In front of the main gate of Wongak Pavilion.

Before the start of business hours, at the break of dawn, it was naturally expected to be quiet.

However, the sight of the street in front of the impeccably arranged main gate of Wongak Pavilion, being completely deserted, felt eerily desolate.

“Today’s the first day, isn’t it?”

A special forces member, on guard duty from a respectable guard post, inquired, to which his colleague, writing a report under the lantern light, responded.

“That’s right. The construction is almost finished, and today is practically the opening day of Wongak Pavilion.”

The guard turned his gaze towards the street.

The buildings were brightly lit with densely hung lanterns, yet the streets were devoid of any people.

“It’s like a ghost town.”

The colleague writing the report chuckled lightly.

“No matter how splendidly it’s decorated, given who the owner is, it’s inevitable that it would be deserted.”

Hearing this, the guard on duty clicked his tongue.

“…It’d be nice if some guests would come.”

“Have you taken a liking to the Eldest Young Master, all of a sudden?”

“No, no, not that, I mean the maids and the servant girls. Thinking of all the hard work they’ve put in, I wish they’d get to see some reward for their efforts….”

“Ah, I see your point.”

The special forces members, who had closely observed the children doing their utmost in preparation, sympathized.

“…But, it’s going to be tough, isn’t it?”

“Most likely. Wouldn’t it be?”

Just then, two figures appeared from the far end of the main road.

“Two unidentified individuals approaching.”

“Could it be, guests already?”

The two squinted to get a better look at the approaching figures.

After a moment, the special forces members sighed.

“…They are guests, alright, but not the kind we’re pleased to see.”


The early visitors to Wongak Pavilion were none other than two individuals troubled by Jung-ah, who had unexpectedly become the steward of the Eldest Young Master.

One was the steward of Ho-won, established by the Second Young Master to substitute for the inner court.

And the other belonged to the Three Exceptional Warriors, a military unit under the direct command of the Third Young Master.

Under normal circumstances, these two would not have bothered to acknowledge each other, but the situation was dire.

“…I can’t fathom what emboldened that crazed woman to blatantly ignore several of our letters.”

At the steward of Ho-won’s words, one of the Three Exceptional Warriors gritted his teeth.

“Had the chief steward not dragged his feet with procedures and whatnot, this issue should have been resolved long ago.”

“The problem is also that the Eldest Young Master ended his seclusion in the meantime.”

“Even so, that woman is nothing more than a lowly servant girl. She’s bound to follow orders from above.”

“That’s exactly why it’s problematic that the Eldest Young Master has reclaimed his position.”

“Hmph, our lord is far more superior than some unarmed fool. There’s no comparison.”

“Of course, that’s an obvious statement, considering the standing in the main house. My master, the Second Young Master, could easily manipulate her fate with his political influence. The problem is that he can’t.”

“What’s the problem with the strong taking what they want?”

“…I was wrong to even engage in conversation with a foolish warrior.”

“What did you say?! You skinny runt…”

After a brief growl at each other, they both sighed and quickened their pace.

Neither thought that guests would visit the Eldest Young Master this early, but given the nature of the matter, attracting attention was the last thing they wanted.

“…Haven’t you received orders from above to leave that woman be for now?”

“…Did you receive the same command?”

Yet, both were reluctant to miss this golden opportunity to gain favor with their respective masters.

“What’s so great about the Eldest Young Master anyway…”

“None of our warriors fear a swordsman like him.”

The extravagantly decorated street was particularly irksome to them.

* * *

Ignoring the disdainful stares from the two special forces members, the two men waited briefly before Jung-ah made her appearance.

As soon as she emerged, they involuntarily swallowed their shouts of reprimand.

Wrapped in a court robe that boasted a restrained opulence, adorned with dazzling ornaments, Jung-ah’s beauty captivated all, regardless of age or gender.

Looking down at them with heavily made-up eyes and moving with confident steps, she exuded not just dignity and grace, but an imposing aura as well.

When twenty maids, each carrying a sword, lined up behind her at the main gate, even the special forces members internally admired the display of power.

“What business do you have with me, the steward of this place?” Jung-ah’s golden eyes stared down the two unwelcome guests.

The steward of Ho-won, almost bowing unconsciously, forcefully snorted in derision, following a pre-agreed plan, while the Three Exceptional Warrior silently observed, arms crossed.

“To think you’ve become so bold over some minor improvements, it’s laughably pathetic.”

Jung-ah responded without a sneer, “And yet, you’re the one relying solely on your master, aren’t you?”

Faced with her casual retort, Jung-ah responded in kind.

She was no longer the Jung-ah they last encountered.

“This insolent creature…!”

The steward of Ho-won’s forehead bulged with veins at her informal speech.

Before Jung-ah could reply, the maids collectively opened fire on him.

“Mind your language!”

“To speak such rudeness in front of Wongak Pavilion, where the Eldest Young Master resides!”

“Even if you are the steward of Ho-won, you have no right to address the steward of Wongak Pavilion so disrespectfully!”

Ignoring the maids, the steward of Ho-won pulled out a fan and pointed it at Jung-ah.

“Do you think I’d be intimidated just because you’ve brought a bunch of maids with you?”

Jung-ah replied emotionlessly, “You seem to be under some misconception. These maids aren’t here because of you.”

The steward of Ho-won’s eyebrows twitched.

