The Stars Beyond

Chapter 459: Become God Or Get Married

Chapter 459: Become God Or Get Married

This was clearly a plot to challenge him, presenting a deadly choice. To choose neither meant the eradication of all! Wang Xuan suspected that after receiving the protective amulet outside, he had been marked, someone intent on diminishing his advantage.

If that was the case, why grant him the amulet in the first place? Now, starting in hellish mode hardly improved his disposition.

"Who hasn't faced a fork in life's road? To turn left, or to veer right, gaining something means losing something else; one cannot have both the fish and the bear's paw."

"A life without regrets is forged from braving thorny paths, bleeding before beholding the rose garden. Make your decision now; focus on the present or gaze into the far future. You have no time to hesitate."

"Which supreme god is without flaw? Without an iron will, how can one surpass the pinnacle and witness the expanse and grandeur from afar? Seeking immortality, your path forward is destined to be solitary; no one can stay by your side. Today's parting, forsaking the mundane world, is to prepare you for the loneliness after centuries of descent, standing alone, looking back to find silence in your era."

"By then, those of your age, even those of your civilization, may no longer exist, perhaps leaving you the sole survivor in the vast cosmos."


The voice, detached and devoid of emotion, spoke as though discussing matters unrelated to itself, urging Wang Xuan to focus on the future, to forsake the fleeting moments destined to become mere backdrops in his journey. Those people, those events, would eventually fade away, leaving no one to share in his years.

Wang Xuan looked ahead once more, to a book slowly turning its pages, the source of the voice.

Beyond, lay a withered and decayed great barrier, its occasional flickers of transcendent flame signifying the remnants of a bygone era. The barrier and the real world were no longer separated, allowing free passage.

Behind him was a world teeming with life yet devoid of super-materials, barely qualifying as a living planet, far removed from its former splendor.

"Who are you to dictate my life's path? I will walk my own road. What you propose is not what I desire!" Wang Xuan replied, rejecting both choices. He continued, "Life is full of regrets, yes, but we should strive to change that, not preemptively give up as you suggest."

The book, now clearer, continued to turn its pages, emitting an ethereal voice: "Life is inherently imperfect. No one is without regret. You find yourself in this game, naively believing you can escape. Do you think mere ideals can oppose reality? Mired in the mundane, how can you escape the mire? You're already in the world, transcending it is but a fantasy."

"I can make my own choices wherever I am, keeping my direction clear. If even life's crossroads are dictated by others, confining me to a preordained path, that's the real absurdity. I'd rather not waste my words," Wang Xuan declared, refusing further debate.

He took out the dark crystal amulet, grasped Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin's hands, and had them hold the amulet together, uncertain if it could protect them both in case of an emergency.

"Old Qing, we're men; we don't need the amulet. Stand by me. Did you hear those voices just now?"

"We heard some strange, indistinct sounds," Qing Mu replied.

"Do I not deserve protection? I, too, am a maiden at heart!" Little Fox Spirit protested, feeling aggrieved.

"Then you hold the black crystal with them," Wang Xuan suggested.

"You wear it yourself!"

"We don't need it!" Zhao Qinghan and Wu Yin spoke in unison, sensing an impending calamity.

"No need!" Wang Xuan halted their protest.

Transcendent Ma, trying to lighten the mood, quipped, "Actually... I have a maiden's heart too."

"Do you have no shame?" Wang Xuan was tempted to kick him away.

Quickly dodging, Transcendent Ma joked, "Just kidding. I wanted to break the tense atmosphere. Why am I here? To trample through the great barriers and become a supreme god. What's there to fuss about at this moment?"

The indifferent voice sounded again: "Personality shapes destiny. I'm here to correct yours, to show you the bitter and sweet of ascending to godhood, the myriad states of life, with none exempt. When human effort reaches its limits, no one can control everything."

The book flipped its pages, becoming clearer, revealing an ink painting of a celestial swordsman flying through the skies.


Wang Xuan took preemptive action. His iron mace emitted a dazzling light, like a divine sword cleaving through the cosmos, intending to cut through all obstacles.

"Indeed, you are strong. But you're fighting against an era. Can one person oppose a grand epoch of transcendence?" the voice from the book calmly stated.

Then, the ink painting expanded, enveloping Wang Xuan, Zhao Qinghan, and their surroundings, merging them into a new realm.

Distant mountains, vast lakes, luminous divine trees... This was a serene haven now disturbed.

Wang Xuan clutched his head in agony as another's life invaded his mind.

"Who am I? Wang Xian, a swordsman ascending to immortality, on the brink of breaking through the heavenly gate. My masters support me, aiding my bodily ascension to achieve this epoch's marvel — a unique feat where both body and spirit ascend to sanctity. I must forsake all earthly ties, a fleeting chance missed, and spirit and body will never ascend together."

