Tang Eunrang, the Minor Clan Leader of the Sichuan Tang Clan, declined the tea and personally poured from the liquor jar on the table.

“It’s true that the Sichuan Tang Clan can pull out of this deal at any time. However…”

After downing a full cup, she set it down with a clatter and looked at Yeon So-hyeon.

“I, no, the Sichuan Tang Clan sincerely hopes for your success, Eldest Young Master. That is also an undeniable truth.”

Although she was honestly revealing the Sichuan Tang Clan’s intentions, Deputy Clan Leader Tang Gwi-hu only sat silently beside her with a smile.

Even though he was senior to the Minor Clan Leader in age, rank, and experience, he was now merely an advisor.

The decision was up to the one with the authority.

“Although the Sichuan Tang Clan cannot directly exert influence in Luoyang, feel free to request anything you need from me.”

“Thank you for clearly stating your stance.”

Yeon So-hyeon nodded.

Both the Sichuan Tang Clan and Yeon So-hyeon wished for the plan’s success.

There was no disagreement.

Minor Clan Leader Tang Eunrang’s straightforward attitude drastically reduced the unnecessary time spent on the meeting.

Perceptive judgment and bold execution.

Despite being only in her prime, she was indeed a person the Sichuan Tang Clan could confidently put forward as the decision-maker.

“Then please take a look at this.”

Yeon So-hyeon took out a sheet of paper from his chest and handed it to her.

“This is…!”

Tang Eunrang’s deep green eyes widened upon confirming the contents of the paper.

Tang Gwi-hu’s eyebrows twitched, and he stroked his chin with his characteristic smile.

“Oh, it’s the pledge signed by the former clan leaders of Mount North Mang. Eldest Young Master, may I perhaps…?”

Yeon So-hyeon raised his hand, signaling him to examine it freely.

Tang Gwi-hu, who received the pledge from Tang Eunrang, unfolded a document he had prepared from his chest.

They were samples for comparing and analyzing the handwriting of the former clan leaders.

“The handwriting perfectly matches. But…”

He pointed to a blank space on the pledge.

“What about the former clan leader of the Yang Clan?”

Yeon So-hyeon smiled brightly.

“Unfortunately, he was unable to attend.”

At that smile reeking of blood, Tang Gwi-hu inwardly let out a hollow laugh.

‘To think someone in their mere teens…’

Tang Eunrang, who had been silently lost in thought, slapped her solar plexus.

“Hmph. Fifteen people are more than enough. It doesn’t matter if one is absent.”

She looked at Tang Gwi-hu.

“What do you think, Uncle?”

“I share the same judgment as the Minor Clan Leader. So…”

His gaze lingered on the pledge before turning to Yeon So-hyeon.

“If we observe for a few more days, we can definitely verify the authenticity of this pledge through the movements of the former clan leaders.”

As expected of the head of an intelligence organization, he remained cautious until the end.


Tang Eunrang shook her head.

“There’s no need for that.”

“Minor Clan Leader?”

She raised her gaze and looked straight at Yeon So-hyeon.

“Until now, the Sichuan Tang Clan has always demanded clear proof from you first, Eldest Young Master. But that only leads to a one-sided relationship.”

She had made her decision.

Tang Gwi-hu closed his mouth.

“This time, the Sichuan Tang Clan will show trust in you first, Eldest Young Master.”

She took out a small silver ornament from her chest and placed it on the table.

“Eldest Young Master, show this token to Tang Gogyu.”

Tang Gogyu.

A person referred to as the sage of the Tang Sect.

He was none other than the representative of the investment group that had come to Luoyang, led by various individuals from Sichuan.

“Does that mean…?”

Tang Eunrang nodded to Yeon So-hyeon, who had noticed something.

“That’s right. The families belonging to the investment group led by Tang Gogyu are actually all families that the Sichuan Tang Clan has secretly nurtured.”

She grinned.

“The moment you show this token, those families will immediately transfer the Sichuan Tang Clan’s funds to you, Eldest Young Master, under the guise of investment.”

Yeon So-hyeon inwardly expressed a small admiration.

‘To think that even the constituent families of the investment group were the Sichuan Tang Clan’s prepared agents.’

When he confirmed that the Minor Clan Leader Tang Eunrang and Deputy Clan Leader Tang Gwi-hu had personally entered Luoyang along with the shadows, he had been skeptical.

Indeed, there was no other way to describe it than the Sichuan Tang Clan that had ruled the vast and fertile Sichuan for such a long time.


Tang Eunrang poured herself a full cup of liquor, downed it, and said,

“Originally, that amount was supposed to be delivered only after you had completely taken control of the Valley of Sin, Eldest Young Master.”

“Then it must be a considerable sum.”

She showed Yeon So-hyeon a meaningful smile.

“I’ll just say that it’s too large an amount to give in advance to show trust.”

