The steel horses, Blackie and Brownie, pulling Yeon So-hyeon’s armored carriage, roared loudly, their muscles bulging.

The steel wheels rolled without hesitation, sparking flames behind them.

Following Yeon So-hyeon’s carriage as it raced through the night streets of Luoyang were carriages of the Gong family carrying the Four Heroes of the Yellow Lake.

Inside those carriages, a heavy tension lingered.


All of the Four Heroes of the Yellow Lake were repeatedly checking and rechecking their weapons.

“Come to think of it.”

The man with the goatee, who had been tightly tying the strings of his fist wrap, spoke up.

“I think I once heard from a senior about ‘rules of conduct in the Five Evils,’ but does anyone remember the exact contents?”

The zeroth rule of conduct was not to approach the Five Evils, but in the current situation, it was already a pointless thing to say.

“Ah, I remember.”

The woman, who had been checking the blade of her short sword and firmly securing it again, frowned and recalled the memory in her mind.

“I think the first one is…”

At that moment, the black armored carriages that had been waiting at the intersection joined Yeon So-hyeon’s procession.

They were the armored carriages carrying the Wongakjeong maid unit, who had returned to the Luoyang Sword House to resupply and rejoin the procession.

Among them were also carriages carrying members of the Emei Sect.

Thus, all the armored carriages that had departed from Wongakjeong this morning, except for the one carrying Daseollang, were now combined into a single procession.


The members of the Emei Sect had somehow managed to put on the armor they received with the help of the maid unit, but they still felt uncomfortable in it.

“Attention, please.”

Everyone’s gaze turned to the fully armored maid sitting across from Proctor nun.

“I will now inform you of the rules of conduct that must be followed for safety at the place called the Valley of Sins or the Sinful Valley, which we will soon arrive at.”

Taking out a note from her bosom, she began to recite the contents she had already thoroughly memorized.

It was a list refined by local experts, commonly known as the rules of conduct in the Five Evils.

“First. Never answer the questions of the local poor.”

She added an explanation.

“In your case, it’s best not to engage with them at all. Helping the poor is the responsibility of the experts on-site. You don’t need to help them, and you shouldn’t help them.”

Everyone nodded their heads.

Being exposed to crime while engaging with swindlers was common even in the streets of the capital.

And they could understand the maid’s additional words.

Unless one was well-versed in the behavior of the poor here, it was advisable not to engage with them in the first place.

“Second. Do not mistakenly think that a path with people is safe.”


Something sounded a bit strange.

It didn’t say not to enter a path without people, but not to mistakenly think that a path with people is safe.

However, as the number of rules increased, the eerie feeling grew stronger.

“Third. Do not follow an unfamiliar voice calling your name.”

The Emei Sect nuns looked at each other with bewildered expressions.

Calling their names, who?

“Fourth. Do not laugh along just because the people with you are all laughing together. And immediately leave the area.”

“What does that-“

The maid ignored it and added.

“In your case, you should immediately evacuate the site and retreat to your designated safe zones.”


“Fifth. This fifth one is the most important.”

The maid’s gaze met with each and every warrior monk of the Emei Sect in the carriage, as if in warning.

“If you suddenly hear someone’s shout that you can’t understand or strange, incomprehensible sounds, you must take shelter in the nearest stone building.”

She emphasized repeatedly in a clear voice.

“Always pay attention to the noises around you. And always be aware of the stone buildings around you.”

She folded the note she had been reading and put it back in her bosom.

“That is all.”

Then she distributed notes with the same content, one for each person, according to the number of people.


Although she had finished speaking, the members of the Emei Sect who received the notes had no idea where to start.

Even if they tried to memorize it as instructed, there had to be some connection and logic for it to be memorized.

Wasn’t this just a bundle of vague, nonsensical words without head or tail?

“You must have many questions.”

As if understanding their thoughts, the maid spoke again.

“I also know a few reasons why these guidelines exist, but I trust the words of the on-site experts who say it’s much safer to act according to the guidelines than to have incomplete knowledge.”


Inside Yeon So-hyeon’s armored carriage.

A middle-aged man who had been waiting at the point where the Emei Sect’s procession had joined, boarded Yeon So-hyeon’s running carriage and greeted him.

“Excuse me, Eldest Young Master. This is the first time I’m meeting you in person after only reporting in writing. I am Yang Tong, in charge of the Valley of Sins at Crescent Moon Pavilion. You can call me either Yang or Tong, whichever you prefer.”

His tone was strangely slick.

The composure that shouldn’t be lost even in urgent situations and the confidence that must be maintained even without basis.

It was the unique atmosphere possessed by those who had worked in the information field for a long time and achieved results.

“I am Yeon So-hyeon.”

He tried to casually sit across from Yeon So-hyeon but made an awkward expression at Jung-ah’s sharp gaze.

“Ahem. You must have already received a report at the Gong residence, but…”

Yeon So-hyeon said to him as he knelt on the carriage floor.

“The report?”

“Ah, about that…”

He hesitated and rose again, rummaging through his bosom and taking out a bundle of notes.

“As you know, the situation is chaotic, so I didn’t have the leisure to write a proper report…”

It wasn’t a lack of sincerity.

In reality, Crescent Moon Pavilion was currently engaged in a battle disguised as an intelligence war against the much larger Daeseon Guild.

“I will take it.”

“Ah, yes.”

Jung-ah took the bundle of notes from his hand and respectfully offered it to her master.

“Short and simple, only the key points.”

“Ah, yes. I understand.”

Yeon So-hyeon, reading the notes as if skimming through them.