Roaring, Wang Xuan then lifted his head, declaring, "No, I am Wang Xuan. Those were someone else's life experiences!"

Nearby, Zhao Qinghan too held her head, murmuring in pain: "Who am I? I am Zhao Qingxian. In the past, my senior could have ascended in both body and spirit, a singular achievement. But for my sake, he stayed behind, missing his chance, decaying alongside me in the mortal realm. Have I actually returned? I will not repeat the same mistake again! I shall allow him to become an Immortal while I myself fade away”

"I die, you live, becoming the only saint and immortal of this world!" Zhao Qinghan declared resolutely, her fingers shining like a divine sword sweeping towards her own neck.

Amidst the intense pain in his head, Wang Xuan struggled to break free from the engulfing emotions, desperate not to sink into someone else's life, urgently shouting, "Wake up, it's not real, you are Zhao Qinghan, not Zhao Qingxian, and I am Wang Xuan!"


A soft divine radiance from his hand intercepted Zhao Qinghan's palm from reaching her snowy neck, preventing her from taking her own life. This surreal experience, bearing the past of others to rewrite one's life, was too demonic.

In the ink-painted world, a voice echoed, "Such people and events indeed existed. In that once-dazzling era of myth, a person nearly became unique in the world, his body sanctified, his spirit perfected, both advancing into the great barrier. Yet, he couldn't leave behind the mortal dust because Zhao Qingxian lacked the fate to become an immortal, destined to die in the mortal realm. On the brink of sanctification and ascension, his momentary hesitation led to the loss of his path; his body damaged by thunder, no longer unparalleled. In the end, he chose to stay in the mortal world, decaying alongside the woman he cherished."

"Be it regret or missed opportunities, leave, this isn't my life!" Wang Xuan stated, striving to break free from the invasive thoughts.

The voice from the book spoke again, "I wanted you to experience his past, to understand that if one cannot cut ties with the mundane, a transcendent life will be filled with regret. That person could have been the foremost being of that radiant mythic age, yet he decayed in the mortal realm."

Wang Xuan, still in agony and swaying, retorted, "You're truly meddlesome! Those were their choices, decisions made, turned into the past. Who are you to presume his regret and seek to alter it all?"

"You're mistaken, some among them regretted their choices and sought change, like Zhao Qingxian, who wished to fulfill her senior brother's destiny. Now, momentarily returning from history, her thoughts have infused your companion, aiming to amend the past and reshape the regrets left behind."

"Go, Dao Severing Sword, cut through all the false memories from my heart!" Wang Xuan roared, his body erupting in endless light, a peculiar sword radiance shining forth from within him. Then, the pain in his head ceased, the intrusive emotions expelled, returning him to himself.

The entity within the book seemed surprised, commenting, "Strange, you actually broke free. Let's just call him Wang Daxian for now. You must know, in that mythic era, he possessed extraordinary potential, meant to be the foremost figure of his time, yet you've withstood his emotional assault."

"I believe he harbored no regrets himself, willing to be expelled by me," Wang Xuan responded.

"Is that so? Well, your trouble has just increased. I will endow him with the sword to sever mundane ties, his flawlessness will confront you!" Wang Xuan's voice was deep, "Unable to change someone else's life, you summon him to battle me, determining the outcome through strength?"

"Correct! Let's begin. You've done well to detach from his emotions. But remember, he's exceptionally strong, his voluntary decay in the mortal realm doesn't alter his status as the leading figure in that mythical history. Should you lose, you'll enter this book, becoming a tale in the eyes of others, and I'll infuse Wang Daxian's emotions into your body, enabling his brief reunion with Zhao Qingxian."

In this painted landscape, Qing Mu, the little fox spirit, Wu Yin, and Transcendent Ma were absent, leaving only Zhao Qinghan immersed in Zhao Qingxian's sentiments, tears streaming down as she softly called out to her senior brother.

Wang Xuan declared, "Facing a being from a transcendent civilization with extraordinary potential, I'm indeed willing. But regardless of the outcome, I refuse to accept the choices you've arranged!"

Instantly, within this idyllic world reminiscent of a landscape painting, a figure emerged. Though somewhat blurry, the ethereal demeanor of a sword immortal struck directly to the core, with a sword of clarity shining into one's heart!

Truly, this was a formidable being, detached yet immensely terrifying.

Wang Xuan sighed, "Uncertain whether to deem it misfortune or fortune, the very first challenge equates to the final, confronting a tragic hero from a transcendent civilization."

With a clang, he made his choice. Without hesitation, his initial attack unleashed his most powerful technique, a sword light from the depths of his spirit, aimed directly at the figure!

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