Book 7: Chapter 2.4

V7C2 Part 4

No, it was generated by themselves.

Are you saying that inside their bodies, theres part of you as well?

No, they just own our energy. You still remember last time she told that she had a dream about you being hit by a car into the sea?

Lin Xiang thought for a while, she did tell him that. Yes, she was dreaming, and its very similar to what I experienced in another world.

Youre wrong, that occurred in the past. When we brought your soul to this world, Satsuki jumped into sea and wanted to save you, but we saw her and brought her soul too. She has since lived inside your body. Do you remember some time ago when you were pretty forgetful? At that time, Id lied to you by saying that its because you have two memories. Thats actually not the case, its just because we didnt want you to know that Satsuki from that world had come along as well. Thats why we tried our best to seal her memory and not to let you feel her existence, and that had caused your forgetfulness. Do you still recall having a dream about me fighting with Yalide? Well, I was trying to stop Satsukis memory influence you. However, now you arent forgetful anymore, and thats because youve got to know Satsuki more. Her soul is feeling the existence of the main host, and it already returned to her body the first time you kissed. Do you understand?

After Freed explained all this, Lin Xiang was silent. He looked at Satsuki with his eyes widely open and thought to himself, no wonder when the nerdy Lin Xiang is alive, Satsuki is always scared, and after knowing him, she got a lot braver. So, thats because the memory of that world had entered her body?

Yes, because her soul used to stay in your body, so there is a little dragon energy. Now the two souls are completely merged into one, consuming the dragon energy, so what had remained now became just a tiny bit, and had just recovered a little.

Is that so? So, can Satsuki use the dragons roar? Her power would be greatly increased if she could.

In theory, its possible, but the dragon energy in her body is not even one percent of yours, so it cannot be released at this time. However, if she absorbs the dragons soul, then itll be a different story.

The dragons soul?

Ive said before that the dragon race is a special group, they can learn dragons roar, killing the dragon, absorbing dragons soul and obtain the dragons energy. Once Satsuki absorbs the dragons soul, then shell know how to use dragons roar. Since were in your body, the speed to increase the dragons energy is also much faster than other dragon races, and our energy is purer as well.

I see.

Well, lets put this matter aside for now and make the people around you become stronger. Combats is the best teacher. Just like that arrogant girlwhats her name again? Aiko? Shes so young, and I think shes in the first grade, yet she already has the power of the second grade. And you know why? Thats because she grew up through lots of combats in the sky outside the sky. Now, look at you all, youve been sitting here all day, learning some useless knowledge about fighting. Youve got the power but you cant use it, so whats the use? Also, combats can make you develop your potentials.

Well, indeed.

So, once you pass the trial, let Satsuki and the others know the existence of another world. Encourage them to train themselves and theyll become stronger too.

Yes, youre right, Freed. I really cant be without you. Freed was really my best partner. Since the transmigration, hed never stopped helping me. Without him, Id surely have the life that Im having now.

Dont be so disgusting.

Hey, I am also the best, you cant miss me, right? Yalide interrupted.

Yes yes, both you and Freed are the best.

Disgusting. Yalide pretended to be vomiting.

Do you want to die? If he could, Lin Xiang really wanted to beat up Yalide.

Satsuki, theres something that I cant tell you now, but just wait for me, Ill make you, Yorikawa and the others stronger.

Okay. After listening to Lin Xiang, Satsuki smiled widely. She showed her dimples.

Oh, master is back. After entering the classroom, Dusty saw Lin Xiang immediately. She told Silent Water behind her before running to Lin Xiang.

"Master, where have you been?" Dusty hugged Lin Xiang and all the boys in the class looked jealous.

Lin Xiang patted Dustys head and said helplessly, Dusty, Ive already told you that you cant do this at school.

"Haha, I'm just too excited~" Dusty laughed and sat on Lin Xiangs lap.

After Satsuki saw this, she wasnt as pissed off as before. Its because Lin Xiang had already promised her that hed never leave her, and he even promised her to make her stronger. It meant that Lin Xiang was always thinking about her. Also, although he seemed close with this girl, it didnt seem like a romantic relationship, so theres probably nothing to worry about.

"Hey, human, where have you been just now? Reidy walked over. Although her tone was just the same, her attitude seemed to have changed.

I was in the headmasters office and I was talking to the headmaster.

"What is it about? We were just in the headmasters office and the old man said that youd returned.

"It's nothing." Satsuki was just there looking at Lin Xiang, and he couldnt say things like Ill tell you when I return. If he did so, Satsuki would surely get angry. "Theres really nothing? Reidy didnt believe that nothing had happened.

"Theres really nothing. Lin Xiang blinked and hoped Reidy knew what he meant.

Unexpectedly, Reidy thought that Lin Xiang was trying to attract her. She blushed and scolded him, there is something wrong with your eyes. And she stopped asking.

Silent Water just smiled sweetly at Lin Xiang. If Lin Xiang decided to tell her that, he definitely would. Thats why she didnt ask him anything.

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