The Son Of Ragnar

Chapter 356 Skarde's Decision [ARC END]

"King Ragnar, are you sure you want to let Gudleif take the lead in this expedition, would his strength not be most efficient here?" Skarde suggested. 

He was not against him going but there was no doubt that Gudleif's skills would best be suited here but Ragnar knew he needed an experienced warrior to guide them because this would show the other Kingdoms just how powerful they were. 

"We have no choice, this is not just about our Kingdom but we need to show our allies that we are more than capable to match their strength…" Ragnar said calmly. 

He knew what was to come and he looked forward to seeing just how his sons would perform. 

"This is exciting, Skarde. I have a feeling our era will soon come to an end," Ragnar said, he was feeling sentimental about what was happening.

It was like they were passing the torch but he knew with this, the prophecy got closer to fulfilment.

Skarde looked at Ragnar before scoffing. 

"You wish. We still have a lot of time King Ragnar so don't you go passing the torch just yet…" Skarde countered, Ragnar smiled upon hearing this before saying. 

"You cannot even see, my blind friend…" Ragnar teased Skarde and Skarde could not help but laugh. 

Even with his condition, he still wanted to die a warrior's death so he could join the woman that understood him the most in Valhalla. 

Ragnar knew Skarde was living to die a worthy death, he was looking forward to death the most and Ragnar wanted to grant him the grandest death possible. 

Skarde did not show it but losing his sight changed his life for the worse as it stopped him from being the best warrior he could be. 

Skarde was formidable, and he missed swinging his sword to take off the heads of his enemies but he knew with or without his sight, he would never find a woman as beautiful as Herfjötur.

Ragnar knew Skarde needed something more, this was not enough to satisfy his need for battle as he had observed that Skarde was practising in secret in terms of combat.

Ragnar did not make this known to Skarde because he did not know how he would receive being watched in his private time so he kept it to himself. 

Ragnar had a thought and that was sending Skarde in place of Gudleif but that would simply make him a liability which might damage his ego beyond repair. 

He needed a woman's touch but Ragnar noticed that he did not have much luck in that department either as he was aware of Skarde's unique fetishes. 

This included being dominated in a rather aggressive way, a sweet tooth that only Herfjötur could satisfy.

"King Ragnar…" Skarde muttered, prompting Ragnar to calm the thoughts that were prominent in his head. 

"What is it?* Ragnar asked. 

"What kind of death do you see yourself dying…" Skarde asked, this question caught Ragnar completely off guard as he hurriedly cleared his throat so he could think of an answer but in reality, he has never given this much thought. 

"W-What are you talking about?" Ragnar questioned, still stalling for time. 

"You know King Ragnar, I once wanted to die by sacrificing my life for Kattegat in a battle so grand that it would shape the future itself. I wanted my sacrifice to be the reason we won and as I lay dying, I see my beautiful Herfjötur smiling down at me. Telling me how good I did… I wanted to see the sun one last time before my eyes shut forever…" Skarde said and the amusement on Ragnar's face left just as quickly. 

".... But I neither have my eyes nor my beautiful Herfjötur. I am not even a warrior sworn to Kattegat anymore…" Skarde blurted out with a defeated smile, in a rare moment he was showing vulnerability and Ragnar had no intention of making light of this. 

Skarde felt a warm hand on his back, it was undoubtedly that of Ragnar.

"Skarde, I will give you a death that supersedes the one you have envisioned for yourself… And I know I cannot take Herfjötur's place but I will be there to tell you just how good you did as you reunite with her in Valhalla but first, we need to receive your warrior's spirit!" Ragnar said; he reassured Skarde and his words made an impact because it resulted in a warm from Skarde. 

"Thank you, old friend…" Skarde said, he was not talking to Ragnar as a King but as a friend. 

"How would you like to go on this expedition, Skarde?" Ragnar offered because he knew that Skarde being cooped up in the house was the thing damaging his ego. Ragnar knew that presenting Skarde with this opportunity could not do more harm than denying him. 

"K-King Ragnar but I am blind. I will just hold everyone back…" Skarde responded; he was hesitant to take Ragnar on his request partly because he knew that he would be more useful in Vestfold than he was on the front line of some battlefield yet Ragnar suggested it. 

"It is because you are blind that you can see things that we who can see do not see…" Ragnar responded; he wanted to sound cool for his old friend. 

"All I see is darkness, King Ragnar…" Skarde responded bluntly to Ragnar's supposed wise words. 

"READ THE ROOM!" Ragnar screamed as Skarde burst out laughing, Ragnar really had not changed after all these years. It was refreshing, to say the least, and Skarde appreciated his old friend trying his best to cheer him up and Skarde realized at that moment how much he wanted this. 

It would be selfish of him to go and potentially become a liability to everyone but he wanted to feel like a warrior again. 

"I will do it, King Ragnar!" Skarde said, full of resolve resulting in a smile from Ragnar. 

"That is good! I promise not to die before you get back," Ragnar laughed. 

"Your jokes are getting darker my King…" Skarde said while having on his poker face.

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