The Rise Of Australasia

Chapter 28 - Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-Eight: Cleaning Plan

Chapter 28: Chapter Twenty-Eight: Cleaning Plan

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Building an advanced university along with the follow-up expenses, and the cost of constructing many primary schools across Australia arc considerable.

It may seem surprising and absurd at a glance, but upon further consideration,

it is perfectly sensible.

Primary school construction, as the start of basic education, actually costs very little, even some high school graduates can serve as primary school teachers.

Under these circumstances, the cost of hiring teachers for a university has been significantly reduced, and primary schools do not require any scientific research facilities, just textbooks and desks and chairs. An rudimentary primary school is ready to go.

“Minister Richard, I am giving you a total of five million pounds in funds, and I am allowing you to apply for an additional budget of one million pounds over the next three years. My requirement is to see at least one hundred primary schools established by the end of this year, and the construction of the university should also be realised within two years. Can you manage that?” Arthur looked at Minister Richard, smiling meaningfully as he asked.

The difficulty of founding an education system and building an industrial system is different, building an industrial only needs to stick to the rules, designate an appropriate industrial area, and start producing equipment.

However, building an education system, in addition to considering the rational allocation of teaching staff, textbooks, and supplies, also needs to consider the source of students and the demand for schools in various cities.

If schools are established blindly, it may not only waste a huge amount of funds, but also serve no purpose, wasting efforts.

“No problem, Your Highness! I promise that we will see the results of basic education within a year, and the fruits of the university within two years.” Minister Richard Burke stood up and said solemnly.

What Arthur had given him was a rather challenging task, but if he could complete this task, he would gain considerable credit.

Both Minister Pierre and Minister Richard, they were born of British political elites, and now they are at the prime age of politician, in their forties and fifties.

They did not want their political careers to end, they were willing to strive, even if it is horrendously difficult, to say nothing of a task that is only somewhat difficult.

“Very good.” Arthur nodded in satisfaction, then spoke to Minister Richard and Minister Pierre: “The tasks of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Industry in these three years are heavy, but if they are completed smoothly, you will all gain considerable credit. Currently, Australia is in its most crucial period of golden development, and this is exactly when we need talents like


Seeing Arthur say this, both Minister Pierre and Minister Richard looked excited, and they became even more determined in their hearts to accomplish their tasks over the next three years.

“Minister Thomas, how is the situation in the Department of Public Security? After the integration of the police stations from the six states, how many policemen does Australia have now?” Arthur turned around and looked at Minister Thomas Chckh of Public Security, and asked.

With the establishment of Australia, the original police stations of the six states were naturally integrated, and were included under the jurisdiction of the Department of Public Security.

However, because the police stations of each state had been doing their own things previously, it would take some time to manage these police forces reasonably.

“Your Highness, there are currently 41 municipal police stations and 6 provincial police stations in Australia, and a total of over six hundred police officers. However, neither the current number of police stations nor the number of police officers can meet the needs of maintaining normal public order in Australia. Plus, the distribution of police stations is very unbalanced, the number of police stations in New South Wales State is close to the total number of West Australia and South Australia.” Minister Thomas Chekh of Public Security stood up and reported truthfully.

Arthur was taken aback by this, he hadn’t expected the law enforcement in Australia to be so sparse, no wonder the economy didn’t flourish in the previous colonial period.

“What is the crime rate in our country? Since the establishment of the country, how many cases have been reported?” Arthur asked with a serious look.

The weakness of the public security forces means that the social order in Australia is not stable.

Added to this the lax management of the states previously, street fights and even shootouts are quite common.

If such serious cases occur and the police station cannot handle it in time, people may become somewhat disappointed in the government.

Once such incidents accumulate, even if they can be solved one by one in the future, the damage to the government’s image cannot be restored.

Therefore, the problem of law and order needs to be resolved urgently. This will not only improve the public security situation in Australia but also indirectly enhance the attractiveness to immigrants.

After all, who would want to migrate to a country where gunfights are frequent? When one’s personal safety cannot be guaranteed, even with many temptations, it will make people hesitate and even give up.

“Your Highness, due to the inefficiency of each police station at present, the crime rate could not be well documented. But based on my investigation, in New South Wales State alone, since the establishment of Australia, there have been over a thousand cases, at least fifty of which were murder cases.” Minister Thomas lowered his head with a trace of shame.

“That’s alright, Minister Thomas. The lack of complete data before was not your fault.” Arthur looked at Minister Thomas, who was somewhat ashamed, and consoled him.

“But I hope that the chaotic situation in Australia can be resolved within a year. I hope that next year, the crime rate in Australia can be significantly reduced, and preferably, no murder cases should occur. If there are serious crimes such as murders, they must be handled swiftly and fairly, and a certain amount of compensation should be given to the victims’ families.” With a shift in the conversation, Arthur made his demand.

“Also, I hope we can set up police stations in all our cities, even if they are small police stations with only two or three people. Australians should be a prosperous and advanced wonderful home, not the cradle of these damned criminals.” Arthur looked around, adamantly saying: “But this does not mean that there are no requirements in the Public Security Department when recruiting police officers. First of all, all police officers must undergo strict identity and background checks, and then undergo long-term training before they can be assigned. Before our police officers are fully trained, we cannot just sit and watch the terrible public security situation in Australia. The public security department should immediately carry out investigations, any group with a gang background should be a focus of your investigation. As for any individual or force, once criminal evidence is found, they should be arrested directly. If you need more manpower, I can assign a thousand soldiers from the military to assist you.”

Arthur’s words directly sentenced all dangerous gangs in Australia to death.

Even the most powerful gang can’t compete with a country.

Everyone felt pity for those gangs. In the face of a thousand strong regular military forces, even if all the gangs in Australia were added together, they would not be able to compete..

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