Chapter 732: Career or love

Lance did not return to her that night nor the next day. Although he called to say sorry because of an emergency, she doubted it was the real reason.

She concluded that his father had something to do with it. She could think of several scenarios, the Count managed to force Lance to make those excuses, or he was fabricating all those problems to keep Lance away from her.

But what could she do? Should she force herself into their lives when it was evident his father did not want her?

She was left pacing in her office, not knowing what to do, conflicted about what she felt about the man that had turned her life upside down.

“Eida, the boss wants you in his office?” Her assistant told her.

That was another situation that was bothering her. Until now, she had not come up with a way to put Lance on the hot seat. Thinking about her job had suddenly taken a back seat.

She had never thought that she would end up in a situation like this since she had worked hard to avoid involving herself with a man. That had been her number one rule.


But it seemed she broke her own rule just because she could not control her obsession with a prince. Now, she was even jeopardizing her career for him.

Was it worth it?

“Give me a minute.” She finally answered, taking a deep breath to expel her thoughts out of her mind.

She could not face her bosses, feeling like the world was on fire. She had to think of another excuse for why her story took so long to finish.

After several calming breaths and a pep talk with herself, she grabbed her phone and walked out of her office, determined to plead her case with her bosses.

Once outside the door of the producer of the network, she could already hear him and another man discussing something. But that could not be her director. Who else was involved in the meeting?

“Are you sure that I am ok to go inside? It seemed he still has a meeting with someone else.” She asked his secretary, confused that she would send her in with another meeting, still ongoing.

“He said to send you in as soon as you arrived.” His secretary shrugged her shoulders as if she had no idea what was going on.

She squared her shoulders, ready to face whatever was behind those doors. She had no idea who else was inside, but she would find out soon enough.

It might be another client who wanted a story done on them. It was not unusual. Many wealthy people wanted their faces splashed on the screens and their daily lives broadcast to the whole world.

“Excuse me, Sir. You called for me.” Usually, Eida would barge into his office if she knew that he had no other company or if she knew who else was in the room.

But with a new client, she had to practice good decorum and office etiquette. She had to act very professionally for her career.

“Hi, Eida. Please come inside.” His producer gestured for her to proceed inside the room, but she could not recognize the man sitting on the other chair since his back was facing her.

She could only see the gray hairs on the top of his head and his broad shoulders. But the suit he wore told her that he was no ordinary man, concluding that he was either an investor or a client.

As she walked further inside, she still kept her eyes on their visitor, glancing at his producer, who had a wide grin on his lips. Maybe it was good news. But where was her director?

“Good morning, Ms. Harlowe.” The guest greeted her when she was near enough, as he also simultaneously turned around to reveal himself.

His face was smiling, but his eyes were anything but happy to see her. What could she expect from the father of the man she was sleeping with, a warm welcome?

But what was he doing in this office? Suddenly, the threat that he would make her life a living hell and destroy her career came to mind. Was this the day?

“Good morning, Count Wellington. I am certainly surprised to see you here.” She offered her hand to the man, unlike the last time they were in her apartment.

The man took it, but instead of shaking it, he lifted them to his lips and kissed her knuckles, treating her like a lady, which she doubted was his intention.

“Oh, I did not know that you two knew each other.” Her producer interrupted their private conversation as she quickly pulled her hands from his.

He eventually took his seat while his boss remained standing near her. She would have taken a sit, but she knew she would be more comfortable if she stood up.

“Oh, we met before.” The Count answered but did not give many details as he turned to her boss and smiled. “We have a very nice conversation about her life and career. How much do I admire her work ethic?”

But hidden in that smile, she knew he was up to something she might not like, and she was afraid to find out. She was usually strong and brave, but today, she was terrified.

Her boss turned to her as if waiting for her answer. She had no choice but to respond. “Yes, we have,” Eida answered with a forced smile on her lips.

“Then, you would not mind taking this new assignment.” Her producer asked her directly, looking into her face as if reading her thoughts. But she could already see the excitement in his eyes.

She could tell that there was only one answer that her producer wanted to hear. That was a yes. She was put on the spot and had no way to say no.

Now, she understood why her director was not present. So, she would not have any backup to make excuses for her. But she never had back out from a challenge, and this man was assuredly testing her.

“What is the new assignment?” She finally asked, but already knowing it was something that would stretch her courage, resilience, and patience.

It would be a story that would make her choose between her profession or her relationship with Lance. Would it be career or love?

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