Yeon So-hyeon leaned his arm out of the window, enjoying the cold breeze.

Seeing this, the commander sitting opposite him cautiously spoke up.

“Eldest Young Master, exposing your face outside is against the Organ’s guidelines…”



Remembering the warning from Cheongsu, the senior commander who had handed him over, he quietly shut his mouth.

‘Getting on the wrong side of the Eldest Young Master can really complicate life in the Sword House.’

He didn’t understand why being marked by the Eldest Young Master was related to complicating life in the Sword House.

As a junior commander who had risen quickly, he was rich in experience as a warrior, but still had much to learn about the upper echelons’ society.

That’s why the advice from a senior was always as precious as gold.

So far, his experience had taught him that while seniors’ advice might not always earn him gold, it at least prevented him from losing it.


From the corner, squatting silently, the commander observed a lot in Yeon So-hyeon’s demeanor.

The Organ’s warriors, who had always moved as one with his father, were the most entertaining ‘playmates’ for the young Yeon So-hyeon.

How joyful it was every time he broke their ice-wall-like composure.

Perhaps that’s why, even now, seeing the Organ’s warriors naturally brought out his teasing side.



His eyes visible through the eyeholes resembled those of a startled rabbit.

“Tell that commander who dragged me to the cave earlier to send me a message.”

He bowed his head.

“Well, according to the guidelines, I can’t really do personal errands…”

“Quiet, and you’re the youngest among the commanders, right? Or maybe the second youngest?”

“You, as the Eldest Young Master, don’t have the authority to access the Organ’s personnel information….”

“You don’t need authority to see what you’re doing. It’s obvious.”


“His temper seemed pretty strong, and you get a lot of flak from him, right? Always nagging? Annoyingly so?”

Yeon So-hyeon’s use of ‘warriors’ language’ was somehow convincing.


“So cooperate with me. Just pass on this message, and I guarantee you’ll see him constantly worried from now on.”

It was the tongue of a devil.


Understanding his silent consent, Yeon So-hyeon spoke softly.

“I was almost dragged to the cave earlier. So now my shoulders and arms are still aching, you see?”

Yeon So-hyeon grinned, revealing his white teeth.

“Tell him in a letter that I, Yeon So-hyeon, will forever remember this grudge. In code. Make it untraceable.”


He looked around furtively and quickly nodded.

Yeon So-hyeon chuckled merrily.

Unlike in the past, settling these small grudges now brought him too much joy.

He knocked on the roof.

“Guys! Speed it up a bit! It’s getting dark!”

At Yeon So-hyeon’s shout, the commander immediately relayed the order through a sound transmission.

Inside the sedan chair dashing through the empty streets, Yeon So-hyeon burst into a delightful laugh.

The Organ that everyone in the Sword House found uncomfortable.

Now, almost no one in the Organ remembered him.

Still, he…

Yeon So-hyeon had met the sibling of an old acquaintance, forging a valuable connection and acquiring an important network for intervening in agency matters.

He had impressed upon the warriors guarding the council chamber that he could confront the executive committee members and come out unscathed.

He had planted the idea of Wongak Pavilion in the mind of a commander considering retirement, once renowned for his glory.

He would instill fear in the despicable commander who remembered him directly and indirectly yet ridiculed him as a swordsman without a sword.

He had made the youngest commander, meeting him for the first time, run errands and move his subordinates according to his intentions.

This young commander, having tasted the thrill of collaborating with Yeon So-hyeon, would not forget it anytime soon.

All these events had unfolded in less than half a day since their encounter.

* * *

Inside the Dark Heavens Scripture.

“It was so enjoyable! Truly entertaining!”

The Fallen Immortal clapped his hands in delight.

“It’s been a long time since I’ve seen such an amusing spectacle since I was trapped here.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it, Elder.”

“And to think you successfully operated while suppressing that Dark Heavens Scripture!”

Seated on a stone sarcophagus, Yeon So-hyeon shrugged his shoulders.

The Fallen Immortal, his eyes sparkling, asked Yeon So-hyeon.

“So, revealing the identities of the executive committee members from the past and replacing them was your doing before you became th Chosen One?”

“Yes, that’s right. It was the least I could do while protecting my mother’s broken seal and for the sake of my father’s family during the Bloodbath.”


“…Back then, that was all I could do.”

“Different from now, eh.”

Yeon So-hyeon laughed along with the cunningly smiling Fallen Immortal.

The corpses inside the sarcophagi wailed together.

“Then, then tell me.”


Excited, the Fallen Immortal asked.

“From the moment you started spreading rumors, your ultimate goal was just one thing. To have the seclusion order officially revoked!”

“That’s correct.”

Yeon So-hyeon nodded, elaborating carefully.

“Initially, being in seclusion, I had no way to directly contact the Supreme Operating Council.”

The council was not a group he could meet just because he wanted to.

“You stirred up the Inner Court for that. Making others aware of your actions!”

“And in doing so, dealt with the stewards who constantly hassled me, and also created a way to reclaim the budget I never received.”

