The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 299 - The Fallen Agent

Chapter 299: Chapter 299 The Fallen Agent

Translator: Doggotranslation

Jing Ning’s “tragedy” also completed the ending of “Phantom Mind”. Although the protagonist in the book successfully escaped from the chaotic mind world, what greeted him after returning to reality was not a happy ending, but extremely cruel reality. Although he woke up, the woman he loved could never wake up again.

This ending probably mapped the relationship between Jing Ning and Xiao Liu. After all, they had two very different personalities. However, if there was a sequel, the protagonist would probably enter the mind of the woman he loved, and then rescue her from her mind, and if they got out together, then it would definitely be a happy ending.

However, from the current situation, Jing Ning’s relationship was destined to be a tragedy.

But at this point, the story “Phantom Mind” was finally completed. Just from the story itself, Zhou Yu was actually quite like it, but he did not know what it would be like if it was adapted into a game. He could tell what the heartless girl would look like after it was adapted into a game because he had seen the entire quest journey. But the Phantom Mind was only text-based, so it was quite hard to imagine.

After the game company was upgraded into Hu Tu studio, it hasn’t produced any games, which made Zhou Yu feel very frustrated. Originally, he had been looking forward to seeing how the game would be different after the upgrade, but he didn’t expect that he had already gotten two stories, but he still couldn’t gather enough talented people to make a game.

At present, the only people who could enter the six-pointed star disc were Lou Baobao, the action superstar, and the embroidered Shadowless Hand, who could enhance the operability of the game and the ingenuity of the in-game items. He still needed, at least, one more person, and the most ideal person should be an RPG representative. This configuration should be the most suitable for “the heartless girl”.

Of course, if there were more talented people, it would be even better.

Anyway, at the moment, he could only wait.

And just as Zhou Yu continued to do his best to plant the flower seedlings of the ACG world, an unexpected harvest came to him by itself.

That was when “Blood Moon Mist” was just released in the theaters and began to generate profit. Although the movie was also being released at the same time in the ACG world, it could only be shown in some small theaters because of the suppression. Therefore, the profit that was generated in The ACG World would be very limited.

However, the movie, which did not attract much response and was released at a loss, still received more newspaper coverage in The ACG World. The most important reason was the leaving of Beidou, as well as Xia Huan’s final curtain call speech, which caused a great discussion in The ACG World.

Is the extreme conflict between the fallen city and the starlight city really the right choice? Or it was deliberately created by someone.

There were people who supported and who disagreed with it. And everyone was also waiting to see what would happen to the Beidou company after they joined Luhua city.

However, at this turbulent moment, a strange company suddenly came out to support Luhua city. They claimed that they would follow Beidou and joined Luhua city. The weirdest thing was that this company was not a member of the Starlight Alliance, but a member of the fallen Horde.

Nowadays, Zhou Yu also started to read the newspapers of The ACG World. Although the text in the original newspapers was too small for him to read clearly, listening to the news that was read by little Muli’s clear and crispy voice while enjoying breakfast has already become his everyday routine.

For Zhou Yu, the news of the ACG world was much more interesting than the news in the real world. When hearing this shocking news, Zhou Yu also couldn’t help but open his mouth in disbelief. Did he have the aura of a king? Was this the reason why people were now starting to join him?

“Xia Huan, is this guy called Shang Yue an old acquaintance of yours?”

Zhou Yu thought that Xia Huan had secretly made contact with a company in the Fallen City. After all, in his belief, starlight idols could coexist with fallen idols. So this was entirely possible. If this were the case, then not only would the Luhua City have a starlight idol management company, but it would also have a fallen idol management company. Coupled with the wandering idol community, the chaotic force would basically form its foundation.

Unfortunately, Zhou Yu’s guess was wrong. Xia Huan shook his head and said with confusion, “No, I didn’t dare to have any contact with the fallen Horde before I knew you. Otherwise, the authorities of the starlight city wouldn’t have let me get Beidou back on its feet again. But I seem to have heard of the name Shang Yue somewhere before. Let me think...”

Xia Huan bowed his head and thought for a while. After a while, he finally said, “I remember it! It is the famous Heifengzhai management company! A troublemaker in the fallen city, and one of the top ten fallen youths. Even in the fallen city, he is also a notorious figure.”

Holy shit, that bad? That means we should not let this kind of person get into Luhua city at all. Zhou Yu already knew what the management companies in the fallen city looked like. He has actually personally met a few of them. So if he let an elite fallen management company, like Heifengzhai management company into the city, who knows what they would do to Luhua city.

“The King of Thieves, please pass down my order, if anyone from Heifengzhai management Company wants to see me, do not let them into the city, and I will not meet them.”

Just when Zhou Yu gave this order, he was immediately stopped by Xia Huan, “Wait, old Zhou, I think it might be better to meet him. Although Heifengzhai is notorious, I have never heard that they would make his fallen idols do anything that is considered out of line. Although the way he does things is indeed very strange, he is actually quite like us.”

What? There are also people like Xia Huan in the Fallen City?

“Speaking of this Shang Yue, he is also a legend in the Fallen City. There are many reports about him even in Starlight City. Let me tell you what I know.”

Since there was someone going to tell a story, all the children of Zhou Yu immediately gathered around to listen to what uncle Xia Huan was about to say.

Shang Yue, a fallen agent, inherited the Heifengzhai management company from his father. Because he was able to bring a company that was alienated by many people into the center of the fallen city, it made him become famous when he was very young. The reason why Heifengzhai became so famous was that in fact, it was once destroyed, but then, later on, it was brought back to life and took revenge on its enemy successfully.

When Heifengzhai was on its way to becoming a very successful management company, no one knew what they had done that offended the Divine Sword Pavilion, the most powerful management company at that time, it caused the Divine Sword Pavilion to suddenly attack them. You have to know that at that time, almost half of the fallen city’s force belonged to the Divine Sword Pavilion. So no matter how successful the Heifengzhai management company was, they still could not compete with such a big company.

Therefore, they were completely crushed by them.

And the legend of Shang Yue started after Hefengfengzhai was crushed to a point that there was only him in the company. During the attack, as if Shang Yue became a completely different person, he completely changed his arrogant and domineering manner, and successfully escaped from the Divine Sword Pavilion’s capture several times.

Although the Divine Sword Pavilion had tried their best, they still could not eliminate Heifengzhai completely. However, while it focused on hunting down Shang Yue, many other management companies secretly stabbed the Divine Sword Pavilion in the back, and in the end, it resulted in the complete collapse of the Divine Sword Pavilion empire.

After listening to Shang Yue’s story, Zhou Yu also became curious about this Shang Yue. Just based on the fact that this person’s management company would not force their idols to do anything that they did not want, they could be regarded as a like-minded partner, so Zhou Yu thought that he should meet him.

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