Inside the 2nd Young Master’s camp.

One of the many reception rooms.

Although called a reception room, the place that Elder Son always used whenever he visited was essentially Elder Son’s office.

“Sorry to keep you waiting.”

As befitting of Elder Son, who always wore a kind expression, he greeted the two people entering with his usual “hoho” laughter.



However, the two merely stood and bowed their heads, not daring to meet Elder Son’s gaze.

Seeing their behavior, Elder Son stroked his beard and spoke with a benevolent expression.

“Both of you, lift your heads. Originally, it is said that victory and defeat are common occurrences in military affairs.”

The two still couldn’t raise their heads.

Staring at them, Elder Son asked in a subtle tone.

“…There won’t be any incidents like this next time, right?”

Only then did the two lift their heads.

They were Han Myeong-hwi, in charge of keeping checking of the Eldest Young Master, and Choi, the scholar in charge of keeping check of the 4th Young Master.


“Of course.”

Elder Son’s narrowed eyes, smiling faintly, observed their faces.

The determination and viciousness reflected in their eyes were satisfactory.

“Good, very good.”

Elder Son offered the two a seat.

As the two sat down cautiously, only then did he bring up what they wanted to hear the most.

“Our lord has decided to trust you two once more. He has allowed you to maintain your positions.”

The two scholars inwardly let out a huge sigh of relief.


Just as the two were feeling relieved, Elder Son raised a finger.

“From the beginning, it has become difficult to obstruct the joint venture between the Eldest Young Master and the 4th Young Master. Now, we need a more proper strategy.”

The two scholars closed their mouths.

“So, we have brought in a talented person who will play a key role in breaking the joint venture. As soon as he arrives in Luoyang, work together to come up with a plan.”


After hesitating for a while, Han Myeong-hwi opened his mouth.

“…Will we have a commander above us?”

Elder Son waved his hand.

“No, no. He will merely help you two respond in a more coordinated and constructive manner. The actual people in charge are still you two.”

That was what it meant.

The two scholars barely managed to control their rotting expressions.

Elder Son pretended not to notice their reaction and asked naturally.

“So, I heard Elder Yeom entered the Wongak Pavilion?”

“Yes. I was told he hasn’t come out yet.”

“I see…”

Elder Son tapped the desk with his fingers a few times, then lightly shrugged.

“Well, it’s probably because of the task given to him by the Council of Elders, don’t you think? The Eldest Young Master… He used his head well.”

He asked and answered himself, nodding his head.

“I heard the Eldest Young Master’s connections are quite impressive. Considering his desire to quickly establish ties with the elders, the sooner he goes, the cheaper the deal will be. Elder Yeom is indeed clever.”

Han Myeong-hwi cautiously asked.

“…Could it be that Elder Yeom will pledge loyalty to the Eldest Young Master?”

Elder Son’s eyes widened for a moment before he burst into laughter.


Before long, the fiery sun was slowly setting in the west.

“How about having a light meal?”

Yi-ryeong politely asked Elder Yeom, who wouldn’t leave his seat, but he only shook his head.

How could she not understand his feelings?

“Then I’ll leave this here for now.”

With a sympathetic expression, Yi-ryeong placed the prepared rice balls on the table and quietly closed the door as she left.

The steaming rice balls had a gleaming luster, looking appetizing just by the sight.

However, the white tiger lying on the floor, the Head of the Guards sitting cross-legged holding a sword, and Elder Yeom pacing aimlessly around the room, no one paid any attention to it.

Their gazes never intersected, merely wandering meaninglessly in the air.

“…My daughter.”

Elder Yeom suddenly stopped and spoke.

“Baek-ha said such a thing…?”

The silence must have been long, as even the voice of Elder Yeom, with a transcendent physique, cracked.


At the short reply, Elder Yeom looked up at the ceiling.

“That child…”

Due to the harsh northern regions and frequent business trips, Elder Yeom could hardly show his face to his child when she was young.

Whenever he saw her occasionally, perhaps out of fear, she would just hide behind her mother, clutching her skirt.

“That child…”

Elder Yeom’s words were followed by a sigh filled with too many meanings.

At that moment, the ears of the white tiger, which had been lying still, perked up.

There was a presence.

The door swung open, revealing the Eldest Young Master Yeon So-hyeon in a neat white robe.

“Eldest Young Master!”

Everyone’s gaze in the room was drawn to his somewhat tired appearance.

Just as Elder Yeom was about to say something to the Eldest Young Master, the Medicine King, also wearing a white robe, appeared.

He subtly stepped in front of Yeon So-hyeon and said,

“With this Medicine King here, what are you so worried about?”

“What do you mean…?!”

The Medicine King grinned.

At that moment, Yeon So-hyeon subtly blocked the Medicine King and answered.

“The treatment was successful. Now…”

The Medicine King interrupted.

“Now, that child has only days left to live healthily without worries.”

At those words, Elder Yeom knelt on the spot and shed tears of joy.

The Head of the Guards, who had been holding his breath, collapsed on the spot as strength left his legs, and the white tiger wagged its tail wildly, hopping in place.

“Tsk, why do you keep interrupting me?”

