Chapter 823: Just a hero who saved the day

She could feel her sweats running down his back, her tears filling her eyes just looking at the man with his knife aimed at her. She had never been in this kind of position before.

She had lived in different parts of the world and various cities, but she had never encountered a criminal who would want to take her belongings. Maybe some beggars who asked for donations but not forcefully.

She had begged, but he still did not want to leave her alone until she heard a familiar voice. Suddenly, she thought she was dreaming as her eyes landed on him. The man was also shocked, but fortunately, she stepped back a little, avoiding the knife he was holding.

But she did not care much about getting hurt anymore as her fear doubled, watching him. But this time, it was not for her safety but his as her assailant turned to him.

“What are you doing? Save yourself.” She wanted to shout, but it came out barely as a whisper. She doubted that he even heard a word she said as he continued to spar words with the man with the knife.

“I want you to run, Amelia. I will deal with this man.” Evan shouted at her, but she seemed paralyzed on the spot as she watched the other man look at her before moving forward to attack him.

His smile told her that he would be enjoying what he would do to her friend, then he would come after her next. But it could be her wild imagination putting meaning to his look.


Still, she was surprised to see him, showing up at the park just in time when a man was trying to rob her or something worse. What was he doing here? She could only ask herself.

“Amelia, I said run.” Evan again shouted, but, this time, it somehow registered in her mind.

“I can’t leave you.” She answered him.

“How touching.” The man mocked them as he closed on him. “But you will soon be lying on the pile of blood on that floor.” Then, he swung his knife at him.

He quickly moved, avoiding the metallic weapon from cutting through his skin, then swung at him with his fist, but the man was also fast as he avoided the blow on his face.

Amelia could only cringe at the scene, afraid Evan would get hurt trying to save her. She knew she had to do something, but fear prevented her from moving a muscle.

“You must move, Amelia.” He shouted without looking at her. His concentration focused on the man, aiming at putting a hole in his body.

She finally realized that she could not just stand there. She had to do something. Else, they would both end up dead. But what could a mere woman do when she had no training in anything close to a fight.

She wished someone else would pass by, but she realized this path was not a place many people use. She could yell, but she doubted anyone could hear her voice with all the noises coming from different directions.

“Evan, watch out.” She suddenly shouted, seeing that the man once again moved to his right, plunging his knife towards him, but he was also hiding another knife in his other hand, ready to strike once he had the chance. “He has another knife.”

With that warning, Evan easily dodged the first attack and moved to avoid the second one. It was not easy, but he had some practice in the gym. But it gave him enough opening to land his jab on his face, punching the man with his left and right until he staggered to his feet.

One thing he could be thankful for in this situation. He was not just using boxing to build his body. He was also using it to release his stress. Lately, he had been doing it more often than necessary.

Seeing that his opponent was a little disoriented, he took this opportunity to land several more until he saw him let his knives drop to the cement on his feet.

“Call the police,” Evan told Amelia, who finally had regained her senses and grabbed her phone. Quickly she dialed the emergency number giving the details of the incident.

She was thankful as she saw that the man seemed to be immobilized but still alive. He had a few visible bruising on his face, which had taken most of the punches Evan threw at him. But she also saw some landed on his body.

She never knew that Evan could fight like that, but what did she know about him when she had avoided letting her guard around him. But now that he had saved her life, would that change anything.

“They are on their way.” She moved closer to Evan and the man, seeing no more threat. She just wanted to make sure that he was ok.

Before she knew what was happening, the man still managed to get one of the knives on the floor. Then, he lunged toward her. He managed to cut the skin on her arms before Evan could react and pulled him away.

This time, he landed punches after punches on his face until he lay unconscious. Amelia had to move toward him, stopping him before he killed the man.

He only stopped when he saw that she was bleeding and the blood was all over her body. The man must have cut a large artery, making the blood spill all over her.

“You are hurt.” He quickly attended to her, checking her body for any injuries.

“Don’t worry. It was just a cut.” She put pressure on the wound with her hands, but it would not stop from bleeding.

He quickly pulled his shirt off, ripping a portion of it to create a bandage, tying it around the wound to stop her from bleeding out until the help arrived.

“I should bring you to the doctor.” He said as concern covered his face.

“No, we have to wait for the police. We could not let this lunatic get away and hurt anyone else.” She knew he was concerned, but she was ok. She would not die of a wound. Besides, he had already administered first aid.

Suddenly, she could not help but think of him differently. If she had thought of him as Casanova, her perspective had started to change. All her childhood superheroes were no match to him because he was real.

A living proof that there was no superhero, just a hero who saved the day.

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