The Stars Beyond

Chapter 310: The Everlasting Immortal Flower

Chapter 310: The Everlasting Immortal Flower

Wang Xuan's hand emerged from the surface of the pool, dripping with luminous liquid. The pool, akin to a cradle of life, seemed to nurture the first breath of life from a primordial era. It was miraculous, bestowing rebirth and rejuvenation.

"Has anyone else ever reached this place?" Wang Xuan mused, a question he had contemplated even before embarking on his journey. He believed that among the countless practitioners, there must have been those who, like him, sought a tangible realm, venturing to the source of this ethereal world.

"However, I suspect many might have felt a sense of helplessness, especially those around my level of cultivation. Without a tool like the God-Slaying Banner to expedite their journey, reaching this point would be near impossible." Considering the decade-long flight required to exit the Field of Life without his artifact, the journey was too monotonous and devoid of hope for most.

In an era where the supernatural was dazzling, who would dare to abandon the established mythological systems and seek a new path? Moreover, the nurturing effect of the three celestial medicines in his Field of Life provided him with the necessary support that others likely lacked. Even with immense willpower, a practitioner of the same realm might find it impossible to venture beyond their Field of Life due to sheer exhaustion.

"Even I found it challenging. If given the chance, I should plant one or two more celestial medicines," Wang Xuan whispered, although aware it was more a wishful thought. How many, since ancient times, had the opportunity to cultivate celestial medicines in their Field of Life?

"Yet, in these times of decay, I might just find that opportunity. Ancient texts and rare artifacts are surfacing, becoming mere collectibles for wealthy clans. It's not impossible for celestial medicines to fall into the mortal realm in the future."

"My Field of Life could become a garden of medicines, bolstering my spirit, energy, and strength, allowing me to journey even further." Wang Xuan mused, gazing beyond the pool into the silent depths of the void, enveloped in absolute darkness.


As Wang Xuan pondered, he realized the daunting nature of the journey he had embarked upon. "If some individuals were to strengthen their capabilities, they might consider retracing their steps to explore this domain, but reaching this point would still be immensely difficult," he thought.

The profound depth of the Field of Life made navigation perilous without the aid of the Spiritual Eye. Even a slight deviation in direction could lead to becoming utterly lost within one's own Field of Life - a harrowing thought that sent shivers down his spine.

"In ancient times, some powerful beings could traverse spiritual realms, attending gatherings in the Moon Palace or visiting friends in the netherworld. Yet, there were those who vanished without a trace while journeying within their own spiritual domain," Wang Xuan reflected.

He believed that, without the guidance of the Spiritual Eye, many could easily find themselves trapped deep within their Field of Life.

However, Wang Xuan considered that the supreme beings among the immortals, like the legendary Shijie Qi Yi or the Celestial Ancestor Qi Teng, might have the means to traverse this daunting path if they ever chose to delve into it. "But it's not certain," he mused. "As one's realm ascends, the complexity of their Field of Life might multiply, making the journey increasingly formidable, even for such exalted beings."

Surrounded by the rich vitality of this mysterious place, Wang Xuan felt rejuvenated. The liquid in the pool, shimmering with life, wasn't a physical substance. The pool itself, rough to the touch, seemed constructed from an enigmatic energy, forming a primordial pool of life, as if carrying the essence of life from the dawn of time.

With his spiritual power greatly enhanced and his mind clearer than ever, Wang Xuan stood up, feeling stronger. He gazed at the pool, longing to take some of its precious silver liquid with him - far more valuable than any elixir or celestial nectar he had encountered.

Yet, he refrained from acting on this impulse. Instead, he contemplated whether this realm of nothingness was accessible to all, or was it uniquely his own? A place where the genesis of life seemed to resonate only with him.

Wang Xuan, engulfed in a realm of void and silence, continued his quest for the elusive source of the mist. He speculated, "If each person's Field of Life corresponds to such a desolate place, unique to each, it would be unwise for me to act rashly."

