Chapter 929: The future Queen

The meeting with her future husband finally went well. He finally agreed on a wedding date, calling the coordinators to settle it in a month. At least she finally knew it was pushing through.

But honestly, she was anything but happy. She was planning her future. Camille McKinley was going to be a fucking Queen soon enough, but nothing about that news gave her joy.

“Who was she kidding?” She was just a dummy in a game of chess inside that castle. Her title might be one of the most valuable pieces in the Kingdom, but she might as well align herself with the pawns.

In a game of chess, she was supposed to be the next most powerful leader, who would have the King’s back. It was part of her obligation to protect the King against all those who would want to hurt him.

At the same time, she also had to provide for all his needs. That included bearing his children, especially a son. It sounded medieval, but the Council explicitly expressed that she should understand these rules.

“Stupid rules.” She kept mumbling, glad she was alone in the bar as she drank her second glass of alcohol.

She would have called one of her friends to drink with her, but she did not want to talk about the wedding. Everyone seemed to be enjoying the topic of her misery, except for her.


However, the thought of carrying his child was a concept that still had not sunk in her mind. Of course, that would involve having sex. She was not pure, so she was not afraid of sexual intercourse. Thankfully, remaining chaste was not a criterion in this marriage.

However, she still found it awkward to do the deed with him, knowing he was not interested in her. She always thought that if she married, she would at least be attracted to the man and the same with him. Unfortunately, that was not the case. She was stuck in this marriage whether she liked it or not. And she was to bear his sons and daughters. So, how many? That was the question.

Suddenly, she imagined the animals she had seen in a documentary. She envisioned herself as the one giving birth to a child one after another. “Eeehhh!” That was disgusting, shaking her head off the horrific image. But unfortunately, she would become a baby-making machine if she did bear a son soon enough, picturing herself with a dozen daughters with no son.

“Hey, Camille. Is there something wrong?” A voice behind her asked as a familiar voice sat beside her on one of the vacant stools. “You look like you needed some company.”

She slowly turned to a familiar face, but not someone she would call a friend. They had been going in similar circles but never had the chance to hit it off, probably because she avoided him like he had the plague.

First of all, she knew he was bad news. Second, he was not her type, nor was she his. Third, she was in a deep, committed relationship until his father told her she had to marry Prince Lance.

Crazy, right? Obligation trumped love.

It was another long story she did not wish to think about now. She wished she could dig up a hole and bury all her baggage underneath the ground and forget all about it. But they said time could only heal old wounds.

“Actually...” She turned to her visitor and stared at him. “I am leaving, Prince Edward.” She picked up her glass and gulped the remaining liquid in it, not caring if it was unladylike. Honestly, it was tiring to be perfect all the time.

“But I just arrived. Surely you would share even just one drink with your future cousin-in-law.” Edward slightly blocked her path as he ordered two drinks for them. “Just one drink. Let me congratulate you and welcome you to the family.”

He would not take no for an answer as he used his most adorable smile to charm his way to the future Queen of the land. He was unsure if it would work, but it convinced her as she settled back to her seat.

“Ok. Just one drink.” Since she was going to be part of the Royal family, she could not start by making enemies. No matter what she thought of the disgraced Prince, he was still the son of the current King.

“Thanks. That is all I ask. Besides, we will see each other at many family functions. It would be nice if we could at least be friendly when we bump into each other.” Edward explained to her as he handed her a drink.

He had lived out of the radar of his father and the Council. He had avoided creating a scene or making any mistakes. The last thing he wished for his father, the King, was to disown him.

But was he done fighting for his right to the throne? Of course not. Only a fool would relinquish his birthright. And he was no fool. His father and the Council were wrong when they chose his cousins over him.

“Yeah, it would be nice to have someone familiar to talk to inside the palace.” Although her father was wealthy, they were not Royalty.

Yes, she had some association with the Princes and Princesses of the Royal family, but they were never her friends. So, it would probably be nice to have acquaintances besides her husband.

“Are you excited about your new role in the palace?” Edward asked as he took a sip of his drink while staring at her.

He could not help but wonder if he could explore the possibility of using this woman to regain his throne back. How? That was something he would reserve for later. At the moment, he just needed to gain her trust, hoping they could somehow become friends.

“I don’t know if excitement is the word for it. Maybe a little of that and dread more like it.” She admitted as she tasted the new drink that Edward offered her. It was different from what she usually drank, but it did taste good.

She looked at him, staring directly into his eyes. But all she saw was a genuine smile. Either this man had changed from what she had heard in the past. Or he was that good at fooling everyone.

Still, she was not letting her guard down around him. She did not want to become one of his victims in his schemes. Anyway, she just had to be careful around him.

“I think you will be perfect in our family,” Edward assured her as he raised his glass to her. “To our future Queen.” He toasted, clanking his glass with her. “Bottoms up.”

“Thanks, I guess.” She hesitantly agreed with him, finishing her glass.

Then, she took as her opportunity to leave. “But I really must go. It was nice seeing you, Edward.”

She stood up again, slightly wobbly on her feet but quickly recovered before she slipped into the floor. She was not a lightweight, but her last drink was a bit stronger than her regular ones.

“Do you need help? I can offer you a ride.” Edward kindly offered, seeing that she was in no condition to drive.

‘No, I am ok. I am not yet drunk.” She hastily declined, not wanting his help. “Besides, I have my driver with me, waiting outside.” She recomposed herself and shook off the slight buzz in her head as she pulled away from his arms.

“Thanks, anyway.” She added before she walked gracefully out of the classy bar toward the car already waiting for her.

Since her arrangement with the Prince, her father guaranteed that she always had an escort following her. A driver always drove her around, and two bodyguards were not far behind.

Soon, she was back home under her father’s roof. She was staying with them until the wedding for her protection. Since the announcement of their engagement, she had to relinquish her apartment and move back to the house where she grew up.

It was like her past did not exist to make way for this new one. But what could she do? She had agreed to this arrangement. Now, she had to live it until the day she died.

She slowly made her way into the hallway, hoping not to make too much noise. She could see that only a few lights were on, meaning most had already retired to their rooms.


“What happened with your meeting with your fiance?” She heard a calm voice echo around her as soon as she entered the living room.

It was already late, so she thought that her father might already be sleeping. She was not expecting to see him, still reading in his favorite chair as if he was waiting for her.

She hoped she would have to face her father by morning, but that was not the case. She tried her best to stay still as she stood before him, but that drink had seriously impacted her sobriety.

“It went well.” She slightly giggled, remembering the irritated face of her future husband. At least she got what she wanted. “I am getting married soon.” She announced happily.

“Are you drunk?” Her father asked, probably noticing her odd behavior. Her father finally stood up from his seat and watched her. “What are you thinking?” Confirming his suspicion.

“You are the future Queen. You should be acting responsibly.” Her father shouted at her as if that would make her undrunk.

She was not completely drunk, maybe tipsy, but not enough to be accused of being irresponsible. She had been a good daughter all her life, and she took her responsibility to this family seriously.

She might be the future Queen, but she was still a human being.

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