“Wasn’t it this Medicine King who devised that treatment method? You’re the one sneakily inserting a spoon into a finished meal.”

“Didn’t I make this treatment successful? You old man, acting all high and mighty when you were just assisting from behind…”

“Not assisting, supervising! Supervising! I was supervising to see if my disciple was performing the treatment properly!”

“How many times do I have to tell you that I’m not your disciple?!”

As expected, the two began bickering.

Regardless of their quarrel, a father of a child simply bowed and expressed his gratitude.

“Thank you… Thank you…”


Darkness fell, and maids were lighting lanterns all over the Wongak Pavilion.

Opening the door and stepping out into the small courtyard, Elder Yeom was startled to see the Eldest Young Master standing alone.

“Eldest Young Master?”

Elder Yeom had come out after hearing a presence outside, but he never thought it would be the Eldest Young Master.

“How is my daughter, Yeom Baek-ha doing?”

The Eldest Young Master, who had been looking up at the moon, turned to look at him.

A gentle moonlight was cast over his smile.

Was that smile the Eldest Young Master’s, or the physician Yeon So-hyeon’s?

Elder Yeom, who habitually tried to read the other person’s thoughts, shook his head with a bitter smile.

“She was excited to be able to eat regular food like others from now on. She’s writing a list of what to eat first.”

Until now, Yeom Baek-ha had to eat tasteless nutritious meals.

Seeing Yeon So-hyeon’s soft laughter, Elder Yeom also smiled and stood by his side.

“Once again, I express my gratitude like this.”

Perhaps burdened by Elder Yeom’s excessive politeness, Yeon So-hyeon turned around and replied.

“Save your thanks for the old man who’s probably drinking alcohol by now. Without that old man, this treatment would have been impossible in the first place.”

Only Yeon So-hyeon would call the world’s Medicine King, whom even kings and nobles try to invite over, an old man.

Elder Yeom smiled slightly and bowed even deeper.

“As the Eldest Young Master has treated my daughter, I will now keep my oath as I said before…”

“Elder Yeom.”

Yeon So-hyeon cut him off.

“Eldest Young Master?”

As Elder Yeom lifted his head in confusion, Yeon So-hyeon’s calm voice echoed through the courtyard.

“Your daughter was treated with a non-invasive method, so there’s no need for a separate recovery period. Once her condition is confirmed to be stable, you can carry her back just as you brought her here.”

“Ah, yes.”

Elder Yeom nodded with a puzzled expression.

“Not being able to walk right away is not due to the illness, but a matter of building up strength, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Yes, Eldest Young Master.”

Assuming that Yeon So-hyeon had more to say as a physician, Elder Yeom acknowledged and listened to his words.

However, the following words were not spoken as a physician.

“So, if you return with your daughter after a while, no one will think you have joined my forces.”

“What do you mean…?”

Elder Yeom’s face, no longer hiding his expression, was filled with confusion.

The Eldest Young Master smiled at him.

“No one will know that I, the Eldest Young Master, treated your daughter, and since you don’t have to entrust her to me, there will be no reason for suspicion.”


The Eldest Young Master raised his hand and pointed towards the main gate of the Wongak Pavilion.

“This negotiation is over. The match has been nullified. You have lost your only weakness, and ‘I’ have successfully treated a patient.”

Elder Yeom’s eyes wavered.

“Eldest Young Master…”

Seeing Elder Yeom unable to say anything properly after calling out, Yeon So-hyeon burst into laughter.

“If I capture that expression on a painting, I could gain a weakness.”

Yeon So-hyeon chuckled and took a step.

“Eldest Young Master! I…!”

As Elder Yeom shouted, Yeon So-hyeon’s steps halted.

“Elder Yeom, be prudent. You are being too sentimental right now.”


Only Yeon So-hyeon’s voice was heard, without turning back.

“You are not just a warrior, nor are you just a father. You are a leader responsible for the families of countless subordinates.”

Yeon So-hyeon looked up at the night sky.

“Standing by my side, the Eldest Young Master, is a path that endangers them all. Can you really gamble with all of them?”


“Can you push your subordinates into danger at my command?”

Elder Yeom couldn’t answer.

Yeon So-hyeon didn’t wait for a response in the first place and was already walking away.

“The old man will stop by to check on her prognosis in a bit.”

His steps leaving the small courtyard showed no trace of lingering attachment, light beyond compare.

His voice gradually faded away.

“Be careful on your way back, as the night road is dark. I won’t see you off separately later.”

Elder Yeom just stood there blankly, watching his retreating figure.


In Elder Son’s reception room.

“Elder Yeom left the Wongak Pavilion?”


“And his daughter? Was she with him?”

The scholar bowed his head.

“Yes, all personnel confirmed the same.”

“I see. You may go.”

The scholar bowed deeply and withdrew.

“As expected, it was just a simple transaction.”

Han Myeong-hwi asked.

“…How did you know?”

“I see. It’s understandable that you scholars wouldn’t know.”

Elder Son, who was looking through documents, spoke without taking his eyes off.

“To trust someone, you must be trusted by them, so in the end, you can trust no one.”

A benevolent smile hung on Elder Son’s lips.

“That is the essence of those in power.”

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