At Yeom Baekha’s explanation of the special task force, the strategists swallowed hard.

“All of them are masters…?”

“Individuals with the potential to become chief martial guards? The entire group?”

It was no wonder the strategists were astonished.

Without inherent talent for internal energy, no matter how proficient one became in the best internal energy techniques, becoming a martial artist was out of reach.

Therefore, it was exceedingly rare for someone to ‘surpass the wall’ and become a master.

Yet here was a group, not just of ordinary masters, but individuals with the qualities to be called the chief martial guards of the Sword House, the very symbol of the family.

“But, something seems off…”

One of the strategists stroked his short beard as he spoke.

“If such a group existed, we should have at least heard their name.”

The response came from someone standing right next to the mythical beast.

“That might likely be due to their origins.”

The raspy voice, suggesting the age of its owner, hinted at wisdom gained through years.

“Their origins, you say?”

“Elder strategist, please enlighten us, your juniors.”

The one referred to as the elder strategist was an old man with white hair and a face full of wrinkles.

“Have any of you heard of the ‘nameless warriors’?”

The small-statured elder, with a back bent from age, was precariously maintaining his balance atop a donkey.

Given his advanced age, which was exceptional even by the standards of the Sword House where everyone was expected to walk on their own unless extraordinary circumstances dictated otherwise, he seemed to be an exception.

“…By ‘nameless warriors,’ do you mean the ‘Shadow Ops’?”

At the mention of the ‘Shadow Ops,’ all the strategists fell silent, their expressions tense.

This was also true for Yeom Baekha, who had harbored a similar suspicion.

It was inevitable.

The name ‘Shadow Ops’ of the Sword House carried a weight and depth that no one could lightly address.

The Shadow Ops.

The name for the group that undertook tasks for the benefit of the Luoyang Sword House, tasks that could not be conducted under the family’s name.

Those deeply involved in the Shadow Ops left behind no alias, no name, no fame—nothing at all.

They were referred to as the ‘nameless warriors.’

“Well, this is just baseless speculation from an old man, so don’t take it too seriously.”

The elder strategist lightened the mood and looked at Yeom Baekha.

“Rather than that, I can’t help but admire the lady’s discernment for recognizing them as a direct task force under the council of elders.”

Yeom Baekha smirked beneath her veil.

“I recognized them because they were wearing uniforms mentioned in the enforcement division’s operational materials.”

The elder stroked his white beard at her words.

“Indeed, the uniforms. Why would a task force, answering only to the council of elders, wear uniforms and guard the Eldest Young Master’s abode, the Wongak Pavilion?”

That was precisely what Yeom Baekha had been wondering.

“Perhaps, elder, you might have some insight…?”

The elder smiled kindly at Yeom Baekha’s question.

“This old man doesn’t concern himself with the politics within the family. That’s not my business, you see.”

Though his response was irresponsibly nonchalant, Yeom Baekha wasn’t bothered.

She knew well that matters other than the bloody realities of war were of no interest to the old man.

The elder gave Yeom Baekha a meaningful look.

“Rather, this old man is curious about your thoughts, young lady.”

“It’s less an insight and more a young woman’s limited perspective…”

Yeom Baekha, stroking the tense back of the white tiger, began to speak.

“…The council of elders seldom interferes in worldly matters, even less so in the politics of the family. Yet, the fact that masters who serve only the council are guarding Wongak Pavilion suggests…”

Her gaze shifted to the eight masters.

“…that the council might be indirectly showing support for the Eldest Young Master in the succession or that the Eldest Young Master has earned their loyalty. Either way…”

Both spoke simultaneously.

“It’s frightening.”

“The Eldest Young Master is a formidable person.”

Elder Yeom’s sword unit, one of the Sword House’s most elite forces.

While their true strength would only be fully realized when the soldiers were provided and the unit was completely formed, it didn’t mean the individual capabilities of its members were lacking.

The Eldest Young Master was showcasing a force that easily overpowered such individuals.

And he did so on the very day he ended his lengthy seclusion and opened Wongak Pavilion.

“What exactly is the Eldest Young Master…?”

Yeom Baekha’s eyelids fluttered.

She had been someone who, although not publicly, had fervently admired Yeon So-hyeon from the shadows.

She had always prided herself on understanding his genius better than anyone else.

A lonely genius unrecognized.

A figure without supporters, unnoticed by many, yet undeniably significant.

However, she had never considered Yeon So-hyeon as a ‘ruler.’

The Eldest Young Master, possessing genius-level abilities in medicine, strategy, character, and insight… was now revealing his capacity as a ‘leader.’

He was openly displaying the power he held.

The Eldest Young Master had shaken the Inner Court, one of the deepest layers of power within the Luoyang Sword House.

The exact details were unknown, but he had managed to have the supreme council lift the seclusion order and even invoke an emergency decree.

The streets were still filled with people.

She could see the procession of Elder Yeom, followed by a long line of congratulatory delegations.

‘Even His Majesty the Emperor issued a decree directly.’

And it was she and her father, Elder Yeom, who had to face this Eldest Young Master.