‘Is he really reading them properly…?’

Even if he read unprocessed information like that, skimming through it, there was no way he could properly analyze it.

But that was precisely why people in higher positions needed middle managers like him, wasn’t it?

He cleared his throat and began to speak the processed information he had organized in his mind.

It was time to show off his eloquent speech, using his well-oiled tongue.

“To report on the current situation, we have succeeded in inflicting significant damage on the Daeseon Guild and…”

“Now it’s back to a lull?”

“Ah? Yes, that’s right.”

“The Daeseon Guild is quickly reorganizing.”

“Yes, that’s correct.”

“It seems that reinforcements are continuously being supplied, and they are constantly changing their response posture?”

“Yes, yes. Just as you said…”

Yang Tong made a surprised expression at Yeon So-hyeon’s words that accurately described the situation before he could even report the analysis results.

His gaze turned to the notes Yeon So-hyeon was rapidly flipping through.

‘Was he actually reading them?! Moreover, he’s even analyzing the unprocessed information in real-time?!’

The sight of Yeon So-hyeon single-handedly handling the work that should have been done by analysis experts and those at the managerial level putting their heads together was astonishing to anyone working in that field.


He blankly stared at the notes Yeon So-hyeon was flipping through at a rapid pace, and suddenly noticing that Yeon So-hyeon’s hand had stopped, he raised his head.

“What are you doing?”


“Aren’t you going to report?”


Yeon So-hyeon let out a short sigh.

“From the start of today’s operation. Short and simple, only the key points.”


Yang Tong’s composure and slick personality, naturally developed from working in the information field for a long time, had long disappeared.

He began to report again, sweating profusely.

“As you ordered, I will report from the start of today’s operation.”

The gaze of the young master in front of him, staring intently at him, was the most burdensome moment.

“The initial surprise attack, carried out simultaneously as you shook the Gong faction through North Mang Mountain this morning, was successful.”

The surprise operation of Crescent Moon Pavilion, utilizing the information they had quietly gathered and gathered without responding to the Daeseon Guild until then, was successful.

“And the second battle that took place after ‘Sagongja’ joined the command is also being successfully concluded, according to the current evaluation.”

With the cooperation of Yeon Bi, the elites of the Sagongja faction attacked the Daeseon Guild, which was trying to handle the situation.

“Of course, the situation is not completely over yet, and the operation is only in its initial stages, but…”

Yeon So-hyeon interrupted him.

“The situation is not over, but the Daeseon Guild has already hidden its lower-level organizations, which were operating as a point system, under the surface and raised the security level to the maximum, so it is difficult to carry out additional operations at this point, is what you want to say.”


Yeon So-hyeon handed the bundle of notes he had finished reading to Jung-ah.

Yeon So-hyeon’s voice reached Yang Tong, who was receiving the bundle of notes through Jung-ah.

“And for the operation to continue, there is a need to shake the Gong faction once again.”

Yang Tong hurriedly nodded at Yeon So-hyeon’s gaze.

“Yes, that’s correct. The Crescent Moon Pavilion Mistress also said the same thing.”

“I see, Crescent Moon Pavilion has done an excellent job.”

“Yes, yes! Thank you!”

Yang Tong bowed deeply, almost touching the carriage floor.

Yeon So-hyeon, taking out another report piled up in the carriage and reading it without even giving Yang Tong a glance, said.

“However, you talk too much. Try to convey the report more concisely, focusing only on the key points.”

“Yes! I will keep that in mind!”

In fact, most of the talking was done by Yeon So-hyeon, and Yang Tong hadn’t said much.

But the young master in front of him seemed to have already seen through Yang Tong’s psychology of trying to assert his presence at their first meeting.


Yeon So-hyeon nodded and moved on to the next topic.

“Next is the Valley of Sins.”

“Yes, but…”

Yang Tong moistened his lips.

‘Delivering bad news was always a burdensome task.’

“As you may have already heard from our informants at the Gong family, the current situation in the Valley of Sins is quite unfavorable. That is…”

At that moment, Jung-ah’s eyes flashed briefly with a golden light.

‘Obstacle detected ahead.’

As soon as her voice transmission reached Yeon So-hyeon, the window on the coachman’s side opened hastily, and a maid shouted.

“The road ahead is not properly controlled! We will reduce our speed!”

Yeon So-hyeon’s carriage began to decelerate, applying the brakes.

The entire procession following behind also slowed down.

“What on earth is the situation?”

At Jung-ah’s question, the maid at the coachman’s seat reported.

“The main road is crowded with people!”

At those words, Jung-ah pushed open the steel cover that had been covering the window.


The Gong family carriage carrying the Four Heroes of the Yellow Lake.

“L-look at that!”

At the shout of the one who had been staring out the window, startled by the suddenly slowing carriage, the others looked in that direction.

“No, what are all these people…?”

People were pouring out onto the main road as if something big had happened.

They were making gestures, shouting, and showing a chaotic appearance while murmuring.

The efforts of the guards trying to push people to the side of the road for control were pitiful.

“Not that way! Over there! Look far over there!”

Their gazes moved along with his hand.

The mountain that boasted a distinct presence even in the darkness was Mount Eunhyeong, located north of Luoyang’s city center.

The valley between its slopes that stretched left and right was also connected to the urban areas of Luoyang.

And from the urban area of that valley, bright red flames and thick smoke were rising.

“Th-that’s the Valley of Sins, isn’t it?!”

Inside the carriage, Yang Tong, who had been looking out the window, involuntarily frowned.

“…It seems the fire has become more severe in the meantime.”

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