She laughed, “Haha!”

Her hair with a hint of green swayed beautifully.

“I believe that’s enough to maintain a good relationship with you in the future, Eldest Young Master, don’t you think?”

Yeon So-hyeon silently picked up a small liquor jar, filled her cup, and then filled his own empty cup.


She quickly lifted her cup and looked at Yeon So-hyeon.

Yeon So-hyeon raised his cup to her and smiled.

“I hope the plan will conclude successfully and that we can remain in a relationship of mutual trust in the future.”


She clinked her cup against Yeon So-hyeon’s and downed it in one gulp.

Yeon So-hyeon also cleanly emptied his cup.

In his eyes, it was clear that Tang Gwi-hu had taken on the villain role first to put pressure, and Tang Eunrang had planned in advance to create a good atmosphere when she appeared later.

But this time, he decided to play along.

At least, he judged that the sentiment conveyed through her words and attitude about wanting to maintain a good relationship was sincere.


After a few rounds of drinks, the atmosphere became a bit more relaxed.


Rather, Tang Gwi-hu, who had requested the liquor, remained silent and simply poured tea into his cup and drank it.

Seeing that, it seemed that the liquor had been prepared for Tang Eunrang from the start, not for him.

“…By the way, Eldest Young Master.”

She spoke in an uncharacteristically cautious tone.

“How do you intend to completely take control of this Valley of Sin?”

“Hmm. If you observe a bit more…”

“I’m not asking about the plan.”

She shook her head.

“I’m talking about 2nd Young Master.”


Yeon So-hyeon closed his mouth.

“Choosing Mount North Mang as your first official outing was an excellent move, Eldest Young Master. You didn’t give them any room to respond immediately. However…”

Her gaze turned to Yeon So-hyeon.

“In the first place, didn’t you have no choice but to make that ‘move’ of going to Mount North Mang?”

Yeon So-hyeon completely emptied his half-full cup and placed it on the table.

“You’re right. There was no choice but to make that move.”

He readily admitted it.

The difference in influence that everyone knew was not something he needed to conceal.

“The enemy is too vast and powerful. There’s no chance of victory in a direct confrontation. The moment we give them even a little room to respond immediately…”

He leaned back.

“…We would be the ones getting devoured.”

Although he had only confirmed it today, there was probably no place in this vast underworld of Luoyang that 2nd Young Master’s influence did not reach.

The underworld of Luoyang, which boasted a population of over a million.

How many would be its headcount?

How much would be the amount it collected?

But even that underworld was insignificant compared to the foundation of 2nd Young Master’s power.

“Four Heavenly Kings.”

It was Tang Gwi-hu’s words as he sipped his tea.

The alliance that exerted absolute dominance over the four provinces on the southern coast of this vast Central Plains.

“All the goods from the East-West Grand Canal and the North-South Grand Canal must pass through the territories controlled by the Four Heavenly Kings.”

“You’re right.”

Yeon So-hyeon nodded at his words.

All the foreign merchant ships that brought immense wealth to Luoyang.

All those merchant ships had to pass through the ports controlled by the Four Heavenly Kings.

“My father’s southern conquest had succeeded, and accordingly, the southern branches of the Sword House were able to freely pass merchant ships through the territories of the Four Heavenly Kings, but…”

Yeon So-hyeon gave a wry smile.

“After my father’s collapse, the influence of the Sword House’s southern business has been gradually concentrating on that bastard 2nd Young Master.”

His mother, the Grand Elder Tang, was the daughter of the Ryeon-ju of the Four Heavenly Kings.

Therefore, 2nd Young Master practically had roots in both the Luoyang Sword House and the Four Heavenly Kings, and he held all the power and influence derived from that.

And that power would grow even faster as he aged.

After ending his seclusion, Yeon So-hyeon was merely maintaining a precarious balance with his exceptional abilities that could only be described as abnormal.


Yeon So-hyeon smiled brightly.

“I have also now established the foundation for my influence, so if I grow my power from that foundation, the picture will be different in the future.”

At his words, Minor Clan Leader Tang Eunrang clicked her tongue.

“…As someone who has only been running on a prepared, smooth path since birth, I can only be amazed. I can’t help but be in awe of your boldness and confidence, Eldest Young Master.”

She lifted the jar and poured liquor into Yeon So-hyeon’s cup until it overflowed, saying,

“If that’s the case, is your next move also the only one?”

“Who knows…?”

Yeon So-hyeon smiled as he raised his swirling cup toward her.

“The joy of being a spectator comes from watching while trying to figure out the next move. For now, enjoy that pleasure.”


In front of the reception room, a small courtyard.

“Enjoy the liquor and take care.”

Tang Eunrang, whose complexion hadn’t changed at all, said to Yeon So-hyeon.

