The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 34 - Chapter 34 Thirty-Four: Promise

Chapter 34 Thirty-Four: Promise

Translator: 549690339

“Your Highness, currently football has gained widespread attention and welcome in Europe. If the headquarters of FIFA are set up outside Europe, wouldn’t there be too many problems?” Hessman asked nervously.

Although Hessman knew that trying to wrest the location of FIFA from Arthur’s hands was virtually impossible, he still decided to give it a shot.

“Oh? What specific problems are there? Could Mr. Hessman please elaborate?” Arthur looked at Hessman with interest and chuckled.

Seeing that Arthur wasn’t being tyrannical, Hessman was elated and quickly said, “Your Highness, at present, most of the countries in the world that have football associations or are about to establish football associations are in Europe. This shows that FIFA will be welcomed and recognized by Europe. I believe that FIFA’s headquarters should be located in Europe, which makes the management of football affairs and organization of large-scale events more convenient. After all, Europe is at the center of the world, and so is football.”

Looking at Arthur’s expression and finding that Arthur did not show any dissatisfaction or anger because of his words, Hessman sighed with relief and continued, “If the FIFA headquarters are located outside Europe, firstly, there are not many football associations and clubs in other regions, and football isn’t as popular. Secondly, FIFA is here to manage and coordinate football affairs globally. Being outside Europe might complicate dealing with worldwide affairs and organizing events due to reasons of distance and time. It might not garner global response, especially within Europe, from the majority of countries.”

What Hessman said was indeed correct. Historically, the inaugural World Cup organized by FIFA was just like that. Because it was held in South America, most European nations didn’t participate, and the impact of the first World Cup was primarily felt in South America.

However, Arthur didn’t care much about this. If FIFA was established with the support of Australia, then its headquarters must be located in Australia. Regarding the hosting of events, Australia should be given priority, and this was Arthur’s bottom line.

Arthur was no saint, he wouldn’t contribute his ample funds to FIFA for nothing.

If they wanted Arthur’s support to establish FIFA, then the future FIFA must also give something in return in order to gain Arthur’s support.

“None of these are issues, Mr. Hessman. FIFA is a unified football association worldwide. We can’t limit our vision to Europe because of the current development of football. If you are willing to establish FIFA’s headquarters in Australia, then Australia will support your establishment of FIFA and be willing to contribute to FIFA’s events. My debating words may seem like a hidden threat, but they are indeed firm and resolute.”

“Your Highness, if FIFA is located thousands of miles away in Australia, I’m afraid FIFA’s various events won’t be welcomed in Europe. Due to temporal and geographical reasons, plus financial limitations, possibly not many countries would participate in the events in the future.” Hessman hastily reminded Arthur.

Hessman felt the hint of a threat in Arthur’s words. Although the demands of Australia currently seemed fair compared to demands from European nations, who could guarantee that FIFA would not be influenced by the Australian Government in the future?

After all, you have to lower your head under someone else’s roof.

“Mr. Hessman need not worry about this. If FIFA intends on hosting large- scale events worldwide in the future, Australia is willing to cover all the costs of the event, including the travel expenses of any clubs and national teams. I believe that Mr. Hessman has seen Australia’s sincerity. If Mr. Hessman still doesn’t believe it, then I’m afraid I can offer nothing more.” Arthur cut off Hessman’s explanation with a wave of his hand and stood up, laughing softly.

If Hessman wanted Australia’s support, yet didn’t want to give Australia any benefit, Arthur could only call this wishful thinking.

FIFA and its creation, the World Cup, even in later generations, were significant and influential sporting institutions and events.

Being able to seize control of FIFA in its early stages at this time would allow Australia to greatly enhance its international reputation and attract immigrants through the future World Cups.

For a new-born country like Australia, international reputation and the attraction of immigrants are the two most important things. To become a recognized superpower by the world, it’s crucial that the world knows you, isn’t it?

“Alright, Your Highness. I agree to your terms. I will discuss it with the French Football Association and expedite the establishment of FIFA and move its headquarters to Australia.” Hessman, after much deliberation, eventually chose to compromise with Arthur rather than giving up on the great deed of establishing FIFA that would secure his place in football history.

“Very well, Mr. Hessman, you’ve made the right choice,” Arthur smiled and said, “Australia will fully support you to lobby the European Football Associations to create FIFA and elect you as the first Secretary-General of FIFA.”

As the saying goes, show a stick then a carrot. After taking many benefits from Hessman, Arthur didn’t mind pushing him to the lofty position of FIFA’s leader, letting him truly make a mark in football history.

“Thankyou, Your Highness. Rest assured, after I return to Europe, I’ll get right to uniting the French and other countries’ football associations to speed up the creation of FIFA. Please prepare the funds needed in advance, and we can start building FIFA by the end of this year at the earliest.” At last, Hessman’s face showed joy and excitement.

One of the reasons Hessman was keen to create FIFA was to make a significant mark in the development history of football. The second was his genuine desire to accelerate the development of the field of football.

As the Secretary-General of the Dutch Football Association, Hessman’s passion for football can’t be doubted.

However, when compared to his own reputation, it is probably only Hessman who knows whether passion is important or not.

Hessman was clearly pleased with the situation’s development. The establishment of FIFA was progressing well, and Hessman had also received Arthur’s promise to support his election as the first Secretary-General of FIFA. The double fulfilment of his career and passion made Hessman, a man nearing fifty, experience a surge of excitement and enthusiasm that he hadn’t felt in a long time.

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