The figure she had admired had become a vast, insurmountable barrier standing before her.


Her gaze shifted to her father, who stood calmly at the forefront of the procession.

* * *

“It’s been a while.”

That was the first thing Elder Yeom said after standing quietly for a long time.

Several faces from his memories were among the special task force.

“Indeed, it has been a long time. My, becoming an elder really suits you.”

“It seems you still recognize the face of a fellow warrior.”

The response that came back with a smile was not entirely warm or friendly.

Under normal circumstances, Elder Yeom’s subordinates would never have tolerated such an attitude, but the mention of “fellow warrior” made them focus on enduring the pressure in silence.

Elder Yeom continued with a wry smile.

“I understand the desire to test the juniors, but I think it’s enough now. How about lowering the pressure?”

His peers then teased back.

“Oh, a command from the elder of the main family? Should we obey?”

“No, no. We only take orders from the council of elders, so even if it’s the elder’s words, we shouldn’t heed them, should we?”

Elder Yeom shook his head.

“This is not a command, but a request.”

Elder Yeom’s subordinates, overhearing the conversation, were reminded once again of the caliber of individuals they were facing.

Individuals before whom an elder of the Great Luoyang Sword House had to make requests, not commands.

“Ahem. If the esteemed Elder Yeom is asking us like this…”

“What do the rest of our brothers think?”

“It seems we’ve shown the juniors enough to not shame our uniforms, right?”

It was at this moment, as Elder Yeom’s peers subtly glanced at the other members of the special task force, that a sharp rebuke cut through the air.

“What are you doing in front of our guests?!”

A chilly reprimand, akin to a blast of winter wind, flew at the subtly glancing members of the special task force.

Not just Elder Yeom’s subordinates, but even the mythical beast seemed startled by the fierce roar.

All eyes turned towards the main gate of Wongak Pavilion, drawn by a voice that seemed to strip souls bare.

Revealed in the glare of fierce yellow eyes was none other than a woman.

The woman, accompanied by several maids, emerged with a beauty that seemed to radiate a halo and a presence that pressed on everyone’s spirit.

Yet, what followed was even more astonishing.

“Oh my, Miss Jung-ah. It’s not that we intended to…”

“We too have our… well, let’s say, pride in front of the juniors…”

Not only had their imposing aura vanished, but those formidable masters were now sheepishly grinning and fawning over the beautiful woman.

However, the woman referred to as Miss Jung-ah issued another sharp rebuke.

“Miss? I am the steward of this Wongak Pavilion!”

The mention of ‘steward’ stirred the crowd once more.

Yeom Baekha, who had seen Jung-ah at the Orphanage in Hodu Village before, was even more astounded.

‘I thought she was an extraordinary person then, but to command such masters…’

The steward of Wongak Pavilion, with her piercing gaze, addressed the flustered masters.

“Since you’ve been rude to the master’s guests, there will be no snacks made by the maids for the special task force today.”

The task force members looked as if they might faint at her words.

“No, please, Steward. The other members will devour us if that happens!”

“Please, listen to me, Steward! Steward!”

Having grown up among warriors, Yeom Baekha understood well.

“Everyone, quiet down!”

The attitude displayed by these task force members was not merely out of affection but was imbued with a respect that could only be earned by a recognized warrior.

As a lady, they found her approachable, yet as the Executor, they feared her, unable to attain the respect due to a warrior.

It was this respect that allowed her to be so informal with them.

Yeom Baekha couldn’t help but be dazzled by the sword belt worn by the steward of Wongak Pavilion, and even more so by the sword hanging from it.

Whispers from the strategists reached her ears.

“…So that steward must be the very person whom the Second and Third Young Masters openly coveted.”

“Heh, with such beauty, demeanor, and grace, I can somewhat empathize with the hearts of the Second and Third Young Masters.”

The young strategist’s words led the others to nod in agreement.

But Yeom Baekha was taken aback once again by their conversation.

‘The steward is the protagonist of those rumors…?!’

Wondering if he shared her thoughts, the elder strategist also murmured under his long eyebrows, gleaming with interest.

“According to the information, that steward was certainly not a warrior…”

In the meantime, the steward of Wongak Pavilion, who had firmly dismissed the special task force members’ earnest pleas, bowed deeply to Elder Yeom.

“I must apologize for the rude behavior displayed by the ‘guards’ of Wongak Pavilion.”

Yeom Baekha and the elder strategist were once again surprised by Elder Yeom’s response.

“Please, raise your head. This matter was merely a private incident among old acquaintances and not something that should cause the steward to bow.”

Elder Yeom’s gesture of joining his hands in a respectful manner to defuse the situation undoubtedly carried a sense of respect for a warrior.

Yeom Gwak-chu, the The Mountain Peak-Shattering Sword, one of the acknowledged chief martial guards of the Luoyang Sword House.

The steward was thus a warrior worthy of such respect from a figure like him.

‘What exactly…’

What had happened to this woman, who was known to have no knowledge of martial arts and no talent for internal energy?

And how did the Eldest Young Master transform a mere maid into a warrior who could earn the respect of the Mountain Peak-Shattering Sword?

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