Chapter 292 Done Deal

"An investment deal?"

"Woah! I didn't expect that especially from Miss Ning!"

"Wait— what? Did I hear her right? She's topping Mr. Shao's proposal?"

One after another, each comment from the bystanders who were stunned silly upon hearing Aubrey Ning's proposal resounded. The commotion after the brief silence caught the attention of others which made them go to the booth to know what it was about.

Of course, questions and such followed to know the details of what was going on. Hence, the people who had been watching and eavesdropping since the beginning willingly answered every question that was thrown.

On the other hand, Stella Du's mood instantly turned gloomy as Aubrey Ning purposely made her voice even louder for everyone to hear. In her mind, Lexi must have already made a deal with the woman and this was only a show to boast to her and to everyone.

Grinding her teeth, Stella Du dug her nails on her palms once again and this time, it dug so much deeper than before. A vicious glint flashed across her pair of eyes as she thought of ways to sabotage Lexi. After all, for some reason, Lexi seemed to have found out that her initial product showcase was tampered.

She didn't know why and how but the important thing was that her plan A miserably failed. Stella Du was certain that it shouldn't be because of Nico Zhuang. After all, the chemical she input into it was only enough for the sensitive part such as facial skin for a reaction to instantly surface. Hence, parts like hands shouldn't be any problem if only used once.

"Miss Yang, since you are so confident about your product, I am willing to invest in your company but also, I want 25 percent of your equity. I will make your company skyrocket in the market with my connections... what do you say hmm?" Smiling brightly, Aubrey Ning didn't restrain the offer that made everyone look at her with daze.

25 percent equity?! Was she serious about it?

Meanwhile, when Aubrey Ning ended her last remarks, Benjamin Shao let out a scoff. Surely, she wouldn't be his toughest competitor if she's not this greedy and smart— trying to take advantage of a starting entrepreneur.

Unlike everyone else's reaction, Lexi remained inexpressive as if she did give thought about the offer. However, she had already expected this kind of offer from Aubrey Ning. After all, Lexi wouldn't admire such a smart woman in terms of business if she wouldn't be willing to show such greediness. Still, that only showed that Aubrey Ning was indeed interested in her product to put such a stake on her company— she saw its potential.

Smiling back, Lexi countered. "Miss Ning, I don't think I can give up 25 percent of my company. But, if you're up for negotiations, I am willing to accept the deal with a lower percentage of equity."

'Huh, no wonder Mr. Lu was interested in her. She has potential and knows how to negotiate.' Recalling her brief encounter with Ethan Lu, Aubrey Ning understood why he spoke about this event and specifically the name Lexi Yang came out of nowhere.

"Then, how about 20 percent of your equity in exchange for my money and resources?" Liking this battle of offers, Benjamin Shao proposed that offer which irked Aubrey Ning internally. Still, Aubrey Ning managed to appear calm and composed as she pondered on Lexi's counter.

Once again, the crowd nearly dropped their jaws for lowering their offer of exchange in equity. Just what was Lexi's product for them to show this greater interest? Moreover, they were doing this as if bidding in an auction fighting for a share in Lexi's company in broad daylight! Not to mention, she was presenting a sample with no proper packaging or label to entice the two yet, they showed no sign of hesitation on their eyes.

"Miss Ning?" After giving Benjamin Shao a polite smile, Lexi shifted her gaze to his side where Aubrey Ning perched. Marginally raising her brows, Lexi shot her a knowing look as if asking her if she was willing to do a counter offer. Upon seeing Lexi's audacity, Aubrey Ning chuckled in amusement.

"17 percent, Miss Yang."

"15 percent— that's my last offer." without blinking an eye, Benjamin Shao gave out another deal. None knew if he was truly interested in the product or was just competing with Aubrey Ning. Regardless, whatever he has in mind, Lexi didn't mind as it worked well on her part.

"Alright, I can't go lower than 12 percent. Take it or leave it." Ignoring Benjamin Shao's obvious antics for sabotaging of her taking advantage of Lexi which surely wouldn't happen in her opinion as Lexi seemed to know her business. Nevertheless, Aubrey Ning knew that with the products she had and would formulate in the future, she would still gain even with low equity.

Upon hearing that the percentage of the exchange share they were asking got lower than she expected, Lexi's heart flutter in excitement. She almost forgot about Stella Du and what she did to her initial product showcase because what she did gave her a good result in the end.

Looking at Benjamin Shao's smiling front, Lexi meekly smiled back. "Mr. Shao, I appreciate your thoughtful offer but I would have to take Miss Ning's offer," Lexi announced as she made a courteous and sincere bow to the man.

Benjamin Shao only shrugged his shoulders in nonchalance as he already saw it coming. Well, it was not like he lost something that big as Lexi's starting business wouldn't pose a threat to his already established company. Moreover, making Aubrey Ning get a lower deal was already an achievement for him.

"Haha, Miss Yang, I am looking forward to working with you." Slowly, Aubrey Ning stood from her seat— at the same time with Lexi standing up.

"It is my pleasure, Miss Ning." With that said note, Lexi and Aubrey Ning shook hands for a done deal and the rise of their partnership. The audience around them could only watch in envy and in awe as the two shook hands while Benjamin Shao displayed an entertained expression as if he didn't mind not being picked.

Nevertheless, soon, some media present raped the click button of their camera as they captured Lexi and Aubrey Ning shaking their hands together. To their understanding, this might be an unofficial partnership but still, it was a good article for these two bigshots in the rising global market of the skincare industry who's complicated relationship was known to everyone. The fact that they sat around the same table just to fight and be part of Lexi's company would surely make a good article.

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