Chapter 276 OmO

Upon receiving the decree, Ethan Lu and Nico Zhuang instantly saved their numbing knees from the washboard. Fortunately, aside from doing internal business affairs, Ethan Lu was also being trained for self defense and strengthening his body endurance. Hence, he was able to sit across Lexi without showing even the slightest hint of pain.

Same goes to Nico Zhuang who was trained to be the most skilled guard among the elite guards of the Lu family. Therefore, a brief time kneeling on the washboard had barely scratched his knees.

Nico Zhuang then followed his master and perched beside him. He sat as properly as he could with his palms above his knees and displayed full respect and etiquette to their future matriarch.

"Start— we don't have all night." Arching her brows, Lexi began to ravish the unfinished chicken wing as if she was just about to watch a thrilling movie.

Clearing his throat, Ethan Lu's demeanor was as same as Nico Zhuang and he set aside his hunger. "Err... the thing is..."

In all honesty, Ethan Lu didn't know where to start because a lot has happened in the past three months. Hence, he gravitated to where he should begin explaining things to her.

"Am I in danger?" Examining his conflicted front, Lexi decided to ask the most critical point she had been meaning to ask. After all, she hasn't lost her rationality yet to not be able to understand her lover's thought process.

"Yes and no— argh! Love, yes you are— initially. My initial reason why I asked you to live with me is because someone is after your life and I can only be at ease if you are near me, but..." Ethan Lu pinched the space between his brows as he halted from his prattle. "But, though the danger from those people somehow reduced and is now laying low, another one came up— the Lu family."

"So, I decided that day when Grandpa announced his retirement and giving me some percent of his shares— making me the majority shareholder— I know some family members will use you to go after me. That's why Nico who was just guarding us around before in the shadows had to attend the same class as you." With that said note, Ethan Lu frowned upon recalling how low some of his family members could be. Thus, he has to be five steps ahead of them or else, he might implicate Lexi and cause her harm.

Silence engulfed the whole villa as Lexi remained silent. Her silence neither gave off a furious vibe nor was it easing them in any way. It wasn't awkward or stifling as they expected.

It was just pure silence— nothing more nothing less.

The three subconsciously glanced at Lexi who was causing them a lot of discomfort due to her quietness. Still, even after seeing her deadpan front, none of them guessed what she had in mind.

After a second, Lexi resumed her actions to pick up another chicken wing as if she had all the leisure in the world, she took a bite and even dared to blush by its heavenly, juicy taste.? Of course, her first reaction shook the three as their own thoughts ran wild.

Nico Zhuang: 'Lady Boss, did you understand master or should he repeat it again?'

Lyrick Jiang: 'Boss! That's right, one must eat to be able to think clearly! My goddess is indeed the best and smartest! And composed...!' Lyrick Jiang's mind continued to spout all of the praises he could like a eunuch in ancient times.

Ethan Lu: 'uhmm... is it that delicious?'

"Love? Is there something wrong?" After a while, Ethan Lu scratched his jaw by his forefinger because Lexi didn't say a word even after she finished eating the piece of meat she had picked up.

"Wrong? There is— so the reason why you invited me here is because I was in danger and not because you wanted me to be here with you?" Lexi placed the bone of the chicken onto the empty paper bag that was standing up as the trash can.

"Huh?!?" In unison, the three didn't know whether to laugh or cry as Lexi seemed as if she was stuck at the first statement of Ethan Lu!


Why was she picking up on the small details and not the important ones? The three were utterly speechless as her response was the last thing they thought she would say.

"Does my father know about it?" Ignoring their weird and ugly countenance, Lexi arched her brows.

In contrast from these three musketeer's thoughts, Lexi did fully understand the situation. The thing was, part of her expected that something as troublesome as this would eventually come their way because the Lu family were akin to other royal families— the power struggle was inevitable.

However, she was reminded that back when Ethan Lu asked for her parents permission for her to live in his place, Ethan Lu and Frederick Yang had a long discussion inside her father's study room. Therefore, if back then, Ethan Lu was well-informed that someone was after her life then, it would make sense if Ethan Lu at least informed her parents. After all, keeping her in the dark all this time was bearable and understandable but her father would appreciate this honesty if Ethan Lu was honest to them at least.

"Yes." Ethan Lu nodded his head as he honestly answered her. Well, Frederick Yang was after all his future father-in-law and Ethan Lu constantly updated him about their progress— even the matters in the Lu family.

Of course, Frederick Yang had been a great help as he sometimes advised him regarding company affairs and all of the schemes that might take place. Regardless of the difference in their company statuses, Frederick Yang was well-versed in this endless cycle of a power struggle.

"I see... that's good to know." Lexi finally yielded and heaved a sigh of relief. "So, Nico is a bodyguard— have you killed someone?" She then turned her attention to Nico Zhuang as she wanted to hear and see him answering.

"No, I haven't killed someone as Master strongly believes in the law of justice in the country." As honest as possible, Nico Zhuang firmly responded.

Well, he hasn't killed anyone in his lifetime but that doesn't mean he hadn't broken a person's limbs and bones. Not to mention, shot someone without batting an eye. However, he didn't kill them... he just crippled them before turning them in.

"So, your real name is Nico? Or it is also a disguise?" Nodding in understanding, Lexi was relieved to know that the person she hired as her assistant didn't end up as a murderer.

"It is my name given by Master." Nico Zhuang nodded as he earnestly stared at their future matriarch and her verdict.

"I see..." Lexi gently nodded her head a few times as she had no other questions remaining in her head.

Everything was now clear to her— even the people that were after her, Lexi concluded that it has something to do with Morris Liu. Therefore, before she would conclude any further, she would have to confront the man himself after he recuperated.

"So..." Seeing that Lexi returned back to her normal state, Ethan Lu fiddled with his two index fingers, circling them around each other as he cautiously stared at Lexi.

"Yes, we are done for today." Before he could finish his sentence, Lexi responded.

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