his head in pity.

"Indeed, someone has destroyed the whole place." The other boy bent down and put his right hand on the ground.

"Ahh" He immediately cried out in pain and pulled it back.

"How can the lingering energy be this powerful?" He couldn't believe it.

"It's not surprising for a Domain Realm Expert. The question is why did that person do it?" The middle-aged man who had been silent for the whole time finally spoke.

"Senior Hector, do you think we can catch that person?" The boys looked at him in anticipation. They knew that he was also a Domain Realm Expert and especially a strong one at that. Hence, they were confident that he might have some way.

"Let me see." Hector snapped his fingers and a small golden flame lit up infront of him.


The moment he said this, blue particles and red particles slowly emerged from the rubbles in the ground. Then they were sucked into the flame.

"Senior Hector's Golden Flame is really extraordinary. It can even pull out the leftover tiny auras of a battle that took place who knows how long ago."

"Although we both are at the Nascent Soul Stage, we are far away from it."

The boys began flattering him. However, Hector didn't care about them and focused on his own task.


The flame split into two; one red and another blue. Next, he took out two strange eyeballs from his spirit ring and threw them into those flames.

"Aren't these the eyeballs of the legendary Four-Eyed Griffin Tribe that vanished two thousand years ago?"

The boys gazed at them with disbelief. From what they have heard, this tribe possessed terrifyingly powerful eyes that could locate everything in the heavens and earth. This included treasures, enemies, secret realms, and many more. Thus, they were later hunted and made to work as slaves. Now nobody knows whether they became extinct or they escaped somewhere to protect themselves.

"Yes, they are. But these aren't as strong as the legends say. We need to feed them with at least a trace of the aura of the source before they would be able to find it." Hector explained.

"Oh! Does this mean that they can only be used for tracking?" The boy asked.

"You can say.." Hector was about to reply when suddenly the eyeball which went inside the red flame began shaking abnormally. This was quite different from the easily absorbed blue flame.

"This.." His expression changed as he witnessed such a phenomenon. It was the first time in his life that he had seen the eyeball struggling.

This didn't end here as tears dripped from the eyeball and after a couple of seconds, it caught fire.

"No." Hector panicked and pulled it out from the flame at once without any hesitation. How could he let such a treasure go to waste?

However, his effort was futile as the flame was still glued to the eyeball.

"Damn." He cursed and used his golden flame once again. He then tried to suck the red flame with it. But it was still useless as the eyeball continued burning and turned into ashes in a couple of seconds.

"Senior Hector" The boys called out and looked at him with worry.

Hector didn't reply but rather set his sights on the other eyeball.

"Now what about it?" He grabbed and channeled his Qi into it. It then automatically moved in a certain direction. But it stopped all of sudden.


"Why are they not working today?" His face became ice cold and a dangerous aura brewed inside him. This instantly made the boys break out in cold sweat.

While he was wondering, a hushed voice was heard in the air.

"Lord Hector"

Hector glanced there and saw a burly man approaching him in a hurry.

"It's you, the Patriarch of the Wolf Tribe." He recognized Andreas and gazed back at the eyeball.

"The aura seems familiar." He finally solved one of the puzzles. The blue aura belonged to the person infront of him.

"Lord, did you catch that kid?" Andreas stood ahead of him and asked. His face was completely red in anger.

"Kid?" Andreas was confused.

"Yes, it was a young man who did this. He was wearing a weird mask and had a unique mount with him." Andreas explained everything he knew.

A couple of minutes later,

"You will be coming with us to our tribe. We need your help to hunt him down." Hector declared in a cold tone. He really wanted to catch that person and teach him a lesson. Not only did he ruin his treasure, he even destroyed one of his sources of income.

If this matter were to spread, then their Golden Lion Tribe would surely lose their face. There might also be the possibility of lesser tribes losing their trust in them and trying to join other tribes for protection.

In addition to this, he was eager to know the secret of the red aura. From Andreas, he didn't get much information about it.

"Of course. I want to kill him with my own hands." Andreas cracked his knuckles. He even secretly escaped from the war in the human world just to come here for revenge. If the Hall Master of the Heavenly Demon Sect knew about this then he would surely get punished. So, he was in a haste.


"The Lupinus City"

Davion stood infront of the city and gazed at it with amazement. Like the slaves inside the quarry, there were varieties of demon beasts strolling in the streets. But they were full of vitality and brimming with life. He even saw humans walking along with them.

However, he knew that they were powerful Demon Beasts above the Golden Core Stage. The nearby people would always keep a safe distance from them in fear of annoying them. Nonetheless, they were not the ones who piqued his interest, but rather the snake people in green shiny armor having the emblem of a Golden Lion in the chest.

"They must be the ones in charge of this city; The Venomous Python Tribe. This emblem represents that they must have the Golden Lion Tribe backing them." Davion was worried.

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