The Romantic Cultivator

Chapter 1112 The Victory Banquet (3)

Chapter 1112 The Victory Banquet (3)

Just as Ding Xiaoxiao was talking to Ji Yuan, Millenium Jun Feitian had suddenly stepped forward to stand in the middle of the banquet hall.

And all of a sudden, he had kneeled down in front of Ji Yuan much to the astonishment of the 3000 cultivators that were in the great hall.

Millenium Jun Feitian humbly said, "Savior Ji Yuan. I know that you will accept me as your disciple!"

Ji Yuan was quite startled by this request, "Erm, I will be leaving soon and I don't think I can teach you much…"

He was definitely not going to teach him his old man's broken swordplay to anyone or his good name would be a laughing stock in the future.

Millenium Jun Feitian bowed down on the floor, "May Savior Ji Yuan please accept me as your humble disciple. I'll abide by anything that my cultivation master instructs me."

Li Yifen turned to Ji Yuan and said quietly, "Maybe you can accept him as your token disciple?"

A token disciple is a disciple that is in name only and there is no need to teach a token disciple anything.

Ji Yuan answered immediately as he grinned, "Alright then. I shall take you as my token disciple. Haha…"

Millenium Jun Feitian was really happy and he quickly bowed his head 3 times on the floor, "Your humble Protégé Jun Feitian pays my earnest respect to my cultivation master!"

Ji Yuan raised his cup to toast him and then said to him, "This is a toast for you. You may go back to your seat first. Haha…"

The reason why Ji Yuan agreed so readily was because he felt that he owed Li Yifen quite a lot especially when he had benefited from her Pure Yin Divine Body. So, this was but a small favor that he had to repay her by taking in Millenium Jun Feitian as his token disciple.

Ding Xiaoxiao said quietly to him, "Congrats on getting a new disciple."

Ji Yuan laughed awkwardly as he turned to look at Ding Xiaoxiao but he could not help but to look down at her exposed belly and then he saw something familiar; it was a small purple runic taboo.

It was so faint and small that even Ji Yuan would have missed it.

But the reason why he was staring at this purple runic taboo was because he saw a similar purple runic taboo on Yun Chi as well and it was also tabooed at the same spot.

It was not unusual for the same tribe to taboo a similar totem or taboo especially when both Yun Chi and Ding Xiaoxiao are also desolate cultivators from the same realm.

And so, Ji Yuan did not think much of this.

His quiet thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a cultivator that had rushed into the great hall who urgently reported, "We have caught 3 cultivators… they are celestial cultivators and they claim to know Savior Ji Yuan."

Ji Yuan was startled.

3 celestial cultivators?

Are they my 3 brothers? Guo Taiming, Shen Qin and Li Ye?

Then he was frowning at the same time, "How did they know that I am here?"

Xuan Qiaoqiao who had met them before, asked curiously. "Where did you catch them?"

Even Ding Xiaoxiao was quite curious as she looked at the cultivator that reported this news to the Cardinals and to Ji Yuan in the great hall.

The cultivator said quickly, "We caught them not far away from the Nightfall Heights and they erm… erm…"

Xuan Qiaoqiao asked impatiently, "What?"

The cultivator gulped dryly, "After we have caught them, they threaten us by saying if we do not let them go then their Brother Ji Yuan will surely kill us all. It is only then that our scouts realized that we may have caught some friends of our Savior Ji Yuan."

Ji Yuan cursed them silently: They actually used my name to threaten the others… how come they are so weak to be caught…

Then he looked at Ding Xiaoxiao and bitterly said to himself: The last thing that I want to see is her suitors showing up…

Although he had said that but he quickly said, "Bring them here. Maybe they are really my friends."

Xuan Qiaoqiao said too, "Quickly bring them here."

Very soon, the three celestial cultivators were brought into the great hall and they were still cursing loudly.

"Let us go! Or our Brother Ji Yuan shall slaughter all of you!"

They were indeed Guo Taiming, Li Ye and Shen Qin.

When they were brought in, they were quite stunned to see that Ji Yuan and Ding Xiaoxiao were also presented in the great hall as well.

Shen Qin was delighted to see Ding Xiaoxiao again, "Maiden Xiaoxiao, you are also here?"

Guo Taiming panicky said, "Brother Ji Yuan, don't tell me that you are caught by them too?"

Ji Yuan rolled his golden eyes sheepishly and asked Guo Taiming, "Do I look like a prisoner?"

Guo Taiming could see that Ji Yuan and Ding Xiaoxiao were both seated together in the middle at the end of the great hall and that there were 3000 other cultivators in the great hall as well.

"Brother Ji Yuan, is it their custom to erm… sacrifice you at the end of this feast?"

Ji Yuan: …

Xuan Qiaoqiao commanded, "They are indeed Savior Ji Yuan's friends. Loosen their profound bonds and let them go."

It was only then that Guo Taiming, Li Ye and Shen Qin had realized that Maiden Qiaoqiao was also presented too and that there were several great beauties that were near to Xuan Qiaoqiao as well.

Guo Taiming asked curiously, "Savior Ji Yuan? Brother Ji Yuan, they call you a savior?"

Ji Yuan instead asked them curiously, "Why aren't you in the forest where you will be safe?"

Shen Qin explained as he looked at Ding Xiaoxiao, "We were actually looking for Maiden Xiaoxiao as we were quite anxious for her as she had suddenly disappeared. It is good that you are safe now."

Li Ye further explained, "We saw the Immortal Heavenly Wrath and the outburst of several profound energies in this direction so we thought that Maiden Xiaoxiao was caught by the abyssals so we decide to head this way to look for her."

"That's right." Guo Taiming grinned. "But we never thought that Brother Ji Yuan will also be here too and so is Maiden Xiaoxiao."

Ding Xiaoxiao smiled to Guo Taiming, Li Ye and Shen Qin, "Thank you for your concerns. I am safe now…"

She then turned to look at Ji Yuan to smile, "It seems that you have so many pieces of good news like accepting a new disciple and also engaging to a such a beautiful maiden. Well, I have a piece of good news to announce to you as well…"

All of a sudden, the cup that was in Ji Yuan's hand had shattered violently and everyone was so startled by it that there was silence immediately.

Even Ding Xiaoxiao appeared to be startled by Ji Yuan as she frowned softly, "What is the meaning of this?"

But Ji Yuan had an ugly look as he stared at her.

Guo Taiming gasped, "Brother Ji Yuan, what are you doing? Why are you throwing your temper all of a sudden?"


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