In the first place, as a person immune to poison, she would never get drunk on alcohol.

Her gaze shifted from behind Yeon So-hyeon to Tang Baek.

“Tang Baek. Do you have any intention of returning to the main family?”


Tang Baek refused without any room for doubt, and Tang Eunrang nodded her head without any lingering attachment.

“The rumor that your heart for the main family left with you when you followed your aunt to Luoyang was true. I understand.”

The aunt she referred to was Tang, the Grand Elder, the mother of the Minor Patriarch.

While they conversed, Tang Gwi-hu, who had received updated information from a shadow agent, called out to her.

“Minor Clan Leader.”

She excused herself to Yeon So-hyeon and received the report through Tang Gwi-hu’s sound transmission.


She frowned and said to Yeon So-hyeon,

“According to the report I just received, it seems there was someone from 2nd Young Master’s side behind the delay in fire suppression by influencing the district heads of Tanlong and Jiaxia.”

Tang Gwi-hu let out a small sigh at her bluntly revealing all the information.

Tang Eunrang ignored him and calmly added,

“It seemed like your intelligence organization was busy, so we did a little investigation on our side.”

“…Is that all?”

Yeon So-hyeon gave Tang Eunrang a wry smile.

“In the first place, even if they were behind this fire, I wouldn’t find it strange at all.”

He shook his head.

“Moreover, at this very moment, they are probably analyzing my forces’ response to the fire in detail.”

Using the fire and underworld organizations for a show of force and reconnaissance.

The underworld was nothing more than a disposable tool to them, so in Yeon So-hyeon’s mind, it was something they could easily come up with.

“Besides, this is just the beginning.”

Tang Eunrang agreed with Yeon So-hyeon’s words.

“They were only unable to respond immediately due to your move, but it’s not impossible for them to take follow-up measures.”

“Those follow-up measures are probably already underway.”

“But you’re still confident, Eldest Young Master?”

“Of course.”

Tang Eunrang smiled as she flipped the hood of her cloak over her head.

“Then, I wish you luck.”


Luoyang Sword House, 2nd Young Master’s faction.

In the spacious and luxurious front courtyard, a black carriage made of rare metals was waiting.

Its appearance somewhat resembled the Eldest Young Master’s armored fortress.

Six famous horses with silver manes harnessed to the carriage snorted.

“…So, what level is the Eldest Young Master’s martial arts proficiency? What? If the information is unreliable, at least secure the quantity!”

In front of it, the elders of 2nd Young Master’s faction were pacing around.

“…Seven families participated in the fire suppression, with the Gong family of Mount North Mang at the forefront, making it a total of six?”

“The mobilization power of the House of Compassion is more impressive than expected. It seems they were a bit more organized than what we had previously grasped.”

Even at a time when the Daeseon Guild was reorganizing, their analysis work continued without much disruption.

It was because there were renowned information traders in Luoyang who cooperated with 2nd Young Master’s faction.


Ahn, the head of the Daeseon Guild, pushed up his glasses and asked his subordinate again.

“The attack on the Daeseon Guild was the doing of the Crescent Moon Pavilion, which holds the Minor Patriarch’s Sword House Bronze Plaque?”

They seemed to have finally caught the tail on this side as well.

“We can’t be certain yet, but…”

Ahn’s expression contorted as he roughly flipped through the reports handed over by his subordinate.

“T-That son of a…!”

Someone tapped the shoulder of Ahn, whose hand holding the report was trembling.

“Calm down, Elder Ahn.”

It was a fellow elder from the same Gangnam faction.

“The follow-up response is already firmly underway, isn’t it? It’s only the beginning, so why are you so agitated?”

Ahn’s expression settled.

“…I know.”

“The analysis is also progressing smoothly.”

The fellow elder smiled with his arms crossed, gazing at the people busily moving about in the courtyard.

Everyone was frantically running around as if it were daytime in the deep of night.

Then he pointed to a corner with his chin.

“Besides, isn’t our Gangnam faction’s situation much better than that guy’s?”

Ahn’s gaze turned to the corner.

There, Elder Hahu, who couldn’t rest his anxious footsteps for a moment, was pacing back and forth.


That Elder Hahu from the Luoyang faction, who had been in charge of command at the grand meeting hall today.

“What a ridiculous sight.”

The fellow elder, who had been mocking him for a moment, said to Ahn,

“Anyway, although we can’t directly stop those old horses from Mount North Mang, we can preemptively block those who will try to move in the future.”

They currently held no official positions.

If they wanted to do something, they had no choice but to mobilize someone with an official position.

“…But it’s impossible with our power alone.”

“Of course.”

The fellow elder shrugged his shoulders.

“That’s why we’re here waiting for our lord, isn’t it?”

As soon as his words ended, the head butler shouted in a sharp voice,

“2nd Young Master is arriving!”

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