Chapter 286 Beauty Dr

The venue where the trade show was occurring soon, turned out to be a little packed. Media, well-known personalities, even influential businessmen and women arrived one after another, piling into the venue.

Lexi and her groupmates took turns to explain their products including its benefits and ingredients used. Glancing at Nico Zhuang who seemed to be very professional explaining his product with one of the ladies who appeared to be more interested in him than the product, the corner of her lips curled into a subtle smile.

'This guy... how talented.' She thought inwardly before turning her head towards the only person who was interested in her brand.

"Beauty Doctor... nice brand." The woman nodded in satisfaction she checked the packaging. The combination of colors in the packaging was white and nude pink— eye-catching like sweet candy. "Also, the formulation... are you the one who really formulated this?" Turning to the elegant Lexi, the woman scrutinized her as she thought she suited more as a business person who would prefer to do the paperwork than formulations.

"Yes, Miss Tong." Polite and modest, Lexi gently nodded her head once as she glanced at the tag name clung around the woman's neck. It stated under her written name was she was just a guest.

To everyone's information, each person inside the huge hall had name tags and what type of visitor they are. They are classified as investors, media, exhibitors (the people who were showcasing their products such as Lexi.), guests, and so on so forth.

Each exhibitor prioritized each passerby's title and would always take notice if its an investor who came there to find a partnership. After all, this event was akin to a head start for each student to make it successful after their certification. Whether their product would be given a deal or not, just one successful student who could reap all the benefits in this event would also bring good results to the academy.

Yet, in Lexi's mind, whatever title of the person that approached her product, she knew that they were all important people which she could use in any way possible.

Just as the woman opened her mouth again, that seemed as if she was about to say something, she halted and put down the product. "Alright..." She smiled and with a slight nod, she left— just like that.

Lexi knitted her brows because the woman seemed to be troubled about something and hastily left just like that. Even so, she didn't dwell on it as she shrugged her shoulders.

Just then, Lexi caught a group of seemingly wealthy and influential people in the corner of her eye which made her turn her head towards their direction. There, approximately five people were walking their way with the ever sweet Stella Du.

She was conversing without breaking the smile on her lips and eyes. By the looks of it, Stella Du seemed to be close to them as her interactions were natural— as if she was the purest living person on earth— an immaculate image indeed.

However, Lexi only glanced at Stella Du without interest as her eyes fixed on the man beside her.

'Benjamin Shao!' Lexi blinked her eyes a couple of times as she could not believe that this influential man in the skincare industry was also present. He owned the prestigious Marble Belle brand that skyrocketed in the market in a short amount of time and now one of the trusted leading brands in the market.

Granted that Lexi was raised while being surrounded by business people, however, this chosen career of hers and meeting one of the successful businessmen in the same industry made her heart go pitter-patter. Fortunately, despite her fangirling internally, her natural habit to remain calm and composed... elegant and classy in her demeanor displayed on her surface.

Just as she watched the group approach, Lexi nearly jolted when Nico Zhuang stood beside her and whisper which snapped her back from her reverie.

"I think there's something wrong with your product."

Upon hearing his low whisper, Lexi knitted her brows as she slowly turned her head towards Nico Zhuang. "What do you mean?"

Nico Zhuang didn't respond as he marginally raised his hand to show what it was that he meant what he said. Lexi, with a puzzled look plastered across her face, looked down.

The moment she saw the back of his hand, her eyes widened and her pupils constricted because Nico Zhuang's hand was slightly reddish. There were red spots as if an allergic reaction.

"I think I got this from your product," Keeping it low, Nico Zhuang glanced around as he slightly leaned forward. He already felt a slight itch when he rinsed his hands off earlier but since it was bearable, he didn't give much thought about it.

Alas, Nico Zhuang noticed the change on his hands' skin while he was in the middle of presenting his product. Fortunately, the woman seemed to be enchanted by him as she only looked at his face when he handed her his company's calling card— which was, by the way, Lexi's company.

"What? That's impossible..." Aware of her surroundings, she spoke under her breath. "Our products were checked and examined before we can showcase them— are you sure you didn't eat something that you're allergic to?"

"I don't have any allergies. I already felt a slight itch when I rinsed off my hands and now..." Looking directly onto her pair of eyes, Nico Zhuang slightly shook his head as he raised his hands again for her to see.

"No..." In a low, disbelief tone, Lexi could only mutter a single word. She believed in Nico Zhuang and his words. After all, this guy has no reason to kid with her at this crucial time.

Moreover, he was skilled and trained. Therefore, he wouldn't be so careless to eat something he was allergic to— if he has one.

"This is ridiculous..." Still looking on his hands until he slid them inside his pocket, Lexi remained looking down as she analyzed what could have gone wrong.

To her, if there's something wrong with her product, it wouldn't be approved by the lab. She wouldn't be able to present this product if it could cause this kind of reaction to a person's skin— any type of skin. Furthermore, she formulated it for sensitive skin types, hence, there were only a few reasons why Nico Zhuang had this kind of skin reaction.

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