The Stars Beyond

Chapter 346: Thunder Marsh Blood Pool

Chapter 346: Thunder Marsh Blood Pool

In the Thunder Marsh, the landscape was remarkably majestic, with arcs of lightning sweeping across like cascading clouds or vast auroras. Disregarding their danger, they were quite a spectacle.

Many mountain tops were bare or charred, alongside melted crystals, showing no signs of living beasts. Most creatures that stumbled in met a grim fate, reduced to charred remains.

Wang Xuan was enveloped in a faint white light, shielding himself against the unique thunderous material. The lightning here unpredictably burst in the air or suddenly surged from the ground, making it hard to guard against.

Finally, he neared the source of fortune within the Thunder Marsh. Ahead, the landscape was barren, rocky, and dotted with pits filled with what seemed like blood.

"Is this liquid seeping from the blood pool?" Wang Xuan observed with his Spirit Eye. It wasn't real blood but appeared to be a kind of exotic mineral substance.

Crack! Dense lightning struck again, this time in hues of blue and purple, like swords fiercely plunging from the sky, piercing the ground and scattering light in all directions.

Wang Xuan vanished from the spot in a blink, dashing towards the source of fortune.

"He's here!" whispered some demons, harboring hostility yet wary of Wang Xuan, especially those who had come from the new star. After all, Wang Xuan and Chen Yongjie had made a name for themselves hunting demons there.

Deep within the Thunder Marsh, amid thunder and lightning, lay a pool shrouded in blood mist. It occasionally emitted dazzling radiance, with an unusually rich concentration of super-materials, brimming with vitality.

Crimson liquid flowed from the pool, forming streaks of blood light that spread outwards, creating variously sized "blood pits" around.

"Excuse me, everyone. I only need a small corner of this vast blood pool," Wang Xuan called out, addressing the few demon cultivators scattered around the area. The presence wasn't overwhelming; the formidable demons were absent.

"By all means, please proceed," replied a demon, his human form betraying his origins with two unmistakable goat horns protruding from his head.

Having been recognized due to the Divine Slayer Banner, Wang Xuan no longer concealed his identity, though he remained clad in his battle-worn armor.

"Brother Wang, your capture of the esteemed Fairy Gu is a testament to your exceptional strength. We all admire your feat," one of the demon cultivators remarked, breaking the ice. They were adaptable, noting his approachability and refraining from expulsion.

"It was mere chance," Wang Xuan modestly claimed. He was careful as he navigated around Gu Mingxi, steering clear of the more perilous sections near the thunderous marshland, to stand at the brink of the largest blood pool, the origin of all the crimson currents. The onlookers, recognizing the situation, instinctively gave him space, leaving him in solitude by the pool. Previously, the fearsome might of the pool deterred many, with its reputation for brutal transformations, sparing only those of significant strength, like the Blood God Ape and a select few mighty demons.

"Brother Wang’s modesty underplays his achievements. Despite her youth, Fairy Gu's renown stretches beyond the earthly immortals within the secluded realms," chimed in a peculiar demon, his body gleaming metallically, his voice echoing the clank of ancient copper, a testament to his mineral demon lineage.

Wang Xuan was taken aback by the claim of Gu's power transcending that of earthly immortals. Yet, what did it matter to him? He reflected on Qi Lian Dao, progeny of the Demon Ancestor, formidable beyond words, whom he had managed to strike repeatedly.

Setting Gu Mingxi beside the pool, Wang Xuan meticulously circled the perimeter, observing the surge of red fluid and the emanating divine glow, devoid of any stench.

Through the lens of his Spirit Eye, he delved into the essence of the pool. It was not merely a concoction of blood or simple minerals; within the super-material waters lurked an array of extraordinarily rare substances, revealing the pool's enigmatic nature.

"Red mist, a supermaterial nearing the essence of true energy?" Wang Xuan gasped in astonishment. Such a substance was exceedingly rare, predominantly mingled with the conventional energies of the extraordinary.

With a decisive motion, he lowered Gu Mingxi's legs into the pool. Instantly, her calves swelled alarmingly, showing signs of potential rupture, as if her skin was about to be flayed.

"Let's consider this blood pool as containing rare minerals. It's not so much nurturing as it is a brutal transformation, akin to bone-setting with a sword pill - too intense a method for physical refinement," Wang Xuan mused, lifting her from the pool and setting her aside.

Shedding his heavy armor for ordinary clothes, he plunged into the pool, immediately besieged by excruciating pain. It felt as though his body was being pierced by large needles, swiftly traversing his flesh and causing involuntary groans of agony.

Some demon cultivators retreated, preferring to keep their distance from a man known for his dark history on New Star, where he had slain numerous demons.

"Bold indeed, to seek purification alone. When the moment comes for his organs to regenerate and his flesh to peel away, should we strike mercilessly?" murmured a demon cultivator, who had momentarily eased tensions with Wang Xuan, now revealing his true colors from a safe distance.

