Chapter 874: The King of Kings

Lance had been awake since the break of dawn, busy with one meeting after another. He had met with the Council to discuss the succession of the crown.

King Edward had been pressing for his retirement, and now the Council was pressuring him to marry his bride so they could proceed with the crown turnover.

Many would have jumped at the chance to be in his shoes. He was marrying a beautiful girl from a reputable family. Then, he would soon become King of this freaking Kingdom. But why did he still feel like it was his doom?

“Sir, your father wished to remind you about your lunch meeting with him in an hour. Then, your dinner date with Ms. McKinley.” His secretary notified him as she placed some papers on his table.

Sometimes he wished that her secretary was not so efficient and would mess up with his schedule from time to time, just like today. Therefore, he would have an excuse not to spend a minute longer with his bride-to-be.

Who said he was not having second thoughts about all this?

Agreeing to this arrangement was easy, but committing to the act was not as simple as he thought it would be. But he guessed he had to get used to Ms. McKinley’s company since he would be sharing his life with this woman soon.


“Send flowers to her office. Dozens of what you think she might like.” He instructed her secretary, not giving any particular effort to thinking about it. Besides, he was only doing this for public appearance, not that he cared about her feelings.

He always thought that when the time came that he would have to marry, he would be ready. He would have found the woman he wished to spend the rest of his life with, forever and ever.

But he did find her. He had planned to marry her and build a family with her, no question asked, no doubt about it. But fate had something against him as it cruelly destroyed all his dreams.

At the moment, he faced life as a prisoner, sentenced to a lifetime of a loveless marriage. His heart already beat for one person. Now it was dead, incapable of loving anyone again.

“Ok, Sir. But there is something else. Prince Edward is outside, requesting a five minutes meeting with you.” His secretary said reluctantly, knowing he had a full schedule.

Besides, it was no secret that he was never close to Edward compared to his other cousin, Alex. Honestly, he had never liked the stunts Edward used in his dealings. His cousin usually worked on the gray lines, using his influence and position to escape being punished for most of his mischief.

Men like Edward were the precise reason Lance had accepted the position as their next ruler because he never wanted someone like his cousin to hold on to such power and abuse it for his interest.

“Give me a minute before sending him in.” He was not afraid of a lowlife like this prince, but he never said he liked to talk to him.

After a short while, Edward waltzed into his office like he owned the place. One thing he would commend his cousin was his ability to hold his head high despite the disgrace he had brought to their family.

He knew the King’s adamant wish to relinquish his hold on the crown had nothing to do with retirement. He was still a young and capable leader. He could have led this Kingdom to greatness for another decade or more.

However, the shame that the younger Edward had attached to their family name had forced the King to step down. It was the only way he could save their honor and be able to face the people he had sworn to serve.

“Edward, I am busy today, so please state your business and leave.” Lance did not want to be rude, but that was the only way to deal with this man, or else he would step all over you.

He thought that Edward might have changed after the scandal of his association with Nick, but after the issue died down, he seemed to be back in his old ways.

“It is nice to see you, too, my dear cousin.” Edward mockingly said. “But that is not how you should be thanking me for what I did for you.” He sat on the chair near his desk, slumping on it and crossing his legs as if he was in no hurry.

That caught his attention as he stared at his cousin long and hard. He had no idea why his cousin was here to see him or what he was talking about, but he seemed to have no choice but to entertain whatever foolish notion he had in that brain of his.

“Ok. Why should I be thankful to you? What exactly did you do for me?” Lance definitely could not think of one as he leaned back on his chair to study his cousin, who seemed delusional to believe he owed him anything.

“I thought you were smart, but fine, let me point it out to you.” Edward stood up from his seat and moved in front of the large window. He stared at the blank space fuming in anger, but he smiled when he looked back at the future King.

“Please, enlighten me.” Lance challenged his cousin, encouraging him to continue so he could finish what he came here to do and get rid of his presence.

“First, if I did not denounce my birthright, you would never have the chance to be King. You and your family should be grateful to me.” Prince Edward arrogantly announced, convinced of his words.

Edward thought that if his enemies, like Alex and Dani, did not set him up. He would not be in this situation. His father would not strip him of his birthright as the next heir to the crown.

So, he believed that Lance should be thankful to him because he suddenly had a shot at the crown. Lance and his family were nobody. He luckily landed the position due to technicality.

“Let me set things straight. You never gave it to me, but the King took it from you.” Lance corrected him, stripping him off the smug smile on his face. He could see that the other prince was not happy with his words.

“You might have won now, but I will be taking my rightful place someday.” Edward proclaimed with a mocking laugh. “And you will be thanking me for it. This entire Kingdom would be glad to see me back to where I belong.”

He would be King someday. It was just taking him a while to get there, but his time would come when the people would have no other option but to accept him as their future King.

“As usual, Edward, you are delusional. Why don’t you accept the position I am giving you and retire happily? Find a wife and have kids.” Lance suggested, feeling slightly sorry for his cousin.

He pitied him for feeling the way he did. But he could only blame him for all the terrible choices that led him to this situation. Still, he would like to offer him a chance to redeem himself.

“That position is a joke to my name. I am King, not your lapdog.” Edward shouted angrily at him. “Someday, I promise you. My name will be lining along with the Kings. I will be declared the King of Kings.”

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