The rise of the pervert primordial

Chapter 506 Simultaneous Fights (Part 2)

Camila listened to Felicia's playful voice and her face blushed, she still hasn't resolved her the way she feels towards Aster, besides being a pervert a fact which he openly accepts and embraces with pride, he is practically the perfect partner candidate.

But only recently she stopped trying to be a servant and entered an equal relationship with him, she has never been in love so she doesn't know what it feels like, for the time being what she knows is that she had fun on their date and Aster never pressures any of them to anything.

He treats them well and respect the respective limits of each one of them, which is surprising considering how different they are from each other, some are more open and relaxed like Felicia, others are more serious like Tiana, there are friendly ones like Eris or Mylene and there are also enthusiastic ones like Agnes or Kana, as for herself, Camila will categorize her along with Vivian as "unexperienced" that will be the word she will use.

But even then, Vivian was easy going when it comes to deal with Aster, more than her, maybe because she is on the clueless side since she is younger and grew isolated from any contact, unlike Camila, who is aware of the matters between men and women in a more detailed way.

For Vivian probably there were only friends and enemies, it's not as if she doesn't know what she shouldn't allow others to do to her, as Joseph's eunuch state would suggest, but things like being close to Aster, going on dates or even staying in the same room to sleep are nothing to fret about, the same applies for Kana and Aria, in other words those who she considers completely safe to be with, without realizing that those aren't things one does with normal friends.

In a sense all of them are like that, when it comes to Aster, they can be at ease, none of them is sure why though, a pervert who does those kinds of things in broad daylight in a room next to them like him, should make them wary, but that's not the case.

They used to have the theory that it was Aster dragon lineage's charm, but Lilia told them that a dragon's charm doesn't work like that, the males from the main branch of the Drage can use that, and she can confirm that it's more like mind control than charm, naturally there are restrictions and she affirmed that it wouldn't have worked with Agnes, Eris and Mylene, naturally it wouldn't have worked with her as well, she knows it as others have tried just to get mercilessly destroyed by Lilia back then of course.

Camila slightly shook her head realizing her reaction only made Felicia's smile widen, she had already started her attack and a giant black hole was bringing despair to a group of enemies at her left.

"Hey, that's cheating", mumbled Camila, just to see Felicia shrugging.

"Everything is fair in love and war~", she even winked at Camila before she jumped into the battlefield, her hair turned black inked and her soul energy enhanced spirit pressure flooded the battlefield, those who were affected by her soul energy lost concentration and their Seas of Knowledge were devoured by the black vortex that appeared behind of her, making the respective cultivator scream and vomit blood as they suffered backslash from their Sea of Knowledge being destroyed.

Camila pouted, she rolled her spear in her hands and then she exploded in a dazzling silver and golden light, it was as if her beautiful body was covered with the most precious gems and minerals that existed, this was the treasure aura she learned to use thanks to Aster making her realize her own value.

"Pierce!", Camila thrusted her spear frontwards and a line of light was short from the tip of her natal treasure, the enemies didn't have time to react at all, Camila's attack bypassed their defenses easily and made a hole on the heads of a complete line of them, in fact it didn't stop and pierced a hole through one of the trunks of the crystal trees.

Felicia saw it and she had to admit that the power of her spear was terrifying, some people were using helmets or they were body cultivators and such a thin energy attack pierced through.

Naturally Camila had to burn a drop of silver liquid each time she attacked using treasure aura, but the effect was insane.

Camila proudly smiled at Felicia, like saying "I won't lose" and then those two continued with their little contest to see who killed more of the around two thousand human army.

At the left side of their battlefield, there was a more personal fight ongoing, the Fritz's attribute is related to metal element, but unlike Camila who can create all kinds of things with her attribute, what they can do is cover themselves with metal.

It's not a specific metal but one that the body of each person produces according to their talent, they call the attribute of the main branch of the family, steel attribute by convenience since it has a grey color.

It's by that same reason that they focus on body cultivation, since their strength is naturally increased by their attribute.

As a proof of that, the Fritz elder who was now cladded in a grey metal, clashed against a black spherical object.

"Clang!!!", a deafening sound of metals colliding echoed through the whole area, gusts of wind were released due to the impact, the clash stalled for a couple of seconds but ultimately the victor was revealed when the pained growl of the grey cladded figure sounded.

"Aghh, damn it my hand!", the Fritz elder saw his hand trembling and he took some distance from Alxandra whose expression was as cold as winter.

"When you helped that piece of trash to steal the Orchid that would have healed my mother, I told you that I was going to break all your bones and then kill you", she coldly said.

The Fritz elder inspected his hand as a body cultivator he could tell… that the bone was broken.

'What the hell is this bitch's body made of, even if she is cultivating with the precious manual mentioned by second uncle, I'm two major realms higher than her, my steel attribute should outmatch her easily!', he inwardly thought, before he answered.

"Humph, don't get carried away, your family is a disgrace to the Fritz, your mother could have had everything and also help the family that raised her, but she had to go open her legs to a random nobody, she deserves to be a cripple for the rest of her miserable life".

"It's a shame that we only discovered who are you recently, the clan head can keep you safe outside, but here you are dead meat, don't worry I'll let you "contribute" to the family in your mother's stead, since your attribute is so strong, I bet your primordial yin will be a great help for me, don't worry after I'm done with you can become a nice pill, that way you can return all the resources you have taken from the family", said the elder as he licked his lips.

He is from a secondary family of the main branch being a distant relative of the Patriarch, who was lucky to have inherited the lineage of the main branch, in terms of talent he should be better than the useless second generation that is the son of the Patriarch, but not enough to be declared the young master of the sect.

