The Runesmith

Chapter 401: Questioning.

Chapter 401: Questioning.

“I apologize for not being able to visit sooner but as you know, we had a little situation.”

“That’s fine, I bet you had to deal with the Golden Order locking down the city.”

“Quite so.”

Roland nodded at Arthur, who had come to visit him at the clinic. A day had passed since he had awoken, and his body was feeling much better. Most of the debuffing effects that had been affecting him were now gone, and he could be released. However, there was one small problem - the Golden Solarian Order of Paladins. They still wanted to have a chat with him and were adamant about not letting him out of their grasp before that. Even Arthur couldn't do anything about it, as they could invoke the Kingdom laws to override his status. Perhaps if the Duke stepped in, it would be possible, but his son didn't have that kind of power.

“How far have they gone?”

“They blocked off the city and are going through every home, I assume they have some sort of magical device to detect cultists?”

“That could be possible…”

Roland pondered the situation. The church's thorough investigation wasn't unexpected, considering the recent attack on his home. However, he needed to be cautious about how much information he shared. His knowledge about creating divine runes posed a problem, and then there was also the matter of Agni. He had to assume that the Golden Order had already conducted their research on him, leaving little room for evasion.

If he started lying and didn't cooperate, there was also the possibility of him getting captured and held as a heathen. The Inquisition was notorious for torturing suspects, as healing magic could easily mend physical injuries, they didn’t worry about making mistakes. However, the mental scars endured from days or weeks of such torment were usually irreversible. It was better to tread carefully as even the position of Head Knight would not protect him if he was deemed to be a cultist.

“Did they try to interrogate you?”

“Oh they did, luckily thanks to my disguise I have a sound alibi, you on the other hand…”

“I’ll have to speak to them before leaving, I should probably get it over with…”

Roland let out a sigh, receiving a reassuring pat from Arthur. Throughout the entire cultist attack, Arthur had been in disguise, sparing him from scrutiny. Unfortunately, Bernir, Elodia, and all the others weren't as fortunate; they would have to endure the Golden Order's interrogation. They hadn't done anything wrong, but Roland could foresee some of them unintentionally revealing information. Armand was known to be talkative, so details about the holy runes might eventually slip out. Moreover, there was the matter of the massive sun-like spell that Roland had created, which had spilled out into the open when it detonated.

‘Should I pretend that I have some type of blessing from Solaria? They probably have some way to test for divine classes and blessings though, probably not the greatest idea…’

The prospect of facing the Golden Order was daunting, but Roland realized he couldn't delay it any longer. He needed to tread carefully, and perhaps withholding information was not the best approach in this situation. In reality, he needed the Golden Order as much as they needed his knowledge about the relic.

Though it was his trump card, he actually wanted to present it to the Church. Anyone who could help keep the cult at bay was a potential ally, and releasing the knowledge would eliminate any reason for further pursuit. Nevertheless, it was still something that he could get a good price on and there were some things that he wanted from this exchange.

As he prepared to face the interrogation, the door to the clinic room opened, and a stern-looking paladin entered. The paladin was clad in shining armor adorned with the emblem of the Golden Solarian Order. His gaze was sharp, and Roland could sense the aura of authority emanating from him. Even without using his analyzing skill Roland was aware that this person was a tier 3 class holder, probably above level two-hundred. The room fell into a tense silence as the paladin surveyed the occupants.

“Knight Commander Wayland, follow me, we need to have a discussion regarding the recent events, Sir Gideon and Dame Loreena are waiting.”

His tone was cold and to the point, something that a close by resident caught on and decided to comment about.

“Hey, that’s no way of talking to a Knight Commander!”

It was not Arthur and not any of the soldiers that Roland commanded, instead it was his brother-in-inlaw, Armand. He along with Lobelia had awoken as well and both were still suffering from some cursed after effects. They weren’t that injured to begin with but their stats could not compare to his and the guild masters.

“Hey you idiot, stop!”

“Why should I? Who does this shiny asshole think he is?”

Lobelia started pulling him back, while Armand shot a menacing glare at the Golden Order Paladin. The man in shining armor took the threat seriously and reached for the longsword strapped to his side. His opponent, however, was still a tier 3 class holder who didn't require weapons to fight. Even if Roland were unarmed, he posed a threat and was also potentially involved with the cult.

“Are you trying to resist the Golden Order inquiry?”

“Hold on, Armand. Let's not escalate things here. We can cooperate and sort everything out without unnecessary confrontations, just leave this to me."

Roland interjected, placing a calming hand on Armand's shoulder. The tension in the room eased slightly, but the paladin remained vigilant, eyeing Armand and Roland with suspicion. Only after Armand started backing away did he move his hand away from that magical sword.

