The Rise of the White Lotus

Chapter 250 My curiosity is killing me!

Chapter 250 My curiosity is killing me!

Later that night...

"Uh, yeah, that's the plan— don't worry, I got you a decent room that you'll like to stay in for the rest of your stay in the country." Looking through the car window from the back passenger seat, Ethan Lu uttered with his phone in front of his ear.

"I see, thank you. I will pack my stuff then." As flat and blank as it may sound, Louis Lu responded from the other end of the line.

"Alright, I'll see you later." Suddenly, an unreadable glint flashed across Ethan Lu's eyes that none would understand what it meant. With that said note, he cut the line short.

"Lyrick, are you positive about what Chris said?" Slowly putting down his phone, Ethan Lu still didn't look away from the side of the road as he asked his assistant, Lyrick Jiang who perched on the front passenger seat.

"Yes, Young Master. Mr. Yu said to keep an eye on Sir Louis Lu and said don't ask why— it's just his hunch." Slightly turning his head to his boss on the backseat, Lyrick Jiang affirmed.

Although he asked Chris Yu for an elaboration, it was evident that no matter how much he press on the matter, Chris Yu wouldn't give any more details. Hence, Lyrick Jiang could only respect the other party and remain silent.

Well, since Lyrick Jiang was Ethan Lu's most trusted guy, the fact that Chris Yu wasn't just a mere business owner but a retired agent. Also, about the circus that happened in the Liu Empire, that information was also fed to him from his boss.

Of course, he was shocked at first but since it wasn't his business and he only cared whether his young master was safe or not, Lyrick Jiang didn't dwell on it. Therefore, if Chris Yu warned them about Louis Lu, then, he was considered a threat that he, himself aside from Ethan Lu had to keep a better eye on the said person— no matter if he's a Lu family member or not.

"I see... it's probably a piece of classified information. At least, he gave me a heads up— a consolation for bothering me earlier." Ethan Lu slowly nodded his head in understanding. For some reason, Ethan Lu was rather calm upon hearing the news which was quite unusually usual.

"Anyway, wake me up when we arrived at the Yang Residence." Leaning his head back, Ethan Lu reminded as he closed his eyes.

Lyrick Jiang only nodded without a word and the driver retained his speed as he drove towards the said destination. Both men were unaware as to why their boss was heading towards the place as he didn't inform them of the reason. Unbeknownst to them, they will receive the shock of their life in an hour.


As they approached the huge gate of the said mansion, the guards automatically opened the gates seeing the familiar car of Ethan Lu— their future boss. Thus, the car smoothly entered the mansion's driveway and stopped several steps away from the residence's entrance.

"Master, we've arrived." This time, Lyrick Jiang slightly tugged Ethan Lu's knee for him to wake up. It was his third time calling his master's name but his boss appeared to be extra exhausted. Hence, in this final attempt to wake him up, Lyrick Jiang decided to tug his knee.

"Hmm?" Knitting his brows, Ethan Lu slowly opened his eyes until they were half-open. Looking through the window, he saw the familiar house of his beloved girlfriend.

"Ahh... wait for me here." Ethan Lu massaged the bridge of his nose as he tried to get up. Surely, between his lack of sleep, as well as their intense nighttime exercise last night, along with his tiring meetings all took a toll on him— making him a little groggy with a slight headache.

He then unhurriedly departed from the car, while dusting off the little creases on his business suit before he entered the manor without knocking as if it was his own home.

From inside the car, Lyrick Jiang and the quiet driver subconsciously watched their boss leisurely head to the house. Upon seeing their boss enter the place just like that, both unconsciously turned their heads to each other with the same questioning gaze.

"Red, any guess why he is here?" Breaking their awkward silence, Lyrick Jiang inquired, hoping to get a good answer from the driver whom he addressed as Red.

Jarred Guo, a 29 year-old-man had just recently been assigned to be Ethan Lu's bodyguard and driver. He had a monolid pair of black eyes, a small narrow nose, prominent cheekbones, and a symmetrical face. He was slim yet muscular and despite his age, he looked a little younger than his age. Nonetheless, he didn't look less decent-looking than Lyrick Jiang nor was he on par with Ethan Lu's charm. Still, with his appearance, it was certain that getting girls wasn't a problem for him.