"Do you really think we stand a chance? Gu Mingxi was nearly vanquished by him; he's not easily bested. It's too risky," another retorted.

After a long observation, some demon cultivators silently withdrew, concluding the risk outweighed the potential gain of confronting Wang Xuan, whose physical and spiritual advancements they begrudgingly acknowledged.

"Aren't they concerned about being cornered here?" they wondered aloud.

"What are you waiting for? We might not strike, but we can alert others. Hopefully, the Blood God Ape hears of this and intervenes, or perhaps Qi Cheng Dao arrives to finish him," the demons plotted, opting for a strategy of using others to do their dirty work, thus avoiding direct confrontation.

Meanwhile, Wang Xuan's body shook uncontrollably under the agonizing process. This pain would be unforgettable, feeling as though he was being dismembered, his flesh meticulously peeled away by an invisible blade.

Despite the excruciating ordeal, Wang Xuan sensed a beneficial transformation within. The blood pool's formidable power broke his body's equilibrium, subjecting him to a torturous renewal akin to marrow scraping, far beyond mere bone-scraping healing.

Half an hour into this grueling process, his skin fissured open, peeling away in agony without altering his organs or bones.

"My body was already in its prime form, so no reshaping was needed?" he pondered, realizing that while his structure remained unchanged, a new vitality emerged within his flesh, resonating through his organs and illuminating his marrow, vibrating in harmony throughout his being.

An hour later, his blood was renewed, wounds healed, and his entire being shimmered with a newfound vibrancy, his physique and spirit enhanced. Yet, he was dissatisfied; the blood pool had only advanced his state from the early to the mid-phase of his current realm.

As Wang Xuan prepared to delve deeper into the pool's depths in search of the dense red mist hinting at true energy, he was aware of the arrival of formidable figures drawn by the rumors of his challenge yet none dared to act rashly.

With a black longsword in hand, he poised it at Gu Mingxi's swan-like neck, drawing blood, a stark warning to any who might contemplate interference.

Qi Cheng Dao emerged from the shadows, his presence heavy with intent. "Release Mingxi," he demanded, his voice laden with an ominous chill.

"Stay back and guard for me," Wang Xuan replied, dismissing the challenge with a calm demeanor.

Qi Cheng Dao's gaze sharpened, issuing a challenge. "If you are a true man, fight me. Let's see who's stronger, let merit decide our fates."

"Agreed, but first, stand watch for me. I'm on the verge of a breakthrough, feeling an epiphany. We'll spar afterward," Wang Xuan responded, his tone serene, undisturbed by the prospect of confrontation, focused instead on the insights awaiting him beneath the blood pool's surface.

In the distance, the crowd showed surprise. In these times, maintaining one’s current level of power was considered fortunate, yet here was someone eager for rapid advancement.

Qi Cheng Dao, his expression cold, said, “Wang Xuan, I had no prejudice against you, even admired you. But now, you disappoint me with such threats. That's not the behavior of a true hero.”

“Are you seeking what you call a fair supernatural duel?” Wang Xuan chuckled, then asked, “What realm are you in now? The second or third level of the Transcendent Realm?”

He continued calmly, “I have no issues with you either. Wait until I reach the eighth stage of the mortal realm. It won’t be long, I won’t make you wait too much. Then, we can have our contest.”

Many had gathered nearby, collecting the red liquid flowing from the blood pool, planning to take it elsewhere for their own purification.

The crowd was intrigued by Wang Xuan's words. His realm was indeed far below Qi Cheng Dao's. How could their current confrontation be considered a true contest of paths?

Suppressing his killing intent, Qi Cheng Dao held back. Under the watchful eyes of many, if he were to attack and force the other to behead Gu Mingxi, it would only make him seem overly aggressive and ruthless.

Moreover, he genuinely did not wish for Gu Mingxi to die here.

“I’ll give you time. Let's see how far you can go,” Qi Cheng Dao said, his face expressionless.

Wang Xuan remained silent, his gaze fixed on the bottom of the pool, ready to dive in. From a distance, Zhou Qinghuang approached, concealing herself near the Leize with Gu Mingxi's spirit in tow. "See? Your body is fine," she said.

Gu Mingxi was in no mood to engage. Fine? Bound by silver chains, her body scorched by lightning, marred by a terrible gash, and once even pierced through the heart by the chain!

With a splash, Wang Xuan tossed Gu Mingxi's body into the pool, glancing back at Qi Cheng Dao reassuringly, "Don't worry, the blood pool will benefit her."

Qi Cheng Dao's expression remained icy, offering no response.

Far off, Gu Mingxi's spirit grew restless, tempted to rush over. Truly, it was a bitter moment for her. Damaged in body and spirit, captured, and now ignominiously dumped into the blood pool, it was a low point indeed.

Reaching the bottom, Wang Xuan was astonished. The blood pool seemed like it had been created by a meteorite from beyond the skies, with clear signs at the base and remnants of extraordinary substances, hinting at powers close to reality.

This discovery sent a shock through him. Could it be that a meteorite once carried such substances?

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