“If they try something, just start shouting, I’ll back you up, you can count on me!”

“... That’s reassuring, now get some rest.”

Even though Armand was puffing up his chest, his legs seemed a bit wobbly. He would not be capable of beating the knight if it came to a full-on fight but the sentiment didn’t go unnoticed. It was a strange feeling to have people on your side for a change and he would need to think about a way to return the favor later.

"Come with me, Knight Commander Wayland. We don't have time for unnecessary delays."

The paladin stated, emphasizing his authority but also performed a courteous bow in Arthur’s direction. The noble didn’t go unnoticed but his status was relatively low and not something these golden paladins would worry too much about. Finally, Roland followed the paladin out of the clinic room that he would probably not be returning to anymore.

Outside, Roland noticed other armored men stationed who didn't carry themselves like the Paladin. Their armor wasn't as pristine, but they still bore the symbol of the sun. All of them were armed and stared in his direction the moment he stepped out. Roland, currently without his armor and prohibited from carrying weapons, felt the weight of being treated as a political prisoner. However, he wasn't expecting to be held captive for much longer. Soon they moved through the clinic and towards the main building where another higher golden order knight was waiting for him.

‘I wonder where that woman is… will she be the one interrogating me?’

He was not aware of the names of these two paladins, but they had been present when Loreena and Gideon approached him. On the surface, it seemed that she was on his side, and that the man disliked him. In the past, he had saved the woman’s life, so she owed him something, but he couldn’t trust anyone too much. These people had their own agenda, and so did he; it was just up to him to secure a more favorable deal before revealing what he knew. Soon, he was led to an underground area inside the church that he wasn’t fully aware of. There, before a large wooden door, he spotted Loreena, who for some reason was waving in his direction.

“Don’t worry, this won’t take too long.”

“Is that so?”

Loreena was also wearing her own full suit of armor but had removed her helmet. The other two Paladins moved to the side while she pushed the door open to reveal Gideon already waiting for them inside. The room was dimly lit, with candles casting flickering shadows on the walls. The air was heavy with an air of authority and a touch of sanctity. Loreena moved to stand beside Gideon who wore his usual stern expression.

“Please take a seat, Knight Commander Wayland… or should I call you Knight Commander Roland of House Arden instead?”

While sitting down he kept a passive expression. Just as he had assumed his real name had been exposed during the treatment. As he continued to sit down, Gideon continued his monologue which clearly tried to probe for some answers.

“You are far away from home, Sir Roland. Can you tell me what a person from the central region is doing here? In enemy territory no less…”

“I see that you are well informed about me but I have my own reasons to be here, I’m not a part of that ‘family’ anymore.”

"Is that so? Did they banish you? There were no official statements concerning such a case.”

It appeared that Gideon had used his time well, conducting thorough research on Roland's background. The church had its own information network, and staying informed about noble dealings was crucial. Roland's father, a prominent figure in the Kingdom army and part of the royalist faction, made it peculiar to see one of his sons in the south under the command of the Valerian household.

One thing that confused him was the lack of change in his status, with no official declaration of his death or disappearance. Gideon, thanks to the church resources, would likely have been able to unearth any such information. The fact that Gideon wasn't pressing the issue of him being dead or missing confirmed this theory. Perhaps he was deemed so inconsequential that his father didn't even feel inclined to bother with such a matter.

“My departure wasn’t something official. I chose to leave the family and pursue my own path. It’s not something that should concern the church or the Golden Order.”

“... But it does, you are just the right kind of person that the abyssal cult would search out. Banished from your noble home? Searching for greater purpose or revenge?”

“You must be joking, are you insinuating that I’m part of the cult? Why would they try to kill me here then?”

“You had a falling out?”

“That’s an absurd allegation and you know it.”

Roland fought the urge to slam his fist down on the table, hoping it would break and send splinters flying at the paladin's face. However, he managed to refrain from getting too emotional, recognizing that Gideon likely aimed to provoke such a reaction. As long as he remained calm and collected, there was nothing from these accusations that could stick.

“Now now, Gideon let us not get ahead of ourselves, Sir Way… Sir Roland’s past doesn’t really matter, we should focus on the present incident.”

Loreena, seated right next to Gideon, finally decided to speak up. Although both were positioned opposite him, it was clear that Gideon was the primary interrogator. While it seemed that she was on his side, Roland couldn't be sure. Perhaps she was merely playing the good cop to the other man's bad cop, attempting to lower his defenses. Nevertheless, he didn't want to prolong his stay in this place, so he decided to expedite the conversation.