"Meeting? An ambiguous one, maybe?" Nonchalantly shrugging his shoulders with both of his hands over the steering wheel, Jarred Guo responded. He cast Lyrick Jiang a disdainful gaze as if telling him 'you are the assistant, why are you asking me?'.

"With the Yang's? Do you think it's about what happened to Mr. Liu?" Lyrick Jiang ignored the spiteful gaze from his colleague as he rubbed his chin, pondering if his guess was correct.

If he remembered correctly, the yang's had close ties with the Liu family in the past. Hence, the possibility that the reason their boss was there was because of that.

However, there was still something that bugged him: why was their boss keeping it a secret to them? After all, Ethan Lu already informed them about everything regarding the matter including Chris Yu's secret. Hence, it just doesn't make sense.

"Why not ask the boss when he comes back to quench your thirst for gossip?" In a matter of fact tone, Jarred Guo lightly scoffed as he could not take seeing his colleagues hypocrisy.

Lyrick Jiang had always imposed himself as the perfect secretary. Well, he was somehow close to that as whatever order their boss gave, it was always properly executed using his brains. However, there's a catch— Lyrick Jiang was a busybody.

He might not show it to Ethan Lu but to his close friends and colleagues such as them, he would have bugged them with his speculations; especially when it was a time like this when they need to wait for their employer.

"Mhmm..." Still ignoring Jarred Guo's not so thrilling suggestion, Lyrick Jiang continued to rub his chin. He only needed a long beard and a mustache to depict a wise sage while contemplating how to make the world better.

After a second, Lyrick Jiang's hand stopped rubbing his chin as his eyes dilated with the sudden conclusion that struck his mind. Slowly turning his head to the driver's seat, his lips gaped a little which made Jarred Guo unconsciously draw his head back seeing the ugly expression plastered across his colleagues front.

"Mr. Yang had a da— daughter, ri— right?" Stuttering, Lyrick Jiang asked just for validation.

"I don't know!"

"Then, do you think the woman Young Master— No, that's impossible. Haha!" Interrupting his own train of thoughts, Lyrick Jiang laughed at his silly conclusion but after a second, his awkward laugh came into a full stop.

"Is it?"

"Are you even listening to me?" Dismayed to the core, Jarred Guo glared at him in extreme disgust as Lyrick Jiang was treating him like a wall and ignored his responses. "Why don't you ask Nico since he was always being fed with dog food?"

"He's mute about it!" Letting out a heavy exhale, god knows how many times Lyrick Jiang attempted to get a clue due to his curiosity about the mystery woman Ethan Lu was protecting and also, his secret heroine for straightening the life of this troublesome young master.

However, no matter how many hints he dropped, Ethan Lu's shadow, Nico Ma never allowed any information to slip. Therefore, he felt even more frustrated.

If only Lyrick Jiang could remember the time Ethan Lu assaulted Morris Liu, he could easily piece everything together. Alas, that vital memory was already buried deep within his mind as it occurred months ago. Moreover, a lot had happened during those months in the Lu family.

"Aish! My curiosity is killing me!"

"Your curiosity will indeed kill you." In a diss, Jarred Guo decided to breathe some fresh air as it seemed their boss would take a while. Hence, without a second's hesitation, he left the crazy nerd inside the car to save his ear from his crap.


After an hour or two, someone finally came out from the entrance of the Yang Mansion. At this time, Jarred Guo and Lyrick Jiang were both outside the car, patiently waiting for their dearest young master.

Seeing a male servant followed by two more female servants, both men furrowed their brows when their gaze landed on the luggage they were carrying. The three people headed towards their direction and the two only watched them come closer and closer to them.

"Bye, Mom, Dad!" Just then, a woman's cheery yet cold voice reached their ears despite the distance, that made the two widen their eyes immediately.

They slowly turned their gaze from the servants to the front door. There, they spotted their boss, guiding a gorgeous woman that was only wearing a pair of simple pajamas— their jaws dropped.

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