The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 262 You think yousd win?

Chapter 262 You think you'sd win?

To be honest, the lab was just almost the same as it is with every other lab. Aside from the on going finishing touches around the building, this particular area was finished and polished. There was already equipment and materials to use, waiting to be occupied.

Still, even though it appeared to be the same with any other normal lab, there was one difference— the lab looked like they were inside a huge dumpling— hugging the whole place as there were unnoticeable little hands and feet from corner to corner. The hands and feet were almost camouflaged with the clean white hue if not for the slightly pinking outline. Regardless, it was needed for a person to be thoroughly focused to notice that little detail.

Moreover, the fact that the place was hers, there was a different kind of accomplishment circling around her heart.

Lexi slowly strode inside the lab as her gaze scanned each corner of the room with a contented smile plastered on her lips. She could not muster the courage to say a word as she was overwhelmed. In a few days, the whole building will come to completion and after that, this place would start operating.

Since Lexi was indeed knowledgeable about how to operate a business, however, her heart desired to launch a product that she personally participated in. Yes, instead of her initial plan to launch her own skincare line, Lexi decided to manufacture as well instead of contacting a different manufacturer to customize her product she likes. In that case, all the benefits of her products would also circulate to the manufacturer which is also owned by her.

"This looks great," She mumbled without turning her gaze away from the room. After a beat, she turned around to Engineer Choi who was grinning from ear to ear seeing her satisfied reaction. "Engr. Choi, thank you." With that said note, Lexi slightly bowed her head, grateful for the job well done within the short span of time that it took to complete the list of renovations she gave them.

"Hehe, I am just glad that you're satisfied with it, Miss Yang. Thank you for trusting me." Giving her the same courtesy, Engr. Choi bowed his head, much lower than hers as she was his savior.

God knows that Engineer Choi hasn't had any big projects in recent years due to the disagreement he had in his last big shot client. Therefore, he was suppressed for a long time as his client was rather influential in the upper-class society.

Alas, just when he thought that he would go bankrupt and wouldn't be able to sustain the payroll to his workers under him, Lexi waltz into his office bearing a queen's aura, giving him the biggest break he needed.

[Short flashback: 2 months and 3 weeks ago]

It was just a normal day for Engr. Choi, a not so busy day that wouldn't be able to make him stay outside with a site visit as he only had a small house project that would soon reach its completion.

"Sir, the last cheque you released has insufficient funds and you were given a penalty again." A man in his early thirties anxiously reported the bad news. Apparently, the cheque was supposed to be divided to each of their contractors but now that his boss's bank account has insufficient funds, that means their pay would be delayed as well.

"Urgh..." Upon hearing the not-so-new-news, Engr. Choi heavily sigh as he massaged his temple in distress. The company's income has been in a negative from recent years.

He knew what he should do— fire some of his employees to lessen his expenses. However, how could he do that? They have their own families and every employee had been there for him since day one. Moreover, they never complained even if their paycheck would be delayed as they understood the company's situation. Therefore, how could he be like those heartless businessmen that don't care about their people?

"Don't worry about it— transfer some funds from my life savings to fill the amount needed for our workers." As Engr. Choi massaged his temple, he instantly decided to do what he had been always doing— shelling out his own money to give to his people.

"Yes, Si—" Just as the assistant nodded in obedience, a light knock was heard outside the office.

'A walk-in client!' Those were the very first thoughts of the two distressed men when they heard the knock.

Immediately, the assistant sprinted to open the door— revealing a goddess in a modern dress that was about to knock again.

"Good day. I was told that this is Engr. Choi's office?" The moment Lexi saw the assistant's stunned front, she meekly smiled as she inquired. After all, there wasn't a person outside to assist her and only a few employees were there to lead her to the office.

"Ah, yes! Please come in." Snapping from his momentary stupor, the assistant rigidly nodded as he gestured for her to come inside. Just at a glance at her, the assistant immediately recognized her as Chang'e in her role in the top-grossing movie of all time Taming Hearts.

