Book 7: Chapter 14.3

V7C14 Part 3

But you also contracted with me, right? I thought silently. I didnt say anything and just nodded.

"It's getting late, its ideal to stay overnight here, lets get back to Delsa, shall we? I looked at the sky and suggested.

"Okay." Reidy sighed, I just said goodbye to them this morning, and were going back there tonight

After walking for a long time, out of the forest, we could see the sun close to the distant mountain peak. I walked in front, Silent Water and the others walked behind me. After a while, I heard someone screamed, ouch~

I turned my head and saw Fire Dance sitting on the ground. I happened to see whats inside her shirt

I shook my head, its not the time to think about this now.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"There is a wall here. Strange, shouldnt it already have disappeared?" Fire Dance stood up while saying so and she patted the air, theres a transparent wall in the air.

Eh? I just walked over there, what's the matter?

Silent Water and the others also found it weird. They reached out their hands and knocked on the air in front of them, but they didnt see anything like Fire Dance did. They didnt see anything happen and looked at her with confusion.

"What's the matter?" I reached out and touched Fire Dances shoulder, and she also touched me. However, she couldnt touch my body, theres a transparent wall between us.

"This is my barrier. The spirits patriarchs set a barrier here in order to prevent me from leaving. The chef of the fire sect had obviously made it clear that I could leave after I contracted with my master

"It's amazing~" Dusty took Fire Dances hand. She found it interesting about the fact that she could reach through but Fire Dance couldnt.

"Dont play around now, Dusty. Then, what are you going to do? Reidy asked.

"I don't know. He clearly said that I could leave after contracting Fire Dance looked a bit anxious, she looked at me worriedly are you going to leave like thatif its like that

"No, we won't. I'm going to take you out. But how am I going to do that?" The so-called Chef of the fire sect told her that she could leave after contracting with her master. Clearly, something went wrong.

Should we go look for that chef of the fire sect?

Look for the chef of the fire sect? How?

The fire spirit once said that hes the patriarch, then he must be something with status. Ask the thunder spirit, and shell know.

Reidy, whos the chef of the fire sect?

"Oh? Hes the patriarch of the fire type spirits. Hes living in the Deli templewhat about it? Are you going to look for him?

"Yes, it seems that we can only find a solution from him.

"But youre a human, and you cant even enter a palace, let alone the sacred Deli Temple.

"We havent been there yet, how do you know? Silent Water, why dont you stay here to be with Fire Dance? I am going to that temple. Master Silent Water seemed to have thought about something but she didnt say anything. She looked at Fire Dance and nodded, master, please be careful.

"Hey, Silent Water, are you really letting him go? That place is dangerous. Human, you arent allowed to go there. Reidy grabbed my hand and didnt let me go.

I looked at Fire Dance who seemed worried about me. Although it has just been a short time since I knew her, shes become my spirit. Also, even if she wasnt, I had already promised her that Id set her free.

Reidy, listen to me. I have to go there.

"I won't let you go." Reidy turned her head and told me that theres no space for discussion.

"Although I don't know what you're worried about, I have already promised Fire Dance.

"It's dangerous there, I won't let you go. Also, this girl Reidy glanced at Fire Dance and didnt say anything further.

"Reidy, let our master go.

"But, Silent Water Reidy looked at Fire Dance and let go of her hand, go then, but you have to be careful.

"Don't worry." I smiled, then said to Fire Dance, dont worry. Ill make you leave here. Ill keep my word.

"Okay." Fire Dance nodded with a smile.

"Then you have to be more careful tonight, if the barrier is lifted, you will be leaving for Delsa.

"Got it. Master, be careful. Master, be careful. Return soon. Thank you.

They were all smiling at me at the same time. I felt somewhat weird. Silent Water and the girls seemed to not getting along well with Fire Dance, I would understand that if it was Reidy, but it seemed a bit strange with Silent Water. Obviously, shes such an easy-going girlI shook my head and told myself that it must be an illusion.

After asking Reidy the approximate location of the Spirits Country and letting Yalide find the destination on the map, I entered the wind speed mode and ran towards the Spirits Country.

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