Chapter 103 Wrapped up

Despite the odd glances, Lexi found a spot for her to sit on. Arching her brows, Lexi glanced at the other artist that made them immediately looked away. Beside her, Abigail sat while carefully holding Lexi's phone.

"Lexi, do you really think that this was only for formality?" Still disturbed on Che Diayu's statement seconds ago, Abigail Fan inquired. After all, if what the girl said were all true, then, even if she was confident with Lexi's skills, there's little to no chance of her getting the role.

"Hmm, I think so too…" Uninterested in her manager's troubled heart, Lexi faintly hummed as she responded while slowly closing her eyes. She added,

"...unless Director Shen doesn't care what others think."

Lexi's complex statement left question marks on her manager. What does she mean by that? Was she expecting that Arnold Shen would just announce not to waste everyone's time because they already had a person to portray Chang'e? Or was she referring that if Arnold Shen doesn't have the guts to do so, the little chance of her to showcase her acting skills could change their minds?

Soon, the door of the room where the audition was taking place opened. Everyone subconsciously looked and saw a girl staff that was in charge of informing whos next to audition. As everyone anticipates who was next in line, the staff apologetically spoke.

"Everyone, I apologize but today's audition was wrapped up."

Upon hearing this abrupt announcement, disappointment from almost everyone gradually showed on their faces. Among them was Abigail Fan as her sliver of hope for Lexi's career to rise back in the limelight was clouded. She could not help but recalled Che Diayu's claims earlier.

On the other hand, Che Diayu smirked as she cast her triumphant gaze across her. Though Lexi didn't have a slight change on her surface, Che Diayu was still satisfied to hear the announcement. In her mind, the reason why the audition was abruptly finished was because Director Arnold Shen had probably received a call from her agency -- indicating that they give the role to her.

Hence, just thinking that Lexi would lose her mind behind her, Che Diayu was beyond delight.

'How dare you threaten me like that? We'll see if you could keep your high horse after this.' Che Diayu ridiculed inwardly. It was probably from jealousy of Lexi catching Wren Tanaka's attention or the fact that she was Lexi's former lackey that Che Diayu was inclined to get on Lexi's nerves.

Despite being frightened earlier seeing hearing the former Lexi she knew, however, Che Diayu convinced herself that there's no powerful family that backs her up since Lexi's engagement with Morris Liu was called off, therefore, she believed that their current standing was on par.

"Sis -- Lexi, uhmm..." Turning her conflicted gaze to her side, Abigail Fan pursed her lips as she didn't know what the right words she must utter to coaxed Lexi. After all, her informant told her that the audition was free from bribery and yet, it seems she thought wrong.

Moreover, knowing Lexi's attitude, she must be beyond displeased inside her and she'd probably wouldn't give Abigail a chance to manage her again. Lexi didn't respond despite hearing the abrupt announcement. She remained in her seat for some time with her eyes closed; getting herself into character.

The staff kept bowing and apologizing to the other auditionees as each and everyone began taking their leave in great dissatisfaction. After all, it was very rude to halt the screening just because they thought they got the person fitted for the role.

Yet, they couldn't speak their minds afraid that if they spouted their discontentment, the consequences would be dire. After all, Arnold Shen was still an influential individual in the entertainment industry.

Soon, only Lexi, her manager Abigail Fan, Che Diayu and her lackeys were the ones left on the waiting area. It was obvious that Che Diayu purposely didn't leave as she wanted to flaunt her victory to her. In her little mind, Lexi's reason why she chose to stay was to try her luck and plead to give her a chance.

At the same time, Lexi finally opened her eyes and moves it to Abigail Fan's hands where sleeping Churu rests. After seeing that she was doing good, Lexi heaved a sigh of relief as she unintentionally turned her head to see the Che Diayu across her.

Blinking her eyes numerous times, Lexi's expression was blank yet filled with pure innocence despite her smart beauty. Seeing her eyes, Abigail Fan gaped her lips apart as she knew that the person beside her wasn't Lexi anymore but the lunar deity Chang'e.

"Tss," Che Diayu scoffed as her assumptions in her mind were correct. She slowly stood?and this time, she was more dauntless as she prepared herself not to back down if Lexi would threaten her again. Slowly taking strides towards Lexi, Che Diayu thrust her chin a little upward as she looked down on Lexi's innocent yet blank front.

"You should give it up -- there's no way you'd snatch the role from me even if you plead for a chance." Che Diayu crossed her arms around her lower chest as she sneered.

"That's right, even if you get in character now, you're wasting your energy." Lackey number one backed up with a ridiculing smirk as she looked down on Lexi as well. After her, the other lackey also chimed in.

"Sister Diayu, let her try… she seems desperate without the spotlight on her."

"Well, I am only trying to save her ego -- we were friends before after all. But, if she really wanted to witness how they'd hand over the schedule for the role to me, then, suit yourself." Che Diayu sneered as felt superior with a stronger resolve this time. Surely, she wouldn't stop even if Lexi' asked her to.

Unbeknownst to them, the door from the room where they'd be screened silently opened from the inside revealing a group of people.

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