This realization led him to believe that if he drained the pool, it could potentially lead to catastrophic consequences for his physical and spiritual being. It might be directly linked to his very essence of life.

"If this place is indeed unique to me," Wang Xuan pondered, "I could transplant a couple of celestial herbs here on my next visit. Marking my path with their support, I could venture even further towards that realm of reality."

He resumed his journey, diving deeper into the abyss of silence and darkness. It was as if he was traversing the vastness of the universe itself, alone in his exploration.

During his journey, he encountered the red mist again, now more vibrant and beautiful yet increasingly dangerous. Each encounter with the mist left him feeling more apprehensive, fearing imminent destruction, yet wrapped in his Divine Flag, he endured.

He wondered about the nature of this mysterious mist. Could understanding this energy bring about a fundamental change? Could it be different from the super-matter of the outside world?

But, as he pondered, he realized the mist was not a physical substance, and he hadn't yet found the real realm he sought.

Three months after leaving the silver Pool of Life, Wang Xuan's journey became more perilous. The appearance of the red light became more frequent and intimidating, causing his Divine Flag to flutter violently in resistance.

"If even the supreme beings from behind the great veil had sought this source of the mist, they might have stopped here," he thought. Their warnings to acquire the Divine Flag suggested its importance in such an endeavor.

The red light, now intertwined with mist, seemed to possess a hint of reality, yet its power was more terrifying than ever. When it spread again, the Divine Flag thundered, emitting blinding golden patterns in a fierce struggle.

Wang Xuan felt a surge of excitement mixed with trepidation. The red light, now tinged with a sense of reality, might be emanating from the true realm he was seeking. But as the journey stretched on, the light's overwhelming force made him question the limits of even the most powerful beings and their ability to navigate this mysterious domain.

Continuing on this perilous path was fraught with danger, and Wang Xuan felt a deep sense of foreboding. He knew he was close to uncovering the truth, but the risks were escalating rapidly, threatening his very existence.

"Go as far as possible," he resolved, driven by an insatiable desire to discover a glimmer of hope, a bright outcome amidst the encroaching darkness. Despite his apprehensions, the lure of the unknown compelled him to forge ahead.

Days passed, and Wang Xuan's heart quivered with each step. The overwhelming red light cascaded down, challenging the limits of the Divine Flag, which swelled autonomously to counter the encroaching real substance. The surreal beauty of the scene belied its lethal nature.

"Am I nearing the end?" Wang Xuan wondered, his emotions a tumultuous mix of fear, anticipation, and joy. The resplendent mist and clouds, radiant yet searing, seemed to animate the otherwise silent void.

His soul trembled uneasily. Advancing felt akin to a delicate snowflake facing the scorching summer sun—fragile and ephemeral. He recalled the countless practitioners throughout history—alchemists, Daoists, swordsmen—who had ventured on similar quests, seeking enlightenment, each era producing its champions and its casualties.

Wang Xuan was determined not to become another forgotten pioneer who perished on this treacherous journey. He had to tread carefully, especially as parts of the cloud were not mere illusions or radiation but were terrifyingly real, even if sparse.

His spirit felt as if it were being torn apart, scorched in this metaphysical inferno. Even the protective embrace of the Divine Flag struggled to mitigate the full onslaught of the clouds' fiery wrath.

As the clouds eventually receded, Wang Xuan gasped for air, feeling drained and perilously close to collapse. He questioned whether to press on, aware that his resilience was nearing its limit.

He realized then that the paths of the immortals, those once considered infallible, were no longer viable. "When myths decay, even the mightiest fall," he mused. He could not afford to tread their failed paths.

Pondering his next move, Wang Xuan acknowledged that he might endure one final push. But if that too yielded no answers, retreat was his only sensible option. He refused to sacrifice himself needlessly.

Ahead lay only darkness—the crimson clouds had dissipated, leaving behind an oppressive, icy void. It was a stark reminder of the desolation that awaited those who dared to challenge the unknown.

