Chapter 278 Morning sickness

The next day...

When Lexi woke up, she turned her head to the side where Ethan Lu always laid. However, the side was already empty as he already went to work one hour ago. Of course, before he left earlier, he dilly-dallied beside her as he showered her with a thousand kisses. Still, Lexi was unable to get up as she was too sleepy to send him off.

"Morning..." Pretending that he was still on her side, Lexi softly murmured.

Recalling all of the revelations last night, Lexi could not help but let out a deep sigh. About Morris Liu and Mia Chen, that was the biggest lie she stumbled upon, about Nico Zhuang's real identity... everything felt like a long nightmare.

What's even funnier was that it seemed she was the only one who didn't know about it. Well, there's still Kevin Woo who was just as shocked as her.

"How dare they..." She muttered under her breath.

It wasn't hard for her to put the pieces together and guess Morris Liu's sudden change of heart— from warm to cold. Still, Lexi only felt sad about her past tragic love story. For some reason, she was reminded about someone saying that they were not meant to be together.

Maybe, that person was right she thought. No, it was not a maybe but that person she could not recall who it was though they were definitely right. After all, Lexi was now happier with her current love life.

Ethan Lu had been very supportive to her to the extent of offering her financial support so she could stop weeping about her bank's balance. Not to mention, Ethan Lu was too understanding about her mood swings and whatever crap she threw at him.

"Ugh..." Just as she was in the middle of her thoughts and reflections about the current situation, Lexi suddenly felt awful. It was as if her stomach was churning urging her to vomit early in the morning.

She tried to resist the urge but it was too strong to the point that Lexi instantly jolted from the bed and rushed to the bathroom to vomit. However, unlike her intense puking, nothing disgusting aside from her sticky saliva rushed from her throat.

After she washed up and gargled, Lexi placed both her palms on the sink and looked at herself. She looked so haggard early in the morning as if she was slowly aging just from that awful experience. The bags under her eyes were evidently dark and her drenched lips were paler than usual.

She only examined herself and grew more disappointed the longer she looked at herself.

"Ethan you liar— I look ugly." She murmured as she heaved another heavy sigh. Even she was turned off by the way she looked but Ethan Lu always complimented her like she was the most beautiful being in the whole world.

Just as Lexi decided to go back to rest and enjoy her vacant morning, she abruptly stopped in her tracks as if something just struck her. Her eyes dilated twice the size than normal as her complexion turned even paler— like a white sheet without a sign of blood in her.

"No... no, no, no— no way!" Lexi slowly shook her head before it escalated to a faster pace. She then glided towards the bed and reached for her phone on the bedside table.

Without further ado, she opened her phone and immediately searched for her calendar app. She had been too busy in the past three months and she entirely forgot her monthly period.

Lexi searched the date she had last had her menstruation period. After a few swipes from last month, her heart shook and pounded louder and faster every month that remained unchecked and missed.

One month ago... no record.

Two months ago... still no record.

Three months ago... there was a record. However, it was only a day of bleeding. Or rather, as far as she could remember, it was only half a day and it was just a small spot of red.

Lexi stared at her phone screen for a long time in a daze. She didn't even notice when her phone went black because her mind wandered somewhere else.

"No, that's impossible..." After some time, Lexi slowly shook her head sideways and exited the calendar app. Instead of reading a business article like usual, Lexi went to her phone's browser and searched: "Signs of Pregnancy."

It only took a second to display the thousands of search results. Her thumb trembled, hesitating if she should click the first article or not.

She was afraid.

Lexi bit her lower lip as she tightly shut her eyes closed and her thumb tapped the first article that showed on the results. Lexi slowly opened her eyes— halfway— just enough to read all the symptoms.

"Tender/swollen breast..." The first sign made Lexi cup her breast but was relieved that her breast seemed normal or what she had believed. After all, her nipples might be a little painful at times but she believed that it was normal.

"Fatigue, sensitivity to smell, food aversion or cravings..." Upon reading these, her expression slightly brightened as she, for all she knew, had not experienced this so far. Hence, her nervousness about being pregnant marginally reduced. However, the next series of symptoms made her heart conflicted.

"Nausea with or without vomiting, headaches, mood swings, missed period, or just feeling pregnant— Ugh, no, no..." She nearly broke down as half of the signs were correct while the rest, she hadn't experienced them yet.

She might have lost her mind as she sat there thinking on if she was pregnant or not with the numbers of signs she experienced or not but to no avail, the count was a draw— a tie.

"This is impossible... I can't get pregnant just yet." Grumbling, Lexi tossed her phone on the side leading it to drop to the floor. Yet, she could not even care less as her mind was filled with what if's.

Just then, just as Lexi was arguing with herself if she should try a pregnancy test or not for the meantime, her brows creased upon hearing a faint noise coming from downstairs.

"Huh? Did Ethan came back?" All her thoughts regarding pregnancy was put to the side as Lexi dragged herself out of the room. Little did she know that she would receive the shock of her life— much more shocking than the revelations last night.

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