The Rise of Otaku

Chapter 152 The Peerless Moe battle

Chapter 152 The Peerless Moe battle

Star Light city and the fallen city were two opposition factions, but even if they opposed each other, they had a common festival. It was the all-idol competition of the ACG world, which was also called the Peerless Moe Battle.

It was held every two years, and it was a grand event, that equivalent to the Olympic Games in the real world. And this strange event also had a strange custom. It was that during the week leading up to the start of the competition, the people of Star Light city and the fallen city were allowed to vent their frustration and dissatisfaction at each other and use any means to attack each other, including fists. This was the so-called lawful battle.

But after a week of venting, the two sides must put aside their differences and work together to keep the order at the event. First, beat each other up crazily and then work together intimately? Zhou Yu didn’t know which kind of crazy person set this rule.

After the person in charge of the office of Star Light alliance explained it, both sides began to beat each other brutally, using all the strength they got. They even used the move such as “a thousand years of pain” to make the opponents’ clothes explode during the battle. The scene was very bloody. For the entire week next week, the fighting would go on and on until they were completely exhausted.

Hearing this explanation, Zhou Yu felt that it would be inappropriate for him to stop them fighting each other, because this was their custom, so, in the end, he could only stand there watching. But there was one thing that confused him. Why the old dragon king didn’t know the existence of this festival, why did he hurriedly ask him to come here immediately?

Hearing Zhou Yu’s question, the old dragon king sighed and said, “our village has been in a very poor condition for a long time. This old man has never heard of the peerless Moe battle, so of course, this old man wouldn’t know anything about this custom. Boy, because of you, Luhua village could finally be prosperous, and this old man can also see this kind of grand event.”

God knows how many years, that the old dragon king and the carpenter beaver, those two unfortunate fellows had been staying in Luhua village. They didn’t even know about this festival. With such a long time of loneliness, those two old men didn’t even spark the flame of love, it was truly an inspirational story.

In the mini Luhua village, the people who joined the alliance and the Horde were only little Muli and Bai Mo, fortunately, they were brothers and sisters, so they would not fight each other, otherwise, Zhou Yu really wouldn’t know what to do.

Two days later, the two offices were still at each other’s throats, but in the midst of their busy fighting schedule, they still sent an invitation to Zhou Yu. Little Muli was a D-rated Star Light idol, and Bai Mo was a new G-rated fallen idol. Both of them were required to participate in the competition in the relevant division in each faction.

After a careful look at the promotional brochure, the champion of the two factions could get a lot of prizes, especially the D-graded Idol Aptitude Potion, which was simply the magic weapon, that the lower-rated idols dreamt to have. Because it could improve an idol’s Aptitude. However, it was only limited to the idol, that was below the level of excellence, and the higher level the idol was, the worse the effect would be.

However, it seemed to be useless to little Muli, because she was a perfect idol, and Bai Mo was also a good idol. They didn’t need it at all.

At this moment, little Muli suddenly said, “Dad, I want to participate in the competition and give the Aptitude Potion to big brother Nian, he will be very happy.”

‘Oh, my God, How can I forget about little Niannian.’ He was the eldest kid in the family, but he could only have the title of ‘inferior idol’ and struggled with this title outside. As his father, he totally failed to take care of him properly. The worst thing was, that he had to be reminded by his daughter, that he still had a son outside. It was really sad.

That’s it! No matter what, he had to help little Muli to win the Division D’s competition, and then at least, improve little Niannian’s attributes to the ordinary level and then get him back to the family. And in terms of Bai Mo, although the rewards of the division G were definitely not better than the division D, there was still some good stuff. After all, it was a grand event that was held once every two years.

Regarding Aptitude, little Muli could even compete in the S division, but after all, she lacked experience. Bai Mo was also the same, so the chances of them both winning the title were very high. Of course, they couldn’t treat it lightly because there may be other talented but inexperienced idols out there.

But there was a problem.

The competition would begin five days later, the division G’s competition would be hosted in a northern city, and the division D’s competition would be hosted in a southern city near the coast. One in the South, and one in the North, what should he do?

Regarding this problem, a special family meeting was held.

However, after the problem was mentioned and before the problem was solved, Firefly, Yang Kuai, Kaka and Benben began to complain. They were tired of staying in the village all the time. Finally, there was a chance of going out, how could they miss it.

Firefly was the first to say that she must leave the village with him, “look, old man, Follower Muli’s supporter group is so dangerous, don’t you need a bodyguard along the way to protect little Muli? Having Dean at home is more than enough.”

Kaka also didn’t want to lose this opportunity, “how can you leave the village without bringing a chef? Without hot soup and hot dishes, how do you have the energy to fight other people? Without any energy, how can you win the competition? So, I and Benben also must follow you, Dad you can’t leave us home, otherwise, we are not going to teach you how to cook anymore.”

Benben could not speak, but he was constantly nodding his head to agree with Kaka’s word.

Alas, headaches, all those bratty kids were only thinking about how much fun they would have after leaving the village, none of them wanted to give in. This trip was not going to be easy at all. Actually, it was quite understandable after thinking about it. It was like a carnival that happened once in two years, how could they not follow along to see?

“Quiet, all of you, otherwise, I’ll not take any one of you with me.”

It seemed like he had to bring them all, otherwise, who knows what kind of troubles they would make at home.

After agreeing to take them all, these kids finally quieted down and began to discuss how to split into two teams.

Not only was it dangerous for little Muli, but it was also dangerous for Bai Mo, after all, he was also an idol. Although he was a man, he was also very pretty. You never know some people might be into this kind of thing. But Firefly certainly did not want to be with him. Those two were not on good terms, and Firefly did not like men, who were more beautiful than herself.

All the bodyguards that were left. were the old drunkard, Jack the mouse and Bubu the squirrel.

Bubu always followed Zhou Yu out of the village to do quests, his friendliness towards Zhou Yu had already leveled up to 5 stars, which made Jack very unhappy, so this time, no matter what happened, he must follow Zhou Yu. He also wanted to teach Zhou Yu swordsmanship. Otherwise, he would not be watching Zhou Yu practicing Lance techniques on the side every day. However, Zhou Yu thought that he must be thinking, that it was definitely fun to kick the asses of the people from the real world.

In this way, four bodyguards were split into two teams, Firefly and Jack would protect little Muli. The old drunkard and Bubu would protect Bai Mo. As for Zhou Yu, he took the other kids with him and stayed with little Muli. After all, girls needed more protection than boys.

“Bai Mo, take care of yourself. Since it is the first time you leave the village, on the way, listen to Bubu more often, he has experience. Don’t run around alone and let me know at once if anything happens.”

Zhou Yu, at the moment, was like an old grandma worrying about the safety of her grandchildren. He even took out a bunch of Moe Coins and gave it to Bubu. Whether it was in the real world or the ACG world, having money would always be easy for you to do anything.

“I want coins, too!”

The old drunkard was not happy. However, Zhou Yu did not trust him. Because whenever this guy had money, he would definitely spend on alcohol.

After a lot of trouble, he finally got all his things ready and set out the next day.

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