Unfortunately, he has reached his limit in terms of development for the Transcending realms, unless he consumes something like the Diamond Bone Orchid his talent won't increase, and since the young master of the Castle Armored sect wants that, how can he dare to covet it, it's better to give it away and get rewarded and so he did.

But now a chance to change his fate was given to him by the heavens themselves, sometimes members of a family are born with an abnormally high lineage concentration, among them there are some whose primordial yin or yang can help their first partners improve their talent, instead of just helping the other increase cultivation which is the normal.

Naturally for talent increase besides some very specific exceptions, it only works for those who share the same lineage, as an example of that, Lilia's primordial yin helped Aster restore his worn-out dragon lineage on the spot, though according to Rya thanks to the paragon body it would have recovered overtime.

The Fritz elder was smiling from ear to ear, he had the daughter of the sister of the Patriarch at his disposition right now, so this was a moment of inflexion for him, if he could steal her primordial yin, his talent will probably surpass the one of the Patriarch, and he will be able to compete even at the level of the high Stellar Systems.

The poisonous words of the Fritz elder made Alexandra murderous aura explode out of her body, remembering her mother's state she gritted her teeth.

"You beasts are all the same!", she shouted.

The Fritz elder laughed as he summoned his Genesis Core, it was a solid grey sphere of around two hundred meters, though it was smaller than the one of the female elder from the Pleasure Palace, it wasn't filled with impurities, which is normal as he used the reward given to him by the Castle Armored sect for his services, purifying his Genesis Core, which made it smaller but of a better quality.

"That's right come here, my Heavy Steel Genesis Core will be the perfect scenery for my renaissance hahaha!", the voice of the Fritz elder could be heard coming from within the gray Genesis Core.

Even then Alexandra didn't stop her charge, the rest of the black metal which was covering her right arm separated from her and formed a complete black sphere around her, before the sphere completely closed her pretty lips could be seen moving, but the sound couldn't leave before the sphere was formed.


The two spheres clashed on the air, a large grey one against a small black one, the situation would be comical if not for the fact that the scene of Alexandra's defense being obliterated so that he can confine her inside his Genesis Core, which the Fritz elder expected to see, didn't happen.

"Just accept your fate and become a trampoline for my success, you damn disgrace!", shouted the Fritz elder, a second metal layer covered his whole Genesis Core, increasing the force with which it was pushing forward.

But to the elder's surprise, even with all that the small black sphere wasn't budging, no, in fact let alone showing signs of breaking, he couldn't advance even a centimeter, which made him feel insulted.

"Steel Mountain Hammer!", the elder injected all his spirit energy into the Genesis Core, making it heavier as it tried to crush Alexandra's defense.

The pupils of the elder contracted as needles as he noticed that the point of contact between his Genesis Core and the black sphere, showed signs of the layer of metal on his core cracking, he was damaging his core the more he pushed against Alexandra's defense.

'No good, this bitch has done something, I can feel the impulse behind my Genesis Core diminishing!', he screamed in his heart.

Unfortunately, he realized it too late, the black sphere dissipated and all the pieces that formed it, aligned in front of Alexandra's little fist, when you compare her around 1.8 meters slender body with the two hundred meters Genesis Core, she looks really small.

And yet the elder who felt all the alarms ringing in his heart, wanted to retrieve his Genesis Core but he was one step to late.

"Heavenly Reflection", with those words, Alexandra punched forwards and the black metal plaques expanded to each one be of around five meters of size, which again it sounds small compared with the Genesis Core.

But that only made the elder despair even more, Alexandra wasn't holding back at all, the moment her fist made contact with the first black metal plaque a thunderous explosion echoed through the battlefield.


It was as if the space itself had cracked, that was the sound of a Genesis Core being destroyed by punching a hole through it, well more accurately around a quarter of it was blown into smithereens, so now instead of a perfect spherical shape instead it looked like a crescent moon.



Two more sounds followed that thunderous explosion, first the sound of what was left of the Genesis Core crumbling apart into debris, the second one was the Fritz elder vomiting blood due having his Genesis Core destroyed, his aura plummeted all the way to the Sea of Knowledge realm and it was decreasing more with each second that passed.

The body of the elder fell from the sky and heavily landed on the ground, luckily, he was a body cultivator of the impact alone would have destroyed all his bones.

The elder immediately tried to take something out of his pocket, he had a lifesaving elixir that he got from the Castle Armored sect, with that he will be able to at least escape from this place, but before his hand could reach it, a piece of black metal landed on his arm, crushing it into meat paste.

"Aghhhh!", the elder screamed in pain, but he was unable to say anything else, a second before everything went dark for him, the last thing he saw was Alexandra whose breath was a bit erratic, descending from the sky with a cold expression on her face.

"Go die, scum", those were the last words he heard, before the black metal plaques of Alexandra landed on him making not only his body but the whole ground in a one-kilometer radius explode, it was as if a mountain had fallen from the sky.

Alexandra looked at the bloody mess that was filtrating from the spaces between her metal plaques and the ground and she snorted.

"One less, just wait Benedict Atria, Sean Fritz, you two are next", she mumbled before she landed on the ground to catch up her breath, unlike when she fought the alligator, she used a lot of her spirit energy this time, also the attacks she blocked were heavier and stronger.

In exchange her fight ended up pretty fast, so she thought she was the first one, but when she turned around to see how where the others doing, she froze on the spot.

'Damn dual cultivators', she thought.

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