“We probably should, I’m sure you want to know, how I was able to stay continuous against the cultists… twice.”

He leaned back into his chair, crossing both of his hands together as he scrutinized their facial expressions. Roland surmised that Loreena had likely informed Gideon about their first encounter and how she had been awakened from the illusion state. It dawned on him that they probably realized he was implying knowledge of countering the spell.

“Quite so, it was surprising then but even more now… We found parts of the accursed relic within the remains of that creature…”

“Dame Loreena, why are you disclosing such information?”

“Calm down Gideon, this man isn’t our enemy, he actually holds the key to a breakthrough!”

“A breakthrough?”

It seemed that his Golden Order acquaintance had already realized what the stakes here were and that perhaps holding Roland in a dimly lit room wasn’t the best idea.

“Indeed, he possesses some unique knowledge regarding the cultist's relic and the way to set people free, isn’t that right Sir Roland?”

“Does he? Why didn’t you consult me about this earlier Dame Loreena?”

“Oh, it must have slipped my mind… but I’m sure you’re acquainted with the recent incident involving those bastards.”

“Yes… I see… so it was him?”

Roland didn’t say anything but it seemed that Loreena withheld some information from her golden order friend. He was quick on the uptake as he connected the dots together. His gaze became a lot more intense than before but for some reason, it felt like there wasn’t as much disdain in there.

“How is it possible? If this is true then you must tell us how!”

Previously, Roland had managed to restrain himself from an emotional outburst, but the same couldn't be said for Gideon. His hand slammed onto the wooden table, quickly giving way under the pressure and collapsing. It was evident that Gideon was eager for an answer, but the moment the table gave in, he appeared somewhat apologetic—a stark contrast to his previous behavior. It seemed possible that Roland's perceived worth in the man's eyes had shifted, and Gideon could no longer continue to bully him with questions.

“My apologies, Sir Roland … but could you tell me, are you really able to counter that effect?”

After regaining some momentum, Roland decided to toss the paladin a bone. His aim was still to use the church for his own gain. Just as they desired his technology to awaken people from the relic's slumber, he intended to use their services to protect his property and loved ones.

“Yes that’s true, I was able to awaken myself before the cultists entered my home. This is probably why I am still talking to you but let me explain some things first…”

One big reason these people needed him was the absence of a working relic for examination. Roland had previously utilized his debugging skill to obtain the schematics, implementing countermeasures after figuring out the relic's intricacies. The church had lost the large monolith during the cult's attack, impeding their progress. He was fortunate to be the sole possessor of the schematic and runic technology capable of countering the effects of the illusions and that’s what he hoped to imply with his recount of the events.

As Roland began to explain the details of his encounter with the cultists and the relic, Gideon and Loreena listened intently. The dimly lit room became a stage for Roland's narrative, and with each revelation, the tension seemed to dissipate. He described the mechanics of the illusion in somewhat of a vague manner to not give his secrets away too early.

Gideon, despite his initial hostility, started to appreciate the gravity of Roland's knowledge. The potential breakthrough in combating the cultists and understanding the relic's properties overshadowed any suspicions about Roland's past. However, to win the church over to his side, it would require more than just theories and strategies. Ordinarily, such claims would demand tangible proof, but the fact that he was awake with the miniaturized relic remains was enough to intrigue the Golden Order and make them willing to cooperate.

“You have been avoiding answering my inquiries, I presume you wish to receive something for your knowledge?”

“I’m glad that is correct, I do have some terms that I wish you to follow through on before I reveal more details. First and foremost, I want the church's protection for my estate and those close to me. I need assurance that they won't be targeted by the cult or anyone else seeking my knowledge.”

Both of the knights exchanged glances with each other, it seemed that the request wasn’t entirely unexpected and perhaps they had even prepared to negotiate.

“I see… regretfully, we are but simple Paladins, we would need to consult someone in a higher position … “

“Oh, why don’t I just ask Grandfather?”

Loreena interjected before Gideon could finish his sentence. The moment her grandfather was mentioned, Roland noticed the mostly calm paladin flinch. If he remembered correctly, the man she was referring to was a High-Inquisitor, someone who could even call forth a flying ship, as was the case during the cultist attack.

While Roland wasn’t too keen on having someone who knew his father and identity involved, it was already out in the open. However, he was an Inquisitor with actual power, people would think twice about approaching an area that was protected under his name and banner.

“I probably won’t be able to stop you Dame Loreena but why don’t we discuss the other issue before we make a decision?”

“Ah, that issue!”

“What issue?”

Roland, who thought that he was about to sign a contract suddenly started to get a bad premonition.

“The issue concerning the sacred beast of course!”

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