“I thought to consider your position somewhat, but if you insist on embarrassing yourself in front of all these people, I won’t stop you.”

“I have nothing to be ashamed of, so do as you will.”

A vile smile spread across the steward of Ho-won’s lips.

“Strutting between the Second and Third Young Masters, are these people aware that you’re nothing but a harlot who ran to Wongak Pavilion, unable to bear the consequences of your actions?”

The words were a blatant insult, aimed not only at demeaning Jung-ah but also at spreading vile rumors about her among the maids of Wongak Pavilion.

“With that lowly body of yours, you wandered around emitting a foul stench, trying to seduce the two Young Masters of the main house. Failing that, you ended up seducing the oblivious Eldest Young Master and secured the position of steward.”

He taunted with his tongue, rolling his eyes to gauge the reaction of the maids.

“To think such a woman could be the steward serving the Eldest Young Master of the main house, it’s utterly ludicrous!”

Contrary to his expectations, the maids’ faces showed nothing more than anger towards him.

The maids, being close to the steward trusted by the Eldest Young Master, had no reason to doubt her.

Moreover, they had lived and worked with her long enough to understand the kind of person she truly was.

Jung-ah waved her hand dismissively.

“Listening to your filthy talk is like having my ears rot. If all you have to say is such nonsense, then leave at once.”

The displeasure was not only felt by her but also by the two special forces members on guard.

They stealthily moved forward, subtly exerting their presence.

However, the steward of Ho-won, knowing they couldn’t touch someone who hadn’t trespassed into Wongak Pavilion, remained calm.

“Even after I’ve come to you directly, you’re still digging your own grave.”

He clicked his tongue in disdain.

“Even if you’re the steward of the Eldest Young Master, you can’t escape your lowly origins. Don’t you know that once the Young Masters become enraged, it would be trivial to change the fate of someone like you, no better than a household slave?”

He spat out these words at Jung-ah with venom.

“Relying on the Eldest Young Master, who has no real power or influence within the main house, will only get you so far!”

At his words, Jung-ah finally burst into laughter.

She knew well what her master had done and what he was capable of.

The steward of Ho-won was momentarily taken aback by her resonant laughter.

“Has this woman finally lost her mind…!”

Jung-ah abruptly stopped laughing and cut him off.

“Wasting time with someone like you, who doesn’t even grasp the true stature of my master, is pointless…”

She took a step forward, her demeanor changing.

“It appears there are a few things you’re gravely mistaken about, so it seems I must enlighten you directly,” Jung-ah stated, her eyes flashing a golden brilliance that made the steward of Ho-won step back, a chill running down his spine.

“Firstly, it’s not that my lord wishes for me to be protected; rather, it is I who serve and protect my lord,” she continued, taking a step forward, causing the steward to hastily retreat further.

“And secondly…” A sly smile played on her lips.

“I am no longer a mere servant, unable to make decisions regarding my own fate. My status is that of a…”

She laid her hand on the hilt of the sword at her waist.

“A warrior.”

For a moment, the steward thought he saw her pupils narrow vertically, sending a shiver down his spine. Before he could fully comprehend what he had seen, he found himself sitting on the ground, unaware of how he got there.


As everyone looked on with a mixture of amusement and disdain, a hearty laugh cut through the tension.

“How amusing! A mere maid, known only for her beauty and attending to guests, now claims to be a warrior!”

It was the Three Exceptional Warrior, who had been silently observing with his arms crossed.

“A warrior’s path is indeed not bound by mere circumstances. A warrior has the right to choose and serve their lord,” he said, his laughter belying the clear anger in his tone.

“…But if you dare to falsely claim the title of a warrior and bring dishonor, are you prepared to face the consequences?”

He gripped the hilt of his sword tightly, a fierce aura emanating from him, strong enough to make the maids step back momentarily.

“Woman, if you consider yourself a warrior, you surely understand…”

Previously, Jung-ah had relied on the special forces members to deal with the steward of Ho-won and the Three Exceptional Warrior at the main gate.

Now, with a cold laugh, Jung-ah stepped outside the gate.

“In the world of the sword, the status of a warrior is not given but earned.”

At her words, the Three Exceptional Warrior sneered, his smile bitter.

“You seem well aware. Indeed, I shall personally test just how sharp the sword of a woman known only for bewitching guests with her beauty is,” the Three Exceptional Warrior declared, eager to challenge Jung-ah’s claim.

To the surprise of the special forces members present, they were the ones taken aback by this unfolding scene.

One of the special forces urgently whispered to a nearby maid, “The steward must have her reasons for stepping forward, but the Three Exceptional Warrior of the Third Young Master is not an opponent to be underestimated.”

The maid remained composed, replying, “We are aware. The title of ‘Three Exceptional’ within the Third Young Master’s personal guard is bestowed upon those who have mastered three of the five sword stances in the family’s sword technique, Sword Heart, Sword Cry.”

Another maid added, “We have only just begun to make one of the sword stances our own; how could we possibly underestimate the Three Exceptional Warrior?”

Hearing their conversation, the special forces member felt a pang of concern, “Then why aren’t you dissuading the steward from this confrontation?”

The maid shook her head, clarifying, “When we say ‘we,’ we refer to the maids of Wongak Pavilion.”

The revelation widened the special forces member’s eyes in realization, “Then, the steward is…?”

The maids merely smiled, leaving the question hanging in the air.

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