Book 12: Chapter 90

At the same time, in the Northeast

Around ten thousand well-equipped spirit soldiers were engaged in battle against the demonic insects. Although encountering those creatures for the first time, the soldiers, with their vast combat experience, quickly grasped the creatures' characteristics and started slaying them.

The use of magic by the spirits inflicted powerful damage, employing widespread attacks against the demonic insects.

Dressed in golden armor, the Spirit King rode on his iron-blooded warhorse at the center of the formation. He exuded an aura of authority and determination, as his gaze was sharp, fixing on the distant horizon.

"Feel that sensation? We're nearing the demon abyss, Your Majesty," Philip, as usual, stood by the Spirit King's side. Without sturdy armor for protection, he was unable to use magic, a trait he had borne since childhood.

"Yes, I feel it, the dread emanating from within. Philip, despite the soldiers' seemingly relaxed combat, this time, it will undoubtedly be a gruesome war."

"I understand, Your Majesty, but no matter how difficult, we have no choice but to face it because we have no path of retreat."

"That is indeed the case," sighed the Spirit King.

Turning around, Robin spoke, "Worry not, Your Majesty! I will use my flames to eliminate any creatures that stand before you."

The third-ranked fire-elemental spirit in the country stated confidently.

"Yes, everyone, be cautious and conserve your energy. These creatures are merely cannon fodder used by the demonic monsters to delay and drain our strength. More powerful enemies will surely appear later," the Spirit King spoke gently but authoritatively, his voice seemingly low yet reaching all the spirits present.

That was the Spirit King's skill, his thunderous voice.

The deeper they ventured into the forest, the more demonic insects they encountered. Although the soldiers could not be described as tired, they had indeed exhausted some magic power, which slightly diminished their strength .

This further confirmed the Spirit King's words, compelling the soldiers to cautiously engage with their enemies and conserve their strength.


Outside the forest, Lin Xiang and his companions arrived at a desolate rocky area with uneven surfaces, and at the far end of the horizon, a dark vertical line stood.

The spirits knew it was the demon abyss. Finally, they had arrived at that place. To say they were fearless would be a lie. Most of them were civilians, lacking any training. In an area so abundant with dark energy, merely being able to stand was considered an accomplishment.

They also knew that once they had arrived there, there was no turning back, only to move forward.

Ticking sounds echoed from all directions as sharp objects struck the rocky ground. Demonic insects with black carapaces, sharp claws, and teeth appeared.

It was another wave of attacks from the sea of demonic insects. Initially, the spirits would not have needed to take action, because the dragons flying in the sky could have easily dealt with them. However, Yalide ordered the dragons not to intervene.

"Listen, everyone. Among all the creatures of darkness, the demonic insects are the most insignificant. If you can't even defeat them, then don't ever consider the battles that will follow. So, onward! Believe in yourselves! Don't succumb to your inner fears!"

"Un— understood!" The front-line spirits, their voices weak, confronted the demonic insects. However, the effect was not very successful; they were quickly overwhelmed by the swarm of demonic insects, emitting horrific screams.

The spirits who had battled before glanced at each other, nodding in silent agreement as they all crowded to the front lines.

Leading the charge was a tigerman. Roaring like a tiger, the close-combat spirits brandished their weapons, while the long-range attackers began to concentrate their magic.


Treading dangerous grounds, they fought fiercely.

They were all fellow civilians, fellow beasts. Watching spirits in combat, the onlookers' eyes were filled with admiration for their heroic fighting figures, a strong yearning welling up within.

I want to be like them too.

Hearts raced, veins dilated, pupils enlarged. More and more spirits threw themselves into the battle.

In reality, the sea of demonic insects only totaled around twenty thousand. It just appeared larger than it was, and intimidating.

Originally, there were several thousand combat spirits, but with more joining, the numbers matched those of the demonic insects.

Later, the spirits who had started killing enemies found the demonic insects too few, feeling unsatisfied.

Accelerating forward, they hoped to encounter more enemies.

After marching for several more kilometers, a group of demon soldiers appeared in their line of sight.

They numbered a little over a thousand, whereas the spirits had over thirty thousand.

"Let me! Let me handle this!"

"Don't snatch with me! I only killed one of those demonic insects just now!"

"It's my turn! I'm going to use my ultimate move, the Sky Mustang Meteor Fist, to show these creatures a thing or two!"

"Just put away your Sky Mustang Meteor Fist. Watch my Overlord Bull Tendon! I'll seduce them down, no, I mean, knock them over."

And so, the group of demon soldiers was engulfed by an even larger group of spirits.

Like predators becoming prey, the prey began to prey upon. The beast spirits were awakening, making them grow bolder as the battle continued.

————Around the demon abyss

"Boohoohoo, Mom, Mom!"

"No, don't, please let him go, let him go." A sturdy skeleton demon soldier was about to drag away a young spirit, while the child's mother desperately held onto her son, trying to keep him from being taken away. However, she was struck down by the demon soldier's blade, her entire hand was chopped off. Even so, her severed hand still firmly held onto her son.

The surrounding spirits shrunk due to fear and crowded back toward the center.

Blood continued to flow outward. A demon soldier noticed and carried the unconscious mother spirit, tossing her into a sacrificial pit not far away.

The sacrificial pit was situated in front of an altar, which was now filled with spirit corpses, blood staining it red.

The masked demon in charge of the sacrificial ritual began chanting incantations. Soon after, a gigantic blood-red magic circle appeared in the sacrificial pit.

The sky turned red, almost black. A surge of black light rose, and all the blood from the bodies in the sacrificial pit disappeared, replaced by a large group of demon soldiers. It was roughly one demon soldier summoned for every spirit. Stronger demon soldiers required two or three spirits…

The spirits, uncertain about their fate, could only bury their heads and weep. What could they do? Nothing. They were powerless, at least for now.

Nearly a hundred thousand spirits…

"Everyone, as soon as night falls, we'll be able to awaken the demon king! However, some ignorant beings have barged in, attempting to disrupt our ritual! Two directions, northwest and southeast. Do you know what to do?"

"Wah!" Most demon soldiers could not speak, but they could listen, so they all let out a burst of roars.

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