“That’s right! I saw it too!”

* * *

“I am aware that it’s hardly enough to be considered a substitute…”

After consolidating opinions, the chairman spoke to Yeon So-hyeon.

“The Supreme Operating Council will simplify all administrative procedures to ensure Wongak Pavilion regains its full functionality as soon as possible, and we will spare no effort in providing support.”

Yeon So-hyeon shrugged his shoulders.

“Especially, please speak kindly to the Inner Court Supervisor. I need to reclaim the budget that the Inner Court has withheld from my share.”

A short while later, a voice from one of the executive committee members was heard.

“…Would you prefer cash or vouchers?”

“Half and half, please. Make the vouchers guaranteed by the name of the Supreme Operating Council.”

“We’ll process it immediately.”

“Thank you.”

“It’s nothing.”

Yeon So-hyeon then continued.

“And also convey a message to the Guard Commander. If they unjustifiably detain or delay a bookseller entering Wongak Pavilion again, I’ll personally visit the guard unit.”

“…We will ensure such an incident doesn’t happen again.”

Yeon So-hyeon nodded in satisfaction.

“And those warrior chiefs who deliberately have their troops run along Wongak Pavilion’s walls while singing military songs at dawn…”

“We’ll handle that too.”

“And there’s more.”


* * *

“That, that was too much fun.”

The Fallen Immortal burst into laughter.

He fell backward, rolling over the corpses in the sarcophagus.

Yeon So-hyeon smiled awkwardly.

“…In the past, I would have let such issues slide.”

“Most of all…”

The Fallen Immortal wiped away the tears that had turned into ooze.

“I was most amazed by the fact that you did practically ‘nothing’ to ultimately achieve what you aimed for this time!”

He exclaimed exuberantly.

“The only action you took to lift your seclusion was practically just summoning that inspection agent!”

“Are you referring to Kangho?”

“Yes! You just called for an inspection agent, and suddenly an elder council meeting was convened!”

The elder council, concerned about Yeon So-hyeon’s situation, facilitated his summoning to the Supreme Operating Council.

“And the Supreme Operating Council, because of their original sin, had no choice but to lift your seclusion order!”

“Because I had already replaced all the executive committee members who could have been a problem, I was certain from the start.”

In fact, lifting his seclusion in any other way was impossible.

It would have taken too long or been too troublesome.

Initially, even getting to the Supreme Operating Council was a huge hurdle for him.

But he managed to conclude all procedures quickly by merely stirring a sense of crisis in the family’s upper echelons.

The Fallen Immortal licked his lips.

“But what about that family head seal? Didn’t you regret it? Wouldn’t there have been a use for it later?”

Yeon So-hyeon laughed heartily.

“It might be regrettable now. But no one would have allowed me to use the family head seal to lift my seclusion. Besides…”


Yeon So-hyeon smiled enigmatically.

“Holding onto the family head seal would have led to very troublesome problems later.”

“Ah, I see! You already knew the issues that would arise because of the family head seal!”

He nodded repeatedly, very satisfied.

“It was fun. Very fun. I’m not sure how many the previous Chosen Ones have demonstrated their true abilities as you have.”

Yeon So-hyeon’s eyes widened.

“Already satisfied?”

The Fallen Immortal jumped up.

“No! Is there still something left?!”

Yeon So-hyeon smiled.

“Unfortunately, we’re out of time. You’ll find out about the rest as you watch.”

The Fallen Immortal couldn’t hide his disappointment.

“Just one thing! Tell me just one! That remaining thing, it’s about what you’ve been doing outside the family, right…?!”

The Fallen Immortal’s voice trailed off.

* * *

Returning to reality from his inner world, Yeon So-hyeon felt the cold wind and smiled.

‘The two new executive committee members… I’ll keep an eye on them for a bit longer.’

He had already figured out who they were.

No matter how they disguised their voices, used shadows as doubles, or refrained from personal stories, it was futile.

They followed secret directives to conceal their identities.

But what they didn’t know was that those directives had been drafted by a young Yeon So-hyeon, assisting his father’s work.

Could they have even imagined that?

Their habits of speech, reactions when provoked, responses when past stories were brought up, the sources of the phrases they commonly used or quoted,

Just one or two proper conversations were enough.

Moreover, Yeon So-hyeon was now the ‘Chosen One’ of Dark Heavens Scripture.

By glimpsing just a few memories of the spirits harboring grudges against them, he could know not just their identities but also their hidden secrets.

The list of members of the Supreme Operating Council, one of Luoyang the Sword House’s biggest secrets, was already all in his head.

“Yeehaw! Run, run!”

“But, Eldest Young Master, it’s dangerous!”

He couldn’t contain his excitement.

There were no more constraints or limits for him.

The good deeds done by the past Yeon So-hyeon were now reaping fruits with the malicious actions of the current Yeon So-hyeon.

From afar, the southeast wind was blowing.

* * *

All the pieces were stacking up according to his plan.

Until all those pieces were fully assembled, no one but Yeon So-hyeon himself would be able to see the entire picture.

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