Lexi nodded her head and intruded inside. By the time she was inside, Engr. Choi was already standing fixing the creases on his suit and welcomed her as she stepped in.

"Take a seat, Miss Yang." Of course, since the movie Taming Hearts had become a phenomenal movie, that maybe the entire country had watched, he also recognized her since Chang'e had become one of the most iconic roles.

Soon, Lexi perched herself at one of the sofas inside the office while Engr. Choi sat at the head seat. On the other hand, the assistant as if on cue immediately prepared them some tea before he lost his mind to ask for an autograph. He purposely used their most expensive tea as not to make a bad impression on her.

After they were served tea and made their introduction, Engr. Choi had politely inquired of her. "Miss Yang, are you here for a house service?" He assumed that Lexi wanted to build a house of her own, but still, it was shocking that there are even better and more well-known engineers to contract with instead of him, yet Engr. Choi didn't care about how and why she had chosen him.

What's important was he knew that whatever she wanted to get done, it will at least prolong his dying company.

"Haha," Lexi chuckled upon hearing his question. "No, Engr. Choi, I am not here to ask you to build a house for me."


"I am here for a renovation..." With that said note, Lexi slid her hand inside her handbag and picked up a folder which she handed to him.

Engineer Choi received the folder and checked it's contents. The moment he saw a picture of an old establishment, his eyes dilated while his mind started to compute how much money was needed to renovate the place. Upon coming up to an estimate of a few tens of millions, he could not help but gasp and turned to her who was just sitting there smiling humbly.

"Three months." Lexi didn't wait for him to recover as she muttered. "I want it done in three months— no extension. If you gave me a satisfying end-product, you won't have to worry about your company's future projects." Her words were honest and straightforward that were akin to numerous fireworks, firing right before his ear that made him momentarily go into a daze.

Did she know about his company's state? What did she mean he would never have to worry about his future projects?

"M- Mi— iss.." He stuttered, embarrassing his foolish self for being unable to get himself together. Understandably, this would be the biggest break he would ever come across in his career.

"Well, I must excuse myself first. I will send you the details as I prefer to add them onto it. Please give me the outline as soon as possible— preferably within this week." Lexi didn't mind him entering into a state of shock, rather she was amused by his genuine reaction which she already had expected.


Lexi and Engr. Choi discussed more things in detail: initial estimation, budgets, designs, and so on and so forth when he finally recovered before she left the establishment.

As soon as Lexi entered her car, she got her phone and speed-dialed Ethan Lu's number that has a contact name: Big Bao. The first ring wasn't even finished when the line was picked up and immediately connected soon after.

"Love you~" Was his first greeting that made her lips bloom into a lovely smile.

"I am outside Choi's Builders."

"Woah... so the bet is on?" He was in awe while he was in the middle of a meeting that made everyone inside the large conference room pause for a moment as the rest of the people inside stared at him with shocked looks, Ethan Lu said without a care to his surroundings.

"Mhmm, what? You think you'd win?" Smirking, Lexi arched her brows as she humored him.

"Hehe," Ethan Lu only chuckled as the thought of winning their bet would also be great as Lexi would take his helping hand. However, even if he lost, he wouldn't mind being squeezed out dry to benefit this cunning lady of his.

"Huh, you have to say hi to your new project engineer in three months. Bye~ I still have a class to attend, love you~" Lexi didn't wait for his response as she hung up the call shortly after she uttered those last words.

"I— love you..." Hearing the beeping sound indicating that the line was cut short, Ethan Lu frowned as she did it again— hung up on him. Sensing the odd silence around him, Ethan Lu raised his gaze and saw everyone was looking in his direction.

"What? Continue." Furrowing his brows, he blankly uttered and that snapped everyone back from their momentary daze as if they were the ones who obstructed the presentation.

"*Cough* Yes, master."

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