Six months after departing from the Pool of Life, Wang Xuan found himself on the cusp of a profound discovery. A location of great peculiarity and dread lay before him, emitting both an alluring call and a terrifying presence.

Two years had elapsed since his journey from the Command Earth began. As he approached this new area, the mist thickened, and Wang Xuan, gripping the Divine Flag tightly, prepared for what might come.

He observed a stunning sight—a "meteorite crater" embedded in darkness, yet from his perspective, it seemed to hang upside down in the sky, as if the heavens and earth had flipped.

Peering upwards, Wang Xuan saw the crater exuding vibrant clouds and mist, dispersing in all directions. It wasn't just an illusion; his Spirit Eye discerned real, sparkling particles within the mist, radiant in red.

The crater appeared to be a deep gateway, leading to an enigmatic realm beyond. "Could passing through this reveal the truth?" Wang Xuan pondered. The signs suggested that finding a viable path outside the mythological system was not straightforward, and he was acutely aware of the mortal danger that loomed.

As he edged closer to the crater, intending to probe just a little deeper, he was struck with horror. The Divine Flag roared into action, its golden patterns spreading feverishly to fend off the corrosive particles from the real mist. Wang Xuan felt a searing pain as though his body was disintegrating, noticing for the first time ever, slight scorch marks on the flag's surface.

This alarming development made his heart race. Nothing had ever damaged the Divine Flag before, yet here he was, facing an unprecedented challenge. He hastily retreated, yet his gaze remained fixed on the profound depths of the crater, which seemed to be a colossal passageway to another realm.

"I see it, in the depths of the passage... flowers are blooming?!" Wang Xuan's pupils constricted as he beheld the sight in the vast meteorite crater. Deep within the passageway, amidst the fiery and blood-red clouds, white flowers blossomed, swaying gracefully, exuding a purity and sanctity that was breathtaking.

On the side walls of the crater's tunnel grew a divine plant, a symbol of eternal life, tempting any onlooker to venture forth. This plant, unfazed by the menacing red clouds, seemed indestructible. Amidst the red light, it swayed without wilting, showering in a cascade of radiant light.

Wang Xuan inhaled a faint, soothing fragrance, which instantly alleviated the excruciating pain in his spirit, ushering in a sense of recovery and rejuvenation.

"It offers boundless hope, tempting exploration, yet remains frustratingly out of reach, threatening total annihilation with the slightest approach," he mused, fixated on the "meteorite crater."

At this point, he had reached what seemed to be the limit; crossing over appeared impossible. Wang Xuan glanced at the charred marks on the Divine Flag, a symbol of his current impasse. Was even this object, second only to the supreme treasures, unable to traverse this enigmatic space?

"Even if the most powerful beings surpassed the limits of the Command Earth, they would likely find themselves halted here, unable to advance any further."

After a long period of contemplation and several daring attempts to observe the ethereal, immortal flower, Wang Xuan realized its intangible nature. Though it radiated an intense life force, it was not of the physical realm but imbued with a sense of undying vitality.

"How I wish I could cross this passage and witness the reality on the other side!" Yet, Wang Xuan resolutely turned away, resisting the lure of the unknown, aware of the lethal risks it posed.

In his quest for a path outside the established mythological frameworks, he recognized the magnitude of his endeavor—it was akin to creating a new world.

Despite not reaching the true realm he sought, Wang Xuan's journey was not in vain. His experiences at the Pool of Life and here had significantly bolstered his spiritual strength and knowledge, embodying a form of cultivation in their own right.

To his delight, the charred blemishes on the Divine Flag began to fade, ultimately restoring itself—a testament to its extraordinary nature.

"Next time, if I return, I shall transplant the heavenly herbs to forge a connection to the real realm and bring the ultimate treasure, the Life-Nurturing Furnace," Wang Xuan vowed, as he swiftly departed from that